Save target as... NOT WORKING
Thread poster: Karina Garcia Pedroche
Karina Garcia Pedroche
Karina Garcia Pedroche  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
English to Spanish
+ ...
Jul 12, 2016

Hi all,

I've translated an MS Word file in Trados Studio 2015 and tried to save the target file, but Trados generates the same source file in the source language. My client is waiting for his file and I don't know how to solve this, as I've never had this issue before. Any idea of what may be the problem?

Regards, Karina.

Walter Blaser
Walter Blaser  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:27
French to German
+ ...
Did you use "Save target as" Jul 12, 2016


How did you generate the target file? Did you use the command "Save as target"?

Is the right-hand column of your Editor populated with the translation? Do you see the target text if you do a preview?
If yes, when seeing this preview in Word, simply use the Word command "Save as", this will give the same result and save your target document in the folder you specify.


Karina Garcia Pedroche
Karina Garcia Pedroche  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
English to Spanish
+ ...
Issue solved, though not technically Jul 12, 2016

I generated a new MS Word document, pasted the source text, opened it with Trados, pupulated the bilingual file with the TM, and finally created the target document. It worked. It must have been an issue with the original source file.

Karina Garcia Pedroche
Karina Garcia Pedroche  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
English to Spanish
+ ...
The preview doesn't work, Walter Jul 12, 2016

Your idea was good, Walter, thank you. I tried to do it, but there is a warning that says: "No Preview available, click here for help troubleshooting this error." So, there is something else to solve, here.

Luisa Ramos, CT
Luisa Ramos, CT  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:27
English to Spanish
Perfect Aug 14, 2019

You "saved my life"! Three years later.

Karina Garcia Pedroche wrote:

I generated a new MS Word document, pasted the source text, opened it with Trados, pupulated the bilingual file with the TM, and finally created the target document. It worked. It must have been an issue with the original source file.

Adam Warren
Adam Warren  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:27
Member (2005)
French to English
Cleaning a source file for CAT processing Aug 15, 2019

Problems ("issues") with a source file - cleaning the  file for CAT processing

In the following order:

1. Unblock an incoming file

In Windows Explorer, select the file, and right-click on it. Scroll down to 'Properties' and at the bottom of the dialogue box, look at the bottom element. Uncheck the 'Blocked' item.

2. Open & repair

This involves opening the file from within Word, using File > Open. Find and sele
... See more
Problems ("issues") with a source file - cleaning the  file for CAT processing

In the following order:

1. Unblock an incoming file

In Windows Explorer, select the file, and right-click on it. Scroll down to 'Properties' and at the bottom of the dialogue box, look at the bottom element. Uncheck the 'Blocked' item.

2. Open & repair

This involves opening the file from within Word, using File > Open. Find and select the source file. To bottom right of the 'Open' dialogue box, there is a button which you can right-click, and scroll down to 'Open and repair'.

3. Save to an earlier or simpler format

I think it's best to select and copy the whole document, and paste into a blank Word file.

In descending order, the formats you can save to are:

- Winword 2003;
- RTF; or
- Plain text (ASCII).

4. With particular reference to files converted from PDF

One or other of the above-mentioned format changes may be necessary because of what I call "hidden dirt" - invisible code information - carried over from PDF into word-processing file formats.

In addition, it is wise to render formatting uniform, so as to avoid an overload of formatting codes in the source file. In the simplest cases, you can select the whole document, assign a single font, and a single size where practical. In the 'Font' dialogue box it is also wise to align the text vertically, taking care to retain exponent and index alignments if any, and to make the (horizontal) character spacing uniform.

With more complex formatting, in the same aim of uniformity, a style sheet can be compiled and applied, to reflect the standard formatting of the source.

In every case, when saving with format changes, it is advisable to rename the changed file descriptively so as to distinguish it from its neighbours and predecessors.

Jorge Payan

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Save target as... NOT WORKING

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