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Powwow: Oxford - United Kingdom

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Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:29
German to English
+ ...
nobless oblige, or something Jul 30, 2004

conference in my daughter's college, overnight in mine - irresistible!
Ryanair also flies from the quaintly-named Hamburg/Lübeck airport. The bus ain't a bad idea at all, Gillian. On the other hand, term should be over by then (I'll check that), so parking won't be too bad in Oxford, and it's one hell of a hike up the Banbury (or Woodstock) Road to Stews, yer know. Maybe we could club together and hire something like the Citroen Picasso I rented once in the UK!

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:29
German to English
+ ...
parking Jul 30, 2004

Rod, in my experience, parking is always difficult in Oxford - especially on Saturdays and Sundays in the run-up to Christmas!

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:29
German to English
+ ...
@ Mary Jul 30, 2004

you're right of course, I'd forgotten Christmas (and I was never in Oxford after the end of term, so how would I know?). But if we are all flying in around the same time at Stansted and club in with 6 or so per "espace", we should be ok: there's usually plenty of spaces in St. Margaret's Road, though the town centre is indeed a bit tacky! It depends a bit on how much flitting around we do, I guess. Let's hear what the others say.

Brigith Guimarães
Brigith Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:29
Member (2003)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
GREAT! Jul 30, 2004

I say, what an excellent idea. When UK calls me.. I go! And Oxford on top of it all. I'll try to get some company, if not I intende to fly all by myself and, yeahp, would be grateful for some information regarding "quarters"... all my friens like southwards.

Planning to be during all events.

It will be absolutelly great to meet all Proz virtual friends and ... etc

Brigith Guimarães
Brigith Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:29
Member (2003)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
yeahp and yuppie... Jul 30, 2004

When UK calls, I go and Oxford above all - just love the idea to be back!

I intend to stay during all events and, yes, I will be seeing around for some "quarters", since all my UK friends live southwards a bit. B&B would be lovely

I will try to bring another colleague, but if at all impossible, I will fly alone from Oporto.

Wonderful opportunity to meet virtual friends, new ones and ... have a ball...

Thanks, Gianfranco - see ya

... See more
When UK calls, I go and Oxford above all - just love the idea to be back!

I intend to stay during all events and, yes, I will be seeing around for some "quarters", since all my UK friends live southwards a bit. B&B would be lovely

I will try to bring another colleague, but if at all impossible, I will fly alone from Oporto.

Wonderful opportunity to meet virtual friends, new ones and ... have a ball...

Thanks, Gianfranco - see ya

I'm VAT registered, platinum and will probably make payment through paypal next week

English to Portuguese
+ ...
brigith Jul 30, 2004

We could go together, what d you think?

Brigith Guimarães
Brigith Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:29
Member (2003)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
the more... Jul 30, 2004

... the merrier, Lena! My pleasure...

Brigith Guimarães
Brigith Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:29
Member (2003)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Suggestion - Lena... Jul 30, 2004

do you mind sleeping under the bridge somewhere? ok, me neither:):)

English to Portuguese
+ ...
well - brigith Jul 30, 2004

I will think about it...

but honestly in November, it doesn't seem a wonderful idea...

Brigith Guimarães
Brigith Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:29
Member (2003)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
eheh... Jul 30, 2004

doesn't sound too good, hem!?

English to Portuguese
+ ...
no... Jul 30, 2004

no, it doesn't!!!

Imagine if it's raining...

Dr Andrew Read
Dr Andrew Read  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:29
German to English
+ ...
Don't forget to read... Jul 30, 2004

...the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman, especially the first part, "Northern Lights" before you all come to Oxford. It's a great book and partly set in a parallel universe Oxford! And I did my Masters Translation dissertation on the French and German translations of it.

Brigith Guimarães
Brigith Guimarães  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:29
Member (2003)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
It will be in my long list... Jul 30, 2004

3 german books I must absolutely read for my GDS.Prüfung + one or two spanish I aim to read for a long time + your suggestion...

who knows? eheh

gianfranco  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:29
Member (2001)
English to Italian
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Use the forum threads Jul 31, 2004

Please post about Travel (link 2) or Accomodation (link 3) or Social Events (link 4) in the dedicated threads shown at the top of this page. Any other posting goes on the link 5. Thank you

Local time: 12:29
English to Urdu
Company Wow!!! Aug 1, 2004

If granted visa, I'll love to be there.

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Powwow: Oxford - United Kingdom

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