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Thread poster: Iwona Szymaniak
Iwona Szymaniak
Iwona Szymaniak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
Feb 21, 2010

Dear All,

It took me a while to decide whether I should tell tout le monde of about this translation or just keep it limited to the Polish speaking, reading and writing public.
The reason is simple: the quality of translation of the English version of the Polish Olympic Committee website is shameful, and I simply feel ashamed and embarrassed. So do other Polish Prozians.
Well, but it wasn’t my
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Dear All,

It took me a while to decide whether I should tell tout le monde of about this translation or just keep it limited to the Polish speaking, reading and writing public.
The reason is simple: the quality of translation of the English version of the Polish Olympic Committee website is shameful, and I simply feel ashamed and embarrassed. So do other Polish Prozians.
Well, but it wasn’t my point to repent for something I am not responsible for.
Together with my Polish using colleagues, we decided not to keep quiet this time and voice our opinion to let the POC know what we think about it. We wrote a letter where we told them how poor the quality of this translation was, asked to delete the English version temporarily from their website until it was corrected and so on.

If, after reading the English version, you feel you agree with us, please sign our letter adding your comment(s).
If you agree with us:
Jestem ZA is I am FOR
If you don't:
Nie popieram is I am AGAINST

You have to give your real names (Imię i nazwisko), place of residence (miejsce zamieszkania), short comment (Krótki komentarz, optional) and e-mail address in the form. Then, you have to decide if you want to make your e-mail address visible (choose the second option “Nie udostępniam” if you don't)). I'd suggest to tell you are a translator in the comments, and the rest is up to you. Then you’ll find 3 buttons below. To sign click on the first to the left: Podpisz petycję (sign). The two other buttons are: Clear/Wyczyść (middle) and Back/Powrót (right).

Your support and time taken to do it will be appreciated.

Iwona Szymaniak, member

[Zmieniono 2010-02-21 17:28 GMT]

[Zmieniono 2010-02-21 17:29 GMT]

Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:30
Member (2002)
English to Hungarian
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Please clarify Feb 21, 2010

Could you please clarify WHAT EXACTLY people agree or disagree with, when they push the respective buttons?
Does pushing the "Jestem ZA" button means the person agrees with the English translation ("I am FOR this translation"), or does it mean the person agrees with the need of replacing it ("I am FOR replacing this translation")?
Perhaps you could add a clear English translation on the respective buttons?

I am not trying to be nitpicking
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Could you please clarify WHAT EXACTLY people agree or disagree with, when they push the respective buttons?
Does pushing the "Jestem ZA" button means the person agrees with the English translation ("I am FOR this translation"), or does it mean the person agrees with the need of replacing it ("I am FOR replacing this translation")?
Perhaps you could add a clear English translation on the respective buttons?

I am not trying to be nitpicking, but if you make sure these things are absolutely clear, you may have better success in asking people to sign a letter that they cannot read.


P.S: I especially like the references to the "Olympic Card" on the Mission page...

[Edited at 2010-02-21 16:33 GMT]

Iwona Szymaniak
Iwona Szymaniak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
Confusing Feb 21, 2010

You are right, Katalin. It may be somewhat confusing.

Sometimes when you write something or are involved in something you tend to assume everybody else knows about it as much as you do. Sorry for that.

By choosing the button "Popieram petycję - jestem ZA" you say: "I support this letter, I am FOR, i.e., I agree with what the authors say that this translation is very poor and should be removed."

By choosing the button: "Nie popieram petycji" you say: "I a
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You are right, Katalin. It may be somewhat confusing.

Sometimes when you write something or are involved in something you tend to assume everybody else knows about it as much as you do. Sorry for that.

By choosing the button "Popieram petycję - jestem ZA" you say: "I support this letter, I am FOR, i.e., I agree with what the authors say that this translation is very poor and should be removed."

By choosing the button: "Nie popieram petycji" you say: "I am AGAINST this letter, I don't agrre with the authors, i.e., the translation is excellent, understandable and should be left as is."

I hope it helos and clarifies.


[Zmieniono 2010-02-21 17:44 GMT]

English to Polish
+ ...
Polimpish Feb 21, 2010

Love the article about Nanjing. It's so much fun if you can make anything out of it;-)

"From the announcement published a little bit later appears, that in voting, the Chinese city counting the over 5.5 millions of inhabitants, defeated the capital of the Greater Poland with five voices (47: 42). This result isn't certainly bringing shame on our candidate.


Unfortunately, it was of no avail „last-minute attempt” of Przemysław' Castle, which c
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Love the article about Nanjing. It's so much fun if you can make anything out of it;-)

"From the announcement published a little bit later appears, that in voting, the Chinese city counting the over 5.5 millions of inhabitants, defeated the capital of the Greater Poland with five voices (47: 42). This result isn't certainly bringing shame on our candidate.


Unfortunately, it was of no avail „last-minute attempt” of Przemysław' Castle, which councilors before the week unanimously were in favour of an additional credit of 15 millions dollars being supposed to strengthen the Polish offer. As can be seen - it wasn't enough to win against the Chinese competitor.

The victory representatives members of the Nanjing, congratulated members of the Polish delegation at the head with the President of POC Piotr Nurowski, minister of sport and tourism Adam Giersz and the mayor of Poznań Ryszard Grobelny.

Knowing well the enthusiasm and the entrepreneurship of Poznań inhabitants, it is possible to be sure, that after this minimal defeat, richer for valuable, new experience soon then again they will take up the gauntlet and they will fight for other large event".

In short, to put it in the 'Polimpish' (a wikipedia entry urgently needed:

"It is possible to be sure that the result of the translator' work is certainly bringing shame on whoever is responsible".

Patricia Rosas
Patricia Rosas  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 11:30
Spanish to English
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In memoriam
Done! Feb 21, 2010


The writing on the web site is pathetic! Additionally, one of the tabs at the top of the main page reads "Polish OlImpians" (right next to a tab that reads "OlYmpic Committee).

I've gladly signed your petition and I hope it has an impact. (For others--esp. non-Polish speakers--it is very easy and quick to sign.)

Don't feel bad. This may be a golden opportunity to educate people about quality translation--and you didn't let it slip past you.
... See more

The writing on the web site is pathetic! Additionally, one of the tabs at the top of the main page reads "Polish OlImpians" (right next to a tab that reads "OlYmpic Committee).

I've gladly signed your petition and I hope it has an impact. (For others--esp. non-Polish speakers--it is very easy and quick to sign.)

Don't feel bad. This may be a golden opportunity to educate people about quality translation--and you didn't let it slip past you.


Izabela Szczypka
Izabela Szczypka  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
Please remember you need to verify your signature Feb 21, 2010

This is done in the usual way - they will send you an email to the address given while signing up, and in the email you need to hit the link provided to go to the original page.
The text will be in Polish, but the verifying link is the first long link under your address which they are verifying.

Iwona Szymaniak
Iwona Szymaniak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
I didn't know this part Feb 21, 2010

Iza, thank you for adding this explanation.
I didn't know this part of the voting procedure.


Izabela Szczypka
Izabela Szczypka  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
For those who would like to follow up on our cause later on Feb 21, 2010

When you go to the petition page, in the top-right corner you can see the current standings:

Podpisy [Signatures total]
Za petycją [Votes in support of the initiative]: xx [total] (yy) [total verified]
Przeciw [Opposing votes]: xx [total] (yy) [total verified]

Also, if you have already signed and want to check whether your name has been listed, the list of signatories can be viewed by clicking on 'Zobacz podpisy ZA' [View supporting votes] or 'Zobacz p
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When you go to the petition page, in the top-right corner you can see the current standings:

Podpisy [Signatures total]
Za petycją [Votes in support of the initiative]: xx [total] (yy) [total verified]
Przeciw [Opposing votes]: xx [total] (yy) [total verified]

Also, if you have already signed and want to check whether your name has been listed, the list of signatories can be viewed by clicking on 'Zobacz podpisy ZA' [View supporting votes] or 'Zobacz podpisy PRZECIW' [View opposing votes] - both options available in the menu at the bottom of the page.
Moreover, in the list of signatories there will be a number to the left of your name. If it is in brackets, this means your signature has already been verified.

[Edited at 2010-02-21 19:39 GMT]

Stuart Dowell
Stuart Dowell  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Member (2007)
Polish to English
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Machine translation Feb 22, 2010

It looks like it started as a machine translation with some editing to make it worse!

Iwona Szymaniak
Iwona Szymaniak  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
We chcecked Feb 22, 2010

Machine did better. Perhaps it was the editing you mention that made things even worse.


[Zmieniono 2010-02-22 06:55 GMT]

[Zmieniono 2010-02-22 07:13 GMT]

Izabela Szczypka
Izabela Szczypka  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
The proof is in the pudding Feb 22, 2010

Text published at the site:

Polish Olympic Committee is autonomic non - governmental organization acting in form of voluntary relationship of associations and different legal persons, realizing destinations and task the Olympic Movement and tasks connected with development of Polish sport.
The Management Board elected during Report and Election General Meeting on 4th, April 2009 on the first session was constituted in following composition:

Google Translate perfor
... See more
Text published at the site:

Polish Olympic Committee is autonomic non - governmental organization acting in form of voluntary relationship of associations and different legal persons, realizing destinations and task the Olympic Movement and tasks connected with development of Polish sport.
The Management Board elected during Report and Election General Meeting on 4th, April 2009 on the first session was constituted in following composition:

Google Translate performance (upon removal of a single, non-obtrusive spelling error in the Polish original):

Polish Olympic Committee is an autonomous non-governmental organization operating in a context of voluntary associations and other legal persons carrying out the aims and objectives of the Olympic Movement and the tasks associated with the development of Polish sport. Executive Board elected at the General Meeting-Election Reporting on 4 April 2009 at its first meeting constituted in the following composition:

Caryl Swift
Caryl Swift  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Polish to English
+ ...
A question to the ProZ world Feb 22, 2010

I've signed the petition, of course. What I was wondering is if this is the only committee which has failed to comprehend the nature of, as Patricia put it, 'quality translation'?

How does it look in other countries? Do you all, the world over, have beautifully rendered sites?


Izabela Szczypka
Izabela Szczypka  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
@ Caryl Feb 23, 2010

Caryl, as a Polish speaker you can read the parallel thread in the Polish forum - I have done some research on the subject.
The situation is varied - some national Olympic Committees (e.g. in Sierra Leone or Green Cape Islands) don't have a website at all, some have only monolingual sites (Albania, for instance) or are announcing the EN version to appear soon, but those who have launched an EN version of their websites (and EN is not their mother tongue / official language), generally have
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Caryl, as a Polish speaker you can read the parallel thread in the Polish forum - I have done some research on the subject.
The situation is varied - some national Olympic Committees (e.g. in Sierra Leone or Green Cape Islands) don't have a website at all, some have only monolingual sites (Albania, for instance) or are announcing the EN version to appear soon, but those who have launched an EN version of their websites (and EN is not their mother tongue / official language), generally have the EN version of at least acceptable quality.

Caryl Swift
Caryl Swift  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
Polish to English
+ ...
@ Iza Feb 23, 2010

OK, Iza. Thank you very much!

Izabela Szczypka
Izabela Szczypka  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:30
English to Polish
+ ...
Looks like... Mar 5, 2010

... our civic action has been successful.

I'd like to thank our fellow ProZians for their support. The Proż community is able to change the world for the better, ev
... See more
... our civic action has been successful.

I'd like to thank our fellow ProZians for their support. The Proż community is able to change the world for the better, even if by teaspoonfuls only.

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