Extract repetitions
Thread poster: Frank Zou
Frank Zou
Frank Zou  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:38
Member (2016)
Chinese to English
+ ...
Jan 8, 2020

Hi guys,

Is it possible to highlight or extract "repetitions" from the source text in Trados Studio?

Armine Abelyan
Armine Abelyan
Armine Abelyan
Local time: 11:38
English to Armenian
+ ...
Good question: But never tried Jan 8, 2020

Very good question but never tried. If any opinion, would be great to know..

Renée van Bijsterveld
Renée van Bijsterveld  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:38
Member (2007)
English to Dutch
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Not sure about extraction, but you can filter Jan 8, 2020

Filter your view through tab Review --> All segments (options: All, First occurrences, Excluding first occurrences).

Jaime Oriard
Jaime Oriard  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:38
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Analyze Files Jan 8, 2020

During project preparation, or afterwards from batch tasks, in the Analyze Files settings pane you can select "Export frequent segments". Just select the threshold you want.

Good luck!


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Extract repetitions

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