Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
to sonicate
Spanish translation:
someter a ultrasonido
Added to glossary by
Horacio R. Dal Dosso
Jan 3, 2003 15:57
21 yrs ago
12 viewers *
English term
to sonicate
English to Spanish
Medical: Instruments
medical instruments
After thoroughly flushing the retractor, sonicate in a neutral pH solution for 20 minutes.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
15 mins
someter a tratamiento de ultrasonidos
otro, que me explicó un médico argentino.
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Muchas gracias.
Horacio R. Dal Dosso"
5 mins
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... 7) Homogeneizar en vórtex Tenbroeck 10 minutos. Sonicar 5 minutos. ... 10)
Homogeneizar en vórtex Tenbroeck 10 minutos. Sonicar 5 minutos. ...
Note added at 2003-01-03 16:12:05 (GMT)
A method of breaking up cells by the use of ultrasound
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... 7) Homogeneizar en vórtex Tenbroeck 10 minutos. Sonicar 5 minutos. ... 10)
Homogeneizar en vórtex Tenbroeck 10 minutos. Sonicar 5 minutos. ...
Note added at 2003-01-03 16:12:05 (GMT)
A method of breaking up cells by the use of ultrasound
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Terry Burgess
3 mins
saludos Terry
agree |
Patricia CASEY
: Hola Elías!
5 mins
saludos cordiales Patricia
agree |
9 mins
saludos amigo
disagree |
: see answer below
20 mins
gracias Joan; feliz 2003
neutral |
Andrea Ali
: lamentablemente sucede con muchos términos técnicos
1 hr
agree |
Elena Sgarbo (X)
: Sonicar es la mejor traducción de que disponemos, para esta palabra relativamente nueva.
2 hrs
25 mins
«someter o exponer a ultrasonidos» ("ECOGRAFIAR")
Horacio: NO es "sonicar", ni "sonicador". (!)
Y lamento también disentir de mi querido amigo y colega Elías.
"Sonicar" es un ejemplo práctico de los desastres lingüísticos con que solemos combatir cada día", dice Manuel Talens.
Y continúa su nota, "Una compañera filóloga, Mónica Noguerol, lanzó un emilio en el que preguntaba qué demonios era «insonada». La frase completa, en el contexto de una técnica consistente en inyectar partículas sólidas para obstruir el riego arterial de un tumor (partículas que producen señales ultrasónicas capaces de ser detectadas), decía así: «Estas señales o HITS representan el paso por la arteria insonada de partículas microembólicas».
En MedTrad dedujimos que «insonada» era un anglicismo totalmente reprobable, relacionado con la ecografía.
Fernando Navarro, que forma parte de los expertos más solventes del foro, puntualizó que viene del verbo inglés to INSONATE, últimamente utilizado en las publicaciones médicas anglosajones como sinónimo de to SONICATE y que en castellano significa «someter o exponer a ultrasonidos», concepto algo más amplio que «ecografiar», pues engloba también la ultrasonoterapia y la aplicación de ultrasonidos a órganos mantenidos en baños de laboratorio.
Para dejarlo claro, entre «someter a ultrasonidos» y «ecografiar» habría, más o menos, la misma diferencia que entre «radiografiar» y «exponer a radiaciones».
Espero que te sirva!
Y lamento también disentir de mi querido amigo y colega Elías.
"Sonicar" es un ejemplo práctico de los desastres lingüísticos con que solemos combatir cada día", dice Manuel Talens.
Y continúa su nota, "Una compañera filóloga, Mónica Noguerol, lanzó un emilio en el que preguntaba qué demonios era «insonada». La frase completa, en el contexto de una técnica consistente en inyectar partículas sólidas para obstruir el riego arterial de un tumor (partículas que producen señales ultrasónicas capaces de ser detectadas), decía así: «Estas señales o HITS representan el paso por la arteria insonada de partículas microembólicas».
En MedTrad dedujimos que «insonada» era un anglicismo totalmente reprobable, relacionado con la ecografía.
Fernando Navarro, que forma parte de los expertos más solventes del foro, puntualizó que viene del verbo inglés to INSONATE, últimamente utilizado en las publicaciones médicas anglosajones como sinónimo de to SONICATE y que en castellano significa «someter o exponer a ultrasonidos», concepto algo más amplio que «ecografiar», pues engloba también la ultrasonoterapia y la aplicación de ultrasonidos a órganos mantenidos en baños de laboratorio.
Para dejarlo claro, entre «someter a ultrasonidos» y «ecografiar» habría, más o menos, la misma diferencia que entre «radiografiar» y «exponer a radiaciones».
Espero que te sirva!
Peer comment(s):
agree |
11 mins
agree |
Gabriela Lozano
28 mins
Gaby... Gracias por no "sonicar"! ; )
agree |
Patricia Lutteral
1 hr
Gracias, Pat.
agree |
1 hr
Gracias, Ruth.
disagree |
Elena Sgarbo (X)
: Joan, podemos o no querer escribir "sonicar". Lo que NO podemos es confundirlo con "ecografiar"!!!! // Rta: No, Joan: la confusión no la tengo yo..
2 hrs
Siento que lo hayas confundido, Elena. La explicación es bastante clara. Y no creo que podamos permitirnos "poder o no querer" traducirlo como "sonicar"... si así fuera para tí, allí vamos encontrando la madre del borrego...
agree |
Ramón Solá
: El propósito puede ser diagnóstico o terapeútico, pero el medio es el mismo. Propngo la forma abreviada de "tratamiento con ultrasonido [en singular]"...
14 hrs
Gracias, Ramón.
2 hrs
Let's not get linguistically carried away and ignore the real medical meaning of the terms here!
I think the jury's still out re: the best translation for "sonication", but I agree with Elías. I'd translate it as "SONICAR".
Let's gather info from English sources:
Sonicate: to process materials with ultrasonics, specifically to change materials chemically and physically. Not generally used for cleaning or joining (term coined by Berliner).
Sonicate (Webster's): (vt) to disrupt (as bacteria) by treatment with high-frequency sound waves. Sonicated; sonicating.
Sonicate: (n): the result of a sonication process.
To obtain an ultrasound image: to obtain an echographic view by using ultrasound waves.
"To sonicate" has nothing to do with echography. Sonication is used in microbiology or molecular biology labs; echography is used in ultrasound labs. For sonication and ultrasound imaging, very different technical skills are needed.
Sonication (to sonicate: sonicar) is a therapeutic method based in ultrasound.
Echography (ecografía, ecografiar) is a diagnostic method based in ultrasound.
Examples of "sonicate" (verb and noun) are plenty in Medline, and it is clear that "to ultrasound", "to make an echography" could not possibly replace "sonicate":
J Orthop Res 1996 Mar;14(2):251-4
Removal of surface bacteria by irrigation. Anglen J, Apostoles PS, Christensen G, Gainor B, Lane J.
Orthopaedic Trauma Service, University of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics, Columbia, USA.
We examined the efficacy of various irrigation solutions delivered through a power irrigator to remove bacteria from three different surfaces. Titanium, stainless-steel, and cortical bone surfaces were coated with three different bacterial species: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. They were then irrigated with 1 L of fluid delivered by jet lavage. The fluids tested were normal saline and solutions of bacitracin, neomycin, and soap. One set of specimens was not irrigated, as a control. After irrigation, the specimens were **sonicated** to remove residual bacteria, and the **sonicate** was quantitatively cultured to allow evaluation of the amount of residual bacteria on the surface.
Additive effects of Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide and proteins in monocyte inflammatory responses. Hansen PS, Petersen SB, Varning K, Nielsen H.
Dept of Clinical Immunology, Aalborg Hospital, and Institute of Biotechnology, Aalborg University, Denmark. [email protected]
BACKGROUND: Chronic active gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori infection is characterized by both a neutrophil and a mononuclear leukocyte infiltrate. While neutrophil functions in relation to H. pylori are well described, the interactions between Helicobacter bacterial factors and monocytes are poorly understood in relation to the mucosal inflammatory process. METHODS: **Sonicates** of a clinical strain as well as of a type strain of H. pylori were prepared in vitro. Monocytes from healthy donors were induced to release L-selectin
Thermal effects of focused ultrasound energy on bone tissue. Smith NB, Temkin JM, Shapiro F, Hynynen K.
Department of Radiology, Division of MRI, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. [email protected]
The effects of focused ultrasound (US) at therapeutic acoustic power levels were studied in vivo on the bone-muscle interface in rabbit thighs. The purpose of this study was to provide direction in establishing safety guidelines for treating tissue masses using focused US on or near bone. A positioning device was used to manipulate a focused US transducer (1.5 MHz) in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. This system was used to **sonicate** the femurs of 10 rabbits at acoustic power levels of 26, 39, 52 and 65 W for 10 s. The rabbits were euthanized either 4 h or 28 days after the **sonications** and the bone samples were harvested for histology examinations. In the femurs studied, acoustic power levels from 39 to 65 W resulted in soft tissue damage characterized grossly by coagulated tissue and bone damage depicted by yellow discoloration. Histologic examination of lesions from **sonications** from 39 to 65 W demonstrated that…..
Benzalkonium chloride: a potential disinfecting irrigation solution. Gainor BJ, Hockman DE, Anglen JO, Christensen G, Simpson WA.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the disinfecting properties of benzalkonium chloride as an irrigation agent. DESIGN: Comparison was made between irrigation of contaminated muscle strips with benzalkonium chloride and normal saline (control). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Benzalkonium chloride is a cationic disinfectant, which has questionable efficacy in an organic environment. However, no previous study has attempted to use high volumes of this cationic solution to overcome the neutralizing effect of organic tissue and thus maintain this detergent's germicidal properties. METHODS: 2.5 cm x 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm pieces of bovine muscle were aseptically cut from the center of freshly harvested beef muscle and incubated with 1.0 x 10(7) colony forming units of bacteria for 15 minutes. The muscle strips were then irrigated with either 100 mL, 1 L, or 10 L of benzalkonium chloride at a 1:2000 concentration in normal saline. Normal saline was used as the control. The muscle strips were **sonicated** to remove adherent bacteria; the number of living organisms was determined by quantitatively culturing the **sonicate**.
Note added at 2003-01-03 18:40:39 (GMT)
Una diferencia más entre \"sonicar\" (o \"someter a los efectos del ultrasonido) y \"ecografiar\" es que en la primera se alteran irremediablemente las propiedades físicas o químicas de las células tratadas. La sonicación es un método TERAPEUTICO.
En la segunda, hay cero cambio en las células que reciben el ultrasonido. Le ecografía es un método DIAGNOSTICO.
Note added at 2003-01-04 15:29:14 (GMT)
Para Horacio:
Considerando la respuesta de Joan a mi \"disagree\", veo que persiste el problema de interpretación, quizá x la escasez de conocimietnos médicos, quizá x otros motivos.
Lo que dice Joan (y apoya Ramón) es erróneo: \"to sonicate\" no puede ser utilizado \"indistintamente\" para diagnóstico o tratamiento. Asumir que \"to sonicate\" es lo mismo que \"ecografiar\" (verbo que escribe Joan, con mayúsculas) es como decir que \"administrar radioterapia\" (para tratar el cáncer, por ejemplo) es lo mismo que \"radiografiar\".
Lo que sí puede ser utilizado tantos con fines diagnósticos o terapéuticos es el ultrasonido, así como para radioterapia y radiografía se usan (para ambos) los rayos X.
Un técnico de laboratorio especializado en \"sonicar\" (o en \"administrar tratamiento con ultrasonidos\", así no ofendemos a ningún filólogo) NO ESTA HABILITADO para hacer ecografías, y viceversa: nuestros ecografistas en el hospital no sabrían x dónde empezar si se les pidiera que hicieran sonicación -o su equivalente \"administrar tratamiento con ultrasonidos\".
Horacio, aquí hay un enlace a un documento oficial publicado en Argentina donde utilizan \"sonicar\", que puede o no ser la traducción que se imponga en el futuro para \"to sonicate\", pero es un buen precedente si es que decides utilizarla: -
Let's gather info from English sources:
Sonicate: to process materials with ultrasonics, specifically to change materials chemically and physically. Not generally used for cleaning or joining (term coined by Berliner).
Sonicate (Webster's): (vt) to disrupt (as bacteria) by treatment with high-frequency sound waves. Sonicated; sonicating.
Sonicate: (n): the result of a sonication process.
To obtain an ultrasound image: to obtain an echographic view by using ultrasound waves.
"To sonicate" has nothing to do with echography. Sonication is used in microbiology or molecular biology labs; echography is used in ultrasound labs. For sonication and ultrasound imaging, very different technical skills are needed.
Sonication (to sonicate: sonicar) is a therapeutic method based in ultrasound.
Echography (ecografía, ecografiar) is a diagnostic method based in ultrasound.
Examples of "sonicate" (verb and noun) are plenty in Medline, and it is clear that "to ultrasound", "to make an echography" could not possibly replace "sonicate":
J Orthop Res 1996 Mar;14(2):251-4
Removal of surface bacteria by irrigation. Anglen J, Apostoles PS, Christensen G, Gainor B, Lane J.
Orthopaedic Trauma Service, University of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics, Columbia, USA.
We examined the efficacy of various irrigation solutions delivered through a power irrigator to remove bacteria from three different surfaces. Titanium, stainless-steel, and cortical bone surfaces were coated with three different bacterial species: Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. They were then irrigated with 1 L of fluid delivered by jet lavage. The fluids tested were normal saline and solutions of bacitracin, neomycin, and soap. One set of specimens was not irrigated, as a control. After irrigation, the specimens were **sonicated** to remove residual bacteria, and the **sonicate** was quantitatively cultured to allow evaluation of the amount of residual bacteria on the surface.
Additive effects of Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide and proteins in monocyte inflammatory responses. Hansen PS, Petersen SB, Varning K, Nielsen H.
Dept of Clinical Immunology, Aalborg Hospital, and Institute of Biotechnology, Aalborg University, Denmark. [email protected]
BACKGROUND: Chronic active gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori infection is characterized by both a neutrophil and a mononuclear leukocyte infiltrate. While neutrophil functions in relation to H. pylori are well described, the interactions between Helicobacter bacterial factors and monocytes are poorly understood in relation to the mucosal inflammatory process. METHODS: **Sonicates** of a clinical strain as well as of a type strain of H. pylori were prepared in vitro. Monocytes from healthy donors were induced to release L-selectin
Thermal effects of focused ultrasound energy on bone tissue. Smith NB, Temkin JM, Shapiro F, Hynynen K.
Department of Radiology, Division of MRI, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. [email protected]
The effects of focused ultrasound (US) at therapeutic acoustic power levels were studied in vivo on the bone-muscle interface in rabbit thighs. The purpose of this study was to provide direction in establishing safety guidelines for treating tissue masses using focused US on or near bone. A positioning device was used to manipulate a focused US transducer (1.5 MHz) in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. This system was used to **sonicate** the femurs of 10 rabbits at acoustic power levels of 26, 39, 52 and 65 W for 10 s. The rabbits were euthanized either 4 h or 28 days after the **sonications** and the bone samples were harvested for histology examinations. In the femurs studied, acoustic power levels from 39 to 65 W resulted in soft tissue damage characterized grossly by coagulated tissue and bone damage depicted by yellow discoloration. Histologic examination of lesions from **sonications** from 39 to 65 W demonstrated that…..
Benzalkonium chloride: a potential disinfecting irrigation solution. Gainor BJ, Hockman DE, Anglen JO, Christensen G, Simpson WA.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics, USA.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the disinfecting properties of benzalkonium chloride as an irrigation agent. DESIGN: Comparison was made between irrigation of contaminated muscle strips with benzalkonium chloride and normal saline (control). SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Benzalkonium chloride is a cationic disinfectant, which has questionable efficacy in an organic environment. However, no previous study has attempted to use high volumes of this cationic solution to overcome the neutralizing effect of organic tissue and thus maintain this detergent's germicidal properties. METHODS: 2.5 cm x 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm pieces of bovine muscle were aseptically cut from the center of freshly harvested beef muscle and incubated with 1.0 x 10(7) colony forming units of bacteria for 15 minutes. The muscle strips were then irrigated with either 100 mL, 1 L, or 10 L of benzalkonium chloride at a 1:2000 concentration in normal saline. Normal saline was used as the control. The muscle strips were **sonicated** to remove adherent bacteria; the number of living organisms was determined by quantitatively culturing the **sonicate**.
Note added at 2003-01-03 18:40:39 (GMT)
Una diferencia más entre \"sonicar\" (o \"someter a los efectos del ultrasonido) y \"ecografiar\" es que en la primera se alteran irremediablemente las propiedades físicas o químicas de las células tratadas. La sonicación es un método TERAPEUTICO.
En la segunda, hay cero cambio en las células que reciben el ultrasonido. Le ecografía es un método DIAGNOSTICO.
Note added at 2003-01-04 15:29:14 (GMT)
Para Horacio:
Considerando la respuesta de Joan a mi \"disagree\", veo que persiste el problema de interpretación, quizá x la escasez de conocimietnos médicos, quizá x otros motivos.
Lo que dice Joan (y apoya Ramón) es erróneo: \"to sonicate\" no puede ser utilizado \"indistintamente\" para diagnóstico o tratamiento. Asumir que \"to sonicate\" es lo mismo que \"ecografiar\" (verbo que escribe Joan, con mayúsculas) es como decir que \"administrar radioterapia\" (para tratar el cáncer, por ejemplo) es lo mismo que \"radiografiar\".
Lo que sí puede ser utilizado tantos con fines diagnósticos o terapéuticos es el ultrasonido, así como para radioterapia y radiografía se usan (para ambos) los rayos X.
Un técnico de laboratorio especializado en \"sonicar\" (o en \"administrar tratamiento con ultrasonidos\", así no ofendemos a ningún filólogo) NO ESTA HABILITADO para hacer ecografías, y viceversa: nuestros ecografistas en el hospital no sabrían x dónde empezar si se les pidiera que hicieran sonicación -o su equivalente \"administrar tratamiento con ultrasonidos\".
Horacio, aquí hay un enlace a un documento oficial publicado en Argentina donde utilizan \"sonicar\", que puede o no ser la traducción que se imponga en el futuro para \"to sonicate\", pero es un buen precedente si es que decides utilizarla: -
7 hrs
exponer a ultrasonido
Note added at 2003-01-03 23:04:34 (GMT)
sonicate in a neutral pH solution = expóngase a ultrasonido en una solución de pH neutral
Note added at 2003-01-03 23:04:34 (GMT)
sonicate in a neutral pH solution = expóngase a ultrasonido en una solución de pH neutral
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Elena Sgarbo (X)
: También. Parecida a la propuesta de Cecilia (Parrot).
9 mins
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