Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

people of color

Spanish translation:

gente no blanca

Added to glossary by Sara Koopman
Dec 6, 2007 23:27
16 yrs ago
137 viewers *
English term


Walter Landesman Feb 25, 2010:
I totally agree w/Henry
Zelus et Radix Dec 9, 2007:
Why don't you give little more context? In Spanish, the result will not depend on political opinions or euphemism, but on the kind of text and context implied. Some translations below are good in formal context, others in informal...
Henry Hinds Dec 8, 2007:
Furthermore, in the absence of any guidance to the contrary, you can go literal with no fear of criticism. Any other solution involves risks you might not wish to take. After all, you are not saying it, you are just translating it.
Henry Hinds Dec 8, 2007:
I think you can get the idea that this can be rather controversial, so what I would recommend is to discuss it with your client and let the client make the decision. That lets you off the hook.
LiaBarros Dec 7, 2007:
Absolutely, we do all have a color. I think when we answerered thinking about "black people" was with no bad intention, for sure. Pero seguro, depende del contexto, como dijo "emege". By the way, I'm "latina", and I'm so proud of this!! ;)
Juan Jacob Dec 6, 2007:
We do guess that "people of color" are black people? [From black Africa, that is]. Not "asian", not "latinos", not "arabic" whatever. We do all have a color.
Darío Giménez Dec 6, 2007:
Dependerá de para qué país sea el texto. Por ejemplo, en España actualmente su usa el políticamente correctísimo eufemismo "(africanos) subsaharianos" para referirse a la gente de raza negra. Pero para América no te servirá... :-)
Henry Hinds Dec 6, 2007:
If you're looking for something "politically correct" then you are not being faithful in the translation, unless the client has specifically requested editing. "Minorías étnicas" is not the same at all.

Proposed translations

34 mins

personas de razas no blancas/caucásicas

Very simply "people of color" means non-white. I don't think this would be politically uncorrect in Spanish. For some reason, the term "non-white" stimulates the hypersensitive PC-meter, as though there were something wrong with not being white.
Peer comment(s):

agree Darío Giménez : Es verdad, tenéis razón tú, Henry y Terry... :-)
0 min
neutral Sp-EnTranslator : your suggestion is an accurate definition of 'gente/personas de color': ver . Greetings.
1 hr
agree Sandra Rodriguez : Entiendo que en los EEUU el término abarca a indígenas, asiáticos, latinos, etc. Ciertamente depende del país...
4 hrs
agree Cindy Molina Nuñez : Me parece perfecto porque el termino ya no solo abarca a personas negras, si no a tantos grupos. Voltearlo a quien no incluye me parece brillante y muy accesible, muchas gracias.
5294 days
agree Clauwolf
5355 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I'm going with "gente no blanca" - my logic is on my terminology blog: many thanks to all for the discussion!"
3 mins

negros / afroamericanos / afrocanadienses / afrodescendientes

Peer comment(s):

disagree Margaret Schroeder : Es un eufemismo que refiere a personas de toda raza que no sea blanca, no sólo las de raza negra.//RESPUESTA: Tal vez tomé demasiada libertad en suponer que el texto fuera canadiense, sin embargo en Canadá el significado es él que propuse.
26 mins
Qué extraño. Yo siempre había escuchado que los "people of color" eran los negros. Gracias, colega.
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3 mins

Gente de raza negra.

Yo soy blanco, pero también es un color, y los amarillos, etc.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Darío Giménez : Yo soy color tierra arcillosa, algo oliváceo durante el invierno... ;-) // De acuerdo en lo del color, pero es verdad que no es el caso... :-)
8 mins
¿Oliváceo? Me huele a aceitunas.. las prefiero rellenas con boquerón. Fins ara.
agree Alejandra Garza : De acuerdo
11 mins
disagree Margaret Schroeder : Es un eufemismo que refiere a personas de toda raza que no sea blanca, no sólo de raza negra.//RESPUESTA: no me enojé pero lo voy hacer si tomas mal un comentario hecho de buena fe :) NB: ":) :) :)"
25 mins
Puede ser, efectivamente. Inferí que "people of color" es gente de raza negra, ¡pero no te enojes! Saludos. Paisana y colega: estoy citando al Chavo del Ocho. Saludos.
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9 mins

de razas distintas (¿?)

Just an option trying to be "politically correct"...alhtough "distintas" a quienes? I agree with Henry's and Juan Jacob's comments
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20 mins

see explanation

Hi Sara.
This is a tough one. All the answers submitted so far I believe, are perfectly acceptable...depending on the context....if this about what people commonly ...and respectfully...caled "negros", "blacks", "afroamericans". If not, then perhaps I'm not quite grasping exactly what it is you need. But the other choices are endless and living in Canada, I'm sure you're aware of that.
Some options might be:
1: Gente de raices no- caucásicas
2. Gente indígena/autóctona/aborigen
3: Gente de raíz xxxxxxx
4: Gente oriunda de.....

That's about the extent of my options.
Peer comment(s):

agree Darío Giménez : Es verdad, tenéis razón tú, Henry y Goodwords... :-)
14 mins
Muchísimas gracias y calurosos saludos a mi estimado colega arcilloso y algo oliváceo! Y besos a Pini:-))
neutral Margaret Schroeder : I like your #1, but the term really means all possible #2's, #3's and #4's taken together (excluding whites/Caucasians) so any particular one of them is not inclusive enough of the meaning.
15 mins
Agree with you but did my best, "M"!
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23 mins


así se usa en latinoamérica
Peer comment(s):

disagree Margaret Schroeder : Es un eufemismo que refiere a personas de toda raza que no sea blanca, no sólo las de raza negra
6 mins
Perdón, pero aunque sea un eufemismo, así es el término en la sociedad actual. Podrías haber dado tu opinión a todos con un "neutral", creo, no? Seria más educado.
disagree Aguas de Mar (X) : Goodwords tine razón. En inglés, "people of color" abarca a todos los que no sean blancos, no nada más a los negros, aunque la expresión pueda dar a entender otra cosa. Afrodescendientes son "Afroamerican" o "Afrocanadian" dependiendo del contexto.
811 days
disagree Jennifer Levey : Cabe recordar que los aborigenes de Australia - los 'blackfellas' - son también 'people of colour', pero de ninguna manera son 'afrodescendientes'.
811 days
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28 mins

gente de color

I see no other choice unless you are free to edit. Of course the term does not strictly refer to any one race but to any dark-skinned race or people mixed with dark-skinned races.
Peer comment(s):

agree Darío Giménez : Es verdad, tenéis razón tú, Terry y Goodwords... :-)
6 mins
Gracias, MG.
agree jacana54 (X) : al final, tanto eufemismo ..... además estoy de acuerdo que hay cobrizos, etc.
9 mins
Gracias, Lucía.
agree Mónica Sauza
14 mins
Gracias, Mónica.
agree Terry Burgess : Henry, your BS Filter is in "hyperdrive" and, this is what it all comes down the final analysis:-). Te felicito:-))
21 mins
Gracias, Terry. My BS Filter is always in "hyperdrive".
neutral Juan Jacob : Un abrazo.
51 mins
Gracias, Juan. Por lo que siempre he visto se refiere a diversas razas o combinaciones y claro, será función del destino también.
agree Sp-EnTranslator : 184,000 hits en google.
1 hr
Gracias, Clo.
agree Rosina Peixoto : Estoy de acuerdo
2 hrs
Gracias, Uy.
agree Carlos Ordaz : de acuerdo
4 hrs
Gracias, Carol.
agree Daniel Burns (X)
5 hrs
Gracias, Daniel.
disagree Sandra Rodriguez : En mi país, si dices “gente de color” te disparan, con sarcasmo, ¿de qué color? Acá lo único aceptable es aludir al color, raza o mezcla racial: blanco, negro, mulato, mestizo, etc.
8 hrs
Como hemos aludido ya, es función del destino, y variable el color.
agree Egmont
14 hrs
Gracias, AVRVM.
neutral Edward Moreira : esto depende muchísimo del país donde se diga. En EEUU gente de color significa todo lo que no sea "blanco" pero blanco en EEUU no significa lo mismo que en otros paises. Depende mucho de el uso que le quieras dar
19 hrs
Cosa que ya señalé, pues es cuestión de criterio.
agree Marina56 : Yo diria asi, Gente de Color, me resulta menos agresiva
1 day 17 hrs
Gracias, Marina.
agree Walter Landesman
811 days
Gracias, Walter.
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38 mins

personas de color (see explanation below)/afroamericanos/personas de piel oscura...

It depends so much on the context....
Is your text referring to "people of color" in USA? Is it talking specifically about African Americans, or maybe about all non-Caucasian people? My son studied History in California and he tells me in the past that expression referred to African Americans, or Blacks. But now they use it to talk about all non-White people (e.g., Asians, Latin Americans, Native Americans, etc.).
I hope this helps...
Peer comment(s):

agree Sp-EnTranslator : Tu hijo tiene razón, ver
1 hr
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811 days

people of color

My friend I am myself African American and Hispanic because I live in the Caribbean. I can tell you that the correct term should be minorias etnicas. AS this phrase is an euphemism to name all persons who are not Caucasians. It doesn't manner if you are yellow or black or Indian. Many years ago the term person of color or colored people was only given to persons of African descendant but it is applied to all races which are not Caucasian. Of course this term is a little bit controversial as the only real people of color are exactly the Caucasians as they have yellow, brown, red or black hair , as well as their eyes.
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