Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
hedge fund
Romanian translation:
fond de acoperire
Sep 19, 2008 15:32
16 yrs ago
31 viewers *
English term
hedge fund
English to Romanian
Finance (general)
Definition from
Forbes Financial Glossary:
A fund that may employ a variety of techniques to enhance returns, such as both buying and shorting stocks based on a valuation model.
Example sentences:
Hedge funds look for investments that will provide returns from declining markets as well as rising ones, and they often bundle their investments in complex combinations of positions to provide high returns. (BBC Home)
Funds of hedge funds and hedge funds may invest in highly illiquid securities that may be difficult to value. Moreover, many hedge funds give themselves significant discretion in valuing securities. (US Securities and Exchange Comission)
Like mutual funds and other securities market participants, hedge funds are subject to prohibitions against fraud, and their managers have the same fiduciary duties as other investment advisers. (Investment Company Institute)
Proposed translations
4 +2 | fond de acoperire | Mihai Badea (X) |
5 +1 | fond de hedging | Nina Iordache |
4 +1 | fond de hedging | Lucica Abil (X) |
Change log
Sep 22, 2008 15:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
25 mins
fond de acoperire
Vezi şi întrebarea KudoZ
Definition from
Lexicon economic, Editura economică:
fond mutual protejat care acoperă eventualele pierderi cauzate de scăderea valorii unor titluri de valoare prin investiţii în alte titluri cu perspective de creştere
Example sentences:
Rezultatele ultimilor ani dovedesc că investiţiile pe termen lung în acţiuni au adus cele mai înalte câştiguri. Investiţiile directe în acţiuni şi obligaţiuni unitare conţin un anumit risc. Acesta este limitat de către larga diversificare în fondurile de investiţii. Un fond de acoperire care investeşte exclusiv în alte fonduri de investiţii minimalizează riscul rămas şi optimizează şansele de beneficii. (MBI)
Note from asker:
I would avoid using the verb "to drill". Trepan (Trephine) is the drllling Instrument; to Trephine is the verb, they trephined a hole in his skull. see : Trepanning, also known as trepanation, trephination, trephining or making a burr hole is a ... A trephine is an instrument used for cutting out a round piece of skull bone. In ancient times, holes were drilled into a person who was behaving in |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
29 mins
fond de hedging
Definition from
Fond de hedging<br />(Hedge fund)<br /><br /><br />In Statele Unite, parteneriat privat de investitii (private investment partnership) pentru investitorii individuali bogati sau pentru investitorii institutionali. Spre deosebire de fondurile deschise de investitii obisnuite, investitia minima intr-un astfel de fond poate fi de un milion dolari sau chiar mai mult. De obicei, fondurile de hedging nu sunt reglementate, permitand managerilor de portofoliu sa foloseasca o varietate de tehnici investitionale care nu sunt permise in cazul celorlalte tipuri de fonduri. Printre tehnicile folosite se numara investirea folosind bani din imprumut, vanzarea short si utilizarea optiunilor, in incercarea de a obtine rezultate bune atat pe pietele in crestere cat si pe cele in scadere. Multe fonduri au o orientare globala si fac tranzactii cu valute si instrumente financiare straine, precum si cu diverse emisiuni nationale. Aceste fonduri ofera investitorilor posibilitatea obtinerii unor castiguri extraordinare in schimbul asumarii unui risc, adesea, peste medie.
Example sentences:
Fondurile de hedging din Londra se afla intr-un razboi al ofertelor. Dar obiectivele lor nu sunt actiunile sau obligatiunile, ci spatiile de birouri. (business.rol)
Note from asker:
strictly speaking it's the photos or videos that are "sexually explicit" - that's the source of troubles. no one would make any fuss about photos or videos, whatever they are about if the photos or videos <i>themselves</i> are not "sexually explicit". "Sometimes, the photos or videos of sexually explicit encounters make the rounds immediately, even while the couple is still on good terms." should be "Sometimes, sexually explicit photos or videos of [sexual] encounters make the rounds immediately, even while the couple is still on good terms." or even better: "Sometimes, sexually explicit photos or videos of their [the couple's] encounters make the rounds immediately, even while the couple is still on good terms." IOW you have the "encounters" and the related "photos and videos" but the adjective "sexually explicit" was coined to qualify "photos and videos" not the "encounters". |
33 mins
fond de hedging
Fondurile hedging sunt fonduri de investiţii alternative care folosesc strategii variate, inclusiv investiţiile neconvenţionale şi nelichide.
"An pooled investment fund, usually a private partnership, that seeks to maximize absolute returns using a broad range of strategies, including unconventional and illiquid investments." (sursa:
"Hedge fund types are numerous. They reflect different investment styles, product lines, and geographic regions. Among the more common varieties are: Bond Arbitrage, Convertible Securities, Currencies and Major Foreign Markets, Emerging Markets. Equities, Macro or Mixed Products and Strategies, Mortgage Backed Securities, Stocks and Bonds." (sursa:
"Hedge Prpoperties are features considered necessary for a good Risk management position. There are four basic properties, and they are: Economic Validity, Reasonable Correlative Movements, Convergence, and Consistent Basis Behavior." (sursa:
"An pooled investment fund, usually a private partnership, that seeks to maximize absolute returns using a broad range of strategies, including unconventional and illiquid investments." (sursa:
"Hedge fund types are numerous. They reflect different investment styles, product lines, and geographic regions. Among the more common varieties are: Bond Arbitrage, Convertible Securities, Currencies and Major Foreign Markets, Emerging Markets. Equities, Macro or Mixed Products and Strategies, Mortgage Backed Securities, Stocks and Bonds." (sursa:
"Hedge Prpoperties are features considered necessary for a good Risk management position. There are four basic properties, and they are: Economic Validity, Reasonable Correlative Movements, Convergence, and Consistent Basis Behavior." (sursa:
Definition from
Dictionar financiar:
In Statele Unite, parteneriat privat de investitii (private investment partnership) pentru investitorii individuali bogati sau pentru investitorii institutionali. Spre deosebire de fondurile deschise de investitii obisnuite, investitia minima intr-un astfel de fond poate fi de un milion dolari sau chiar mai mult. De obicei, fondurile de hedging nu sunt reglementate, permitand managerilor de portofoliu sa foloseasca o varietate de tehnici investitionale care nu sunt permise in cazul celorlalte tipuri de fonduri. Printre tehnicile folosite se numara investirea folosind bani din imprumut, vanzarea short si utilizarea optiunilor, in incercarea de a obtine rezultate bune atat pe pietele in crestere cat si pe cele in scadere. Multe fonduri au o orientare globala si fac tranzactii cu valute si instrumente financiare straine, precum si cu diverse emisiuni nationale. Aceste fonduri ofera investitorilor posibilitatea obtinerii unor castiguri extraordinare in schimbul asumarii unui risc, adesea, peste medie.
Example sentences:
Obtinerea de milioane de dolari - sau, de ce nu, miliarde - prin administrarea unor fonduri de hedging a constituit dintotdeauna un vis al angajatilor bancilor de pe Wall Street. (Ziarul financiar)
Pentru ca nu a reusit sa gaseasca un cumparator strategic pentru activele sale, fondul de hedging Amaranth a inceput procesul de rascumparare a actiunilor, anuntand inchiderea fondului. Amaranth, fondul de hedging cu active de peste 8 miliarde de euro care a pierdut mai mult de 4 miliarde de euro in mai putin de o luna, se pregateste sa-si sisteze operatiunile, scrie The New York Times. (Ziarul financiar)
Yahoo ar putea incheia un acord cu un fond de hedging (BIZ 365)
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