Segmentation with Excel: soft line breaks
Thread poster: Sarah Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Local time: 22:27
Italian to English
+ ...
May 20, 2021

I'm translating an Excel document with Trados 2021 and I need to make Trados segment at soft line breaks. Some of the cells are very long and contain a number of phrases, some ending with punctuation, some without, but all followed by a soft line break. To give you an idea, the text below would be in a single cell.

This is the first line
Followed by the second line.
And the third line
Then there is a fourth;
And this is the last line.

Trados puts
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I'm translating an Excel document with Trados 2021 and I need to make Trados segment at soft line breaks. Some of the cells are very long and contain a number of phrases, some ending with punctuation, some without, but all followed by a soft line break. To give you an idea, the text below would be in a single cell.

This is the first line
Followed by the second line.
And the third line
Then there is a fourth;
And this is the last line.

Trados puts all this in one segment, whereas I need to get each line in a separate segment:

1 This is the first line
2 Followed by the second line.
3 And the third line
4 Then there is a fourth;
5 And this is the last line.

I've tried all the various solutions I've found on the web, but nothing works . Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

[Edited at 2021-05-20 14:03 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:27
English to Russian
Try this video May 21, 2021

Here is a video:
I could not make it work this time, however I remember that it worked before. I am not sure whether it is because I'm doing something wrong or because fSDL have overimproved something again... Maybe you are more lucky than me. Try it.

Wolfgang Schoene
Wolfgang Schoene  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:27
Member (2007)
English to German
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Segmentation with Excel: soft line breaks May 21, 2021

Sarah Gregg wrote:

I'm translating an Excel document with Trados 2021 and I need to make Trados segment at soft line breaks. Some of the cells are very long and contain a number of phrases, some ending with punctuation, some without, but all followed by a soft line break. To give you an idea, the text below would be in a single cell.

This is the first line
Followed by the second line.
And the third line
Then there is a fourth;
And this is the last line.

Trados puts all this in one segment, whereas I need to get each line in a separate segment:

1 This is the first line
2 Followed by the second line.
3 And the third line
4 Then there is a fourth;
5 And this is the last line.

I've tried all the various solutions I've found on the web, but nothing works . Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

[Edited at 2021-05-20 14:03 GMT]

I used to do this:
Copy the Excel column to Word
Replace all soft returns by hard returns: search for manual line break and replace by paragraph mark
Copy back to Excel

Ruth Wiedekind
Anthony Rudd
Anthony Rudd

Local time: 22:27
German to English
+ ...
Soft line breaks May 21, 2021

Why not write a regex to do it directly or adapt the segmentation rules.

Sarah Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Local time: 22:27
Italian to English
+ ...
Thanks May 21, 2021

Firstly thanks to you all.
@Stepan Konev: I have watched the video, thanks, and it's actually exactly what I've been doing. Goodness knows why it doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm doing something slightly wrong, so I'll keep trying.
@Wolfgang: Don't think the client would be very happy if I messed up his formatting!
@Anthony Rudd: Oh to be able! One day I will find time to study regex and maybe that will be my breakthrough moment.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:27
English to Russian
Me either May 21, 2021

Sarah Gregg wrote:
Goodness knows why it doesn't work for me. Maybe I'm doing something slightly wrong, so I'll keep trying.
I don't think it is you who's doing something wrong. I successfully used this method but now it doesn't work for me too. Probably something has changed within the software. I just wanted you to check that it is not only me who cannot make it work.
UPD: Weirdly, it works for the other TM of almost same size, both properly upgraded. Can't figure out why it works for one TM and doesn't for the other...

Anthony Rudd wrote:
Why not write a regex to do it directly or adapt the segmentation rules.
Could you please suggest a regex or instruction to adapt the segmentation rules. I tried both but it doesn't work.

[Edited at 2021-05-21 21:53 GMT]

Sarah Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Local time: 22:27
Italian to English
+ ...
Inexplicable partial solution May 22, 2021

Stepan Konev wrote:
UPD: Weirdly, it works for the other TM of almost same size, both properly upgraded. Can't figure out why it works for one TM and doesn't for the other...

I can confirm this inexplicably inconsistent behaviour. Yesterday I did some more tests and found exactly the same formula did NOT work with a new TM, but DID work with one out of five "old" updated TMs, all with more or less the same size and content. It's totally inexplicable, but I've now solved the problem by segmenting using the one TM where it does work.

Stepan Konev
Ruth Wiedekind
Alexandra Becker
Alexandra Becker
Local time: 22:27
Member (2002)
English to German
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Activate only relevant TM when applying segmentation rules May 27, 2021

Dear all,
When you execute the steps explained in the video (which is really helpful!) you should make sure that only this specific TM with changed segmentation rules is activated, otherwise it doesn’t work.
Good luck!

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:27
English to Russian
I couldn't even save a rule May 27, 2021

Alexandra Becker wrote:
When you execute the steps explained in the video (which is really helpful!) you should make sure that only this specific TM with changed segmentation rules is activated, otherwise it doesn’t work.

Wow! That works this time! Thank you. Even with all TMs activated. Incredible...
Actually, when I fiddled with this break line segmentation rule, I experienced two problems: first I couldn't even make it save the rule. I put the rule a name, I add regular expressions, I click OK 5 or so times to make sure I complete the process correctly, I can see the newly added rule in the list. Then I go back to the same set of segmentation rules and cannot see that rule anymore. It just vanished.
In the other TM, I could save the rule but it still does not work.
What regards enabling the correct TM, I know that too. To be more precise, you don't need to disable/deactivate other TMs. You just need to bring the correct TM to the top of the list of TMs, because Trados uses the topmost TM for segmentation. However, to make it 100% safe, I removed all other TMs except the correct one (with Line Break segm'n rule added), but still to no avail. Only after trying this with several other TMs, I could find a TM that accepted the rule and made it work. I can't explain that.

[Edited at 2021-05-27 15:49 GMT]

Sarah Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Local time: 22:27
Italian to English
+ ...
Erratic behaviour May 27, 2021

Stepan Konev wrote: Only after trying this with several other TMs, I could find a TM that accepted the rule and made it work. I can't explain that.

I had the same problem. With some TMs, I couldn't even save the rule, with others I could save it but it seemed to have no effect. And with two, wonderful, miraculous, life-saving TMs, all worked perfectly !! I can't explain it either.

Stepan Konev

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Segmentation with Excel: soft line breaks

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