Glossary entry (derived from question below)
This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Sep 4, 2006 13:23
18 yrs ago
English term
English to Romanian
Poetry & Literature
cel de-Al Doilea Război Mondial
"We now know that the Soviet Union, whose armies had raced across Manchuria and down Sakhalin Island in August 1945, intended to invade Hokkaido, the northernmost of the Japanese home islands. That invasion would have taken place I two months before Operation Olympic, our invasion of the south island, Kyushu. While Emperor Hirohito's surrender declaration awaited the official signing in Tokyo Bay on September 2, the Soviets continued to gobble up territory and were poised to make a leap to Hokkaido. That amphibious landing would have been an improvised affair, but no matter: Of Cold War confrontations that almost happened but didn't none is more frightening in its potential for fatal mischief.
It's not just that the Soviets would, in just over two weeks and at minimal cost, have picked up a large share of the Japanese **marbles** that had taken the Allies almost four years and thousands of lives to gather. If their landing force had established so much as a beach hold on Hokkaido - and American raiders had apparently gone ashore there with little resistance that summer - the Soviets would have had a legitimate claim to the island, a significant (and no doubt troublemaking) role in the formal surrender preparations, and a zone of a partitioned Tokyo."
bile? pietricele? nu înţeleg.... :((
mulţumesc de ajutor!
It's not just that the Soviets would, in just over two weeks and at minimal cost, have picked up a large share of the Japanese **marbles** that had taken the Allies almost four years and thousands of lives to gather. If their landing force had established so much as a beach hold on Hokkaido - and American raiders had apparently gone ashore there with little resistance that summer - the Soviets would have had a legitimate claim to the island, a significant (and no doubt troublemaking) role in the formal surrender preparations, and a zone of a partitioned Tokyo."
bile? pietricele? nu înţeleg.... :((
mulţumesc de ajutor!
Proposed translations
5 +2 | comorile | Marinela Sandoval |
5 | colectie de bile | Radu Nicolaescu |
3 | insulele japoneze | Lucian Ursu |
Proposed translations
19 mins
colectie de bile
referinta metaforica la jocul cu bile
4 hrs
insulele japoneze
Termenul asta are pentru mine doua intelesuri in contextul dat. Fie se refera la insulele japoneze, fie la comorile japoneze. Prima varianta mi se pare mai plauzibila pentru ca asta a fost scopul luptelor aliatilor, cucerirea insulelor japoneze. Nici a doua nu e exclusa.
Vezi daca te ajuta cu ceva.
Vezi daca te ajuta cu ceva.
5 hrs
Cf. dictionarului marble: marmura, pierticica/ de marmura, impietrit.
Putem traduce:..."comorile" japoneze.
Note added at 1 day1 hr (2006-09-05 14:33:17 GMT)
Putem inlocui comoara cu : avutie, avere sau poate cu tezaur ...
Note added at 1 day1 hr (2006-09-05 14:40:03 GMT)
If "all the marbles" means everything -"all that is to be had" then i would probably translate all the Japanese marbles the same. But in our frase there is no "all".
As traduce la fel: "comorile japoneze".
Mult succes:)
Putem traduce:..."comorile" japoneze.
Note added at 1 day1 hr (2006-09-05 14:33:17 GMT)
Putem inlocui comoara cu : avutie, avere sau poate cu tezaur ...
Note added at 1 day1 hr (2006-09-05 14:40:03 GMT)
If "all the marbles" means everything -"all that is to be had" then i would probably translate all the Japanese marbles the same. But in our frase there is no "all".
As traduce la fel: "comorile japoneze".
Mult succes:)
"Comori" ar merge dar poate găsim şi altceva...