Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

profesor detasat

English translation:

seconded teacher/ teacher on secondment

Added to glossary by Mihaela Bordea
Oct 15, 2008 08:14
15 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Romanian term

profesor detasat

Romanian to English Science Education / Pedagogy
poate "visiting teacher" ? sau "temporarily assigned to another school" ? Help!


Alice Crisan Oct 15, 2008:
supply teacher Plata de 120 pe zi nu-i multumeste pe profesori.De fapt o zi e de lucru ,alta zi nu e,de cele mai multe ori insa este.Aceste joburi deobicei se dau prin agentii care se specializeaza si in permanent positions, depinde daca-ti place scoala sau nu.Dar la sfarsitul zilei ai dori o vacanta mai lunga :)
Sigina Oct 15, 2008:
visiting teacher/visiting professor, mă scuzaţi... sunt varză:)
Sigina Oct 15, 2008:
visitor teacher în niciun caz, aceia sunt care merg la domiciliul copiilor, dacă ar fi mediul universitar, da, cred că ar merge visitor professor, însă în cazul de faţă am găsit referinţe în sprijinul răspunsului dat de MMFORREST.
MMFORREST Oct 15, 2008:
Poţi folosi varianta ta sau "Mr/Mrs X covered or filled a temporary position at ...School". Aşa am zice noi în Marea Britanie. E vocabular curent folosit în meanajul nostru, fiind ambii profesori!
Mihaela Bordea (asker) Oct 15, 2008:
este vb de o adeverinta in care apare ca profesorul xxx a fost profesor detasat la scoala cutare in perioada... fiind titular la alta scoala
MMFORREST Oct 15, 2008:
Şi a doua variantă a ta merge, depinde de context.
MMFORREST Oct 15, 2008:

Proposed translations

33 mins

seconded teacher/ teacher on secondment

Peer comment(s):

agree Anca Nitu : visiting teacher / teacher on secondment
10 hrs
agree framona
1 day 8 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "multumesc"
20 mins

temporary teacher

Peer comment(s):

agree Sigina :
27 mins
Mulţumesc, Sigina. Văd că australienii îi zic şi "casual".
agree Alice Crisan : supply teacher,supply/perm in the UK. Free registration to all teachers ... have permanent and temporary teaching jobs in London, across the UK and ...Sincera sa fiu Magda, eu am lucrat in invatamant,dar am auzit numai de supply teacher
3 hrs
Mulţumesc, Alice. Supply teacher este profesor suplinitor şi plata este f. bună. Acum câţiva ani era 120 de lire pe zi! Aşa era plătită o prietenă după ce a renunţat la postul ei şi suplinea în diverse şcoli. Dar nu a ţinut mult că au obligat-o să accepte
neutral Anca Nitu : si care e diferenta intre "un temporay teacher" si un suplinitor ? Mie mi se par unul si acelasi lucru/ atunci dupa defintia de mai jos traducerea dvs este gresita, detasarea presupune mutarea temporara la alta slujba si se cheama "secondment"
10 hrs
Unul are contract, al doilea nu , e cu ziua sau cu jumatatea de zi. Ambii inlocuiesc profesori titulari ( permanent teachers), dar "supply teachers" zboară din şcoală în şcoală şi primeau chiar £120 pe zi prin 2001, nu mai ştiu cât e acum. Merci, Anca.
Something went wrong...
13 mins

substitute teacher

This is one possibility.

detaşa - to detach, separate, transfer someone

ref., given the great importance accorded to this language in terms of loan words, etc., also similar to - < French - détacher - (envoyer) personne - to send, dispatch ..., Harper Collins robert French<>English Dictionary

Substitute teachers are dispatched by the central administration according to their availability, qualifications and school needs

Note added at 15 mins (2008-10-15 08:30:06 GMT)

Substitute teachers can also be long-term or short-term, their assignments can range from a half-day assignment to months-long assignments, even a semester or the better part of an entire school year

Note added at 37 mins (2008-10-15 08:51:24 GMT)

Successful candidates will be recommended for the substitute pool and their contact information will be entered into the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS). Please remember that substitute teaching assignments are subject to availability and no one is guaranteed an assignment, even after the application selection process

Will this arrangement affect my chances of becoming a full-time teacher within this school district?

No. Many Kelly Educational Staffing substitute teachers are hired into full-time teaching positions. Also, you can apply directly to the school district’s human resources department at any time


How will I be notified of and accept substitute teaching assignments?

Kelly uses an automated scheduling system. The Kelly Automated Scheduling System (KASS) is an easy-to-use system that can be accessed via the Internet or the telephone. Substitute teachers use KASS to accept jobs, manage their schedule, and record time worked for payroll purposes

i.e., potential assignments for substitute teachers are either temporary or long-term, and in some cases, cover an entire academic year

Note added at 45 mins (2008-10-15 08:59:25 GMT)

Any temporary teacher is by definition a substitute teacher replacing the teacher who has been normally assigned to that particular class/classroom and subject - they are basically classified together. & Tempor...

Substitute & Temporary Teacher jobs

Note added at 47 mins (2008-10-15 09:01:29 GMT)

You could say on temporary assignment to another school. But again, in replacement/subsitution of a regularly assigned teacher who for whatever reason is unable to fulfill the obligations of the contract for that assignment.

Note added at 50 mins (2008-10-15 09:04:20 GMT)

Subsititute teacher on temporary assignment would be another way to say much the same thing.

Secondment appears also in the definition I gave above < French. But at least in the U.S. at least this is incomprehensible, though valid in International English.

Note added at 2 hrs (2008-10-15 10:44:58 GMT)

Instructor could be a way around this - if it's a school (primary or secondary), then it is definitely teacher. If it is post-secondary, it would be instructor (neutral term) or professor (of various classes, - e.g., adjunct, associate, assistant, full, emeritus)

Note added at 4 days (2008-10-19 09:47:41 GMT)

Temporary per diem substitute teacher - or simply, per diem teacher on temporary assignment/teacher on temporary per diem assignment = a variation of the notes above.

Or - Temporary Appointee (Teacher), see below

Appeal of PATRICIA NETTLES from action of the Board of Education of the City School District of the City of Oswego, relating to the employment of an uncertified teacher.

Decision No. 12,691

(April 30, 1992)

...Petitioner argues that because an appropriately certified teacher was available to teach, respondent abused its discretion in assigning an *uncertified **per diem substitute teacher** to the position on a temporary basis.* Respondent contends that a certified teacher is not necessarily qualified and that a board of education has discretion to apply its own criteria in determining who to employ as a teacher. Respondent further argues that it has discretion to fill a vacant position *on a temporary basis with a per diem substitute teacher* while continuing its efforts to recruit certified and qualified candidates for the position.

see for info on subsitute teacher temporary assignments in Minnneapolis, in this case certified with a state teaching license

What is a **temporary appointee assignment?**
**Temporary appointee assignments** are single assignments/positions at a particular school for twenty (20) days without interruption in an active service. Beginning on the **temporary appointee's** twenty-first day, he/she will be paid at the rate of a substitute teacher times 1.5 retroactive to the first day he/she began qualifying as a temporary appointee. **Temporary appointee** assignments* must be filled by substitute teachers who hold teaching certification.


Here are a number of options covering both certificated and non-certificated teachers on a temporary assignment to a school.

Also, I would revise the opinions above, "secondment" is appropriate for U.K. English but is incomprehensible in U.S. English so it is not a sufficiently neutral term to be valid for international English, which encompasses many other countries as well.

Note added at 4 days (2008-10-19 09:49:36 GMT)

Ditto for supply teachers.
Note from asker:
asta nu e "suplinitor"?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Cristina Balmus : Ba da, si eu cred ca e suplinitor :)
21 mins
agree Claudia Anda-Maria Halas
1 hr
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Reference comments

3 hrs

temporarily assigned teacher

un site cu destul de multe indicatii folositoare in sistemul american
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Mihaela Ghiuzeli
19 mins
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

temporary/ permanent/supply teachers in the UK

supply/perm in the UK. Free registration to all teachers ... have permanent and temporary teaching jobs in London, across the UK and ...
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Secondment is the transfer of a person from their regular organization for temporary assignment elsewhere, to transfer an employee, official, or soldier temporarily to other duties.[1]

Secondments offer different work situations, which is valuable for staff development. Specific required experience/skills, which do not exist, can be brought into the organisation.[2]

O persoana detasat in interes de serviciu se cheama ca e " on loan"

Domaine(s) : - administration publique


détacher v. tr.
Équivalent(s) English loan, to be on

Sous-entrée(s) :
prêter v.
Cred ca trebuie subliniat faptul ca nu e numai un profesor cu o slujba temporara ci unul care lucreaza tempoorar undeva dupa care se intoarce la slujba obisnuita
Visiting teacher - se foloseste pt profesori veniti din alta provincie sau alta tara
SI acestia sunt detasati
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