Sep 26, 2019 13:15
4 yrs ago
100 viewers *
French term


French to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) GDPR
In the context of GDPR is this always translated as subprocessor or can it be subcontractor?
Is there any difference with 'sous-traitant ultérieur'?
Proposed translations (English)
5 +3 [data] processor
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Dec 9, 2021 17:13: Rabie El Magdouli changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

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B D Finch Sep 26, 2019:
@Asker You seem to have contexts that are about data processing, but other contexts where this is about subcontracting. These need to be kept distinct and "sous-traitant", "traitance" or "sous-traitance" understood each time in its particular context.
Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
or is it subcontracting in this context? Sorry for being dim, but it is confusing!!
Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
Thanks for clarifying. What happens when you have "la convention relative à la sous-traitance des données à caractère personnel"? is this left merely as processing then?
writeaway Sep 26, 2019:
Oh dear -just noticed As a lowly non-payer, I am not entitled to post an agree.
James Roden Sep 26, 2019:
Not exactly. Processing is "traitement" but the Processor is the "sous-traitant" and not "traitant" so again, beware of false friends. Check each term by consulting corresponding sentences in the legislation rather than trying to extrapolate.

The EUR-Lex site offers multilingual view of legislation, so you can see the FR and EN side by side and check each term. Here, for example, is the GDPR/RGPD in EN/FR view:

Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
Thanks James, your answer is exhaustive. Accordingly, I take it sous-traitance is sub-processing and traitance is processing?
writeaway Sep 26, 2019:
Not really the same as ulteriore Check any Fr-En dictionary. It's a bit of a false friend if one is thinking in Italian
Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
Another example - context:
Il appartient au sous-traitant de s’assurer que le sous-traitant ultérieur présente les mêmes garanties suffisantes quant à la mise en œuvre de mesures techniques et organisationnelles appropriées de manière à ce que le traitement réponde aux exigences du règlement européen sur la protection des données.
Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
Cette sous-traitance ne peut être effectuée que si le responsable de traitement n'a pas émis d'objection ou de demandes d’informations pendant le délai convenu.
Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
So further/another subcontraor?
B D Finch Sep 26, 2019:
@Asker No, you couldn't "translate sous-traitant as subcontractor and sous-traitant ultérieur as subprocessor".
Valerie Scaletta (asker) Sep 26, 2019:
I am not assuming anything. My first question is clear. The second I ask as I am wondering whether you could translate sous-traitant as subcontractor and sous-traitant ultérieur as subprocessor. Thanks.
B D Finch Sep 26, 2019:
Context? Perhaps you would care to share the actual context in which this term occurs (i.e. some of the surrounding text and the type of document)? Also, you could try looking up the word "ultérieur" and drawing your own conclusions about its significance in your context.
writeaway Sep 26, 2019:
ultérieur Why would you think this word can be ignored?

Proposed translations

19 mins

[data] processor

The terms of the GDPR in French and English are false friends. Sous-traitant and sub-processor sound intuitively like they should be on the same "level" of remove from the gathering of data, but they aren't.

responsable du traitement = [data] controller
sous-traitant = [data] processor
sous-traitant ultérieur = sub-processor

To answer your final question explicitly, yes, there is a difference between "sous-traitant" and "sous-traitant ultérieur" - the sous-traitant is a data processor to whom the "responsable" or controller entrusts processing of the data for which they are responsible. The sous-traitant ultérieur or sub-processor is one more down the chain of delegation: a party to whom the sous-traitant entrusts processing duties in turn.

The easiest way to find the equivalent terms in data protection legislation is simply to compare the FR and EN versions of the legislation, which are freely available online.

Example sentence:

«responsable du traitement», la personne physique ou morale, l'autorité publique, le service ou un autre organisme qui, seul ou conjointement avec d'autres, détermine les finalités et les moyens du traitement;

«sous-traitant», la personne physique ou morale, l'autorité publique, le service ou un autre organisme qui traite des données à caractère personnel pour le compte du responsable du traitement;

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : yes and an agree to BD's comment in the DBox
1 hr
agree Ph_B (X)
2 hrs
agree Rabie El Magdouli
805 days
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