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To Plus or not to Plus?
Thread poster: Roy Williams
Katalin Horváth McClure
Katalin Horváth McClure  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:31
Member (2002)
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@Helen - thread was not removed, just locked Apr 28, 2019

Helen Shiner wrote:

Since Fiona's thread about you was removed

The thread is here (locked):

Andrew Morris
Helen Shiner
Helen Shiner  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:31
German to English
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@Katalin Apr 28, 2019

Thanks. I was unable to find it.

Helen Shiner
Helen Shiner  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:31
German to English
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@Andrew Apr 28, 2019

Having said that, and meant it sincerely, I would ask those who are quick to judge my responses how THEY would react if someone dumped on a project to which they had devoted two years of their life. Please let’s be honest here, and not hold others to standards we would not apply to ourselves.

Ah, this paragraph was not there when I responded to your post.

Had I been quick to judge you, I might have been able to respond to the original thread by Fiona 😉

It is perfectly possible, and desirable in such a representative position as yours, I would suggest, to be able to state your case calmly without aggression. Jared, for instance, has managed it for years here.

Natasha Ziada (X)
Yvonne Gallagher
Michele Fauble
Grace Anderson
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Elizabeth Tamblin
Elizabeth Tamblin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:31
French to English
I suggest a time limit for editing posts Apr 28, 2019

Helen Shiner wrote:

Radical changes after the event beyond changes to punctuation and grammar are not really acceptable.

[Edited at 2019-04-28 06:40 GMT]

You raise an interesting point about editing posts. We all do it, and you edited one of your posts on this thread four times. Nobody knows what the changes were. As far as I can see, there is no limit to the number of edits we can make, nor is there a time limit.

I see this as a flaw in the system. Other forums tend to set a time limit for editing posts, usually a few minutes. On the ProZ forum, people could potentially come back years later and change their post entirely.

This is particularly annoying now that we have the Agree function. We could find that we have our Agree appended to a post we absolutely Disagree with.

Andrew Morris
Helen Shiner
Rosa Plana Castillón
Kay Denney
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Local time: 21:31 team
To edit or not to edit Apr 28, 2019

I think we would need to define “radical change”.

To me that implies a change which totally alters the thrust of the original argument, making subsequent comments look foolish, irrelevant or misguided.

That is certainly not the case here. And besides, my comment about judging was not directed at anyone in particular.

I think we all edit our posts, and so we should. For we are language professionals.

However, there are limits, of course.
... See more
I think we would need to define “radical change”.

To me that implies a change which totally alters the thrust of the original argument, making subsequent comments look foolish, irrelevant or misguided.

That is certainly not the case here. And besides, my comment about judging was not directed at anyone in particular.

I think we all edit our posts, and so we should. For we are language professionals.

However, there are limits, of course.

On personal styles (again???), I have huge respect for Jared and we are in the process of establishing an excellent working relationship. He is calm, consistent and considerate. However, i am not his clone and have no plans to turn into one. Nor does my job description require such a profound personal transformation.

Can we please veer back on topic now?

Natasha Ziada (X)
Natasha Ziada (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:31
English to Dutch
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On editing Apr 28, 2019

I’ve noticed that for members, edited posts show up as edited (with a time stamp), but Andrew’s don’t. I don’t mind people being able to go back and edit their posts at any time, but ideally these posts should show up as having been edited - including when -, and possibly, with the original post visible somewhere (like on Facebook). I also believe editing should consist of minor changes only and should not be a way to address or counter any arguments made afterwards. Using ‘Edited to a... See more
I’ve noticed that for members, edited posts show up as edited (with a time stamp), but Andrew’s don’t. I don’t mind people being able to go back and edit their posts at any time, but ideally these posts should show up as having been edited - including when -, and possibly, with the original post visible somewhere (like on Facebook). I also believe editing should consist of minor changes only and should not be a way to address or counter any arguments made afterwards. Using ‘Edited to add’ is good social media etiquette to avoid any ambiguity.Collapse

Helen Shiner
Mirko Mainardi
Andrew Morris
Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Grace Anderson
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Re: removed post Apr 28, 2019

Helen Shiner wrote:
Since Fiona's thread about you was removed...

To add to what Katalin had said, it's still there, if you know where to look for it:

site forums2

[Edited at 2019-04-28 09:55 GMT]

Andrew Morris
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
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English to Afrikaans
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Re: editing posts Apr 28, 2019

Radical changes after the event beyond changes to punctuation and grammar are not really acceptable.

I disagree.

If I discover within the 24-hour limit that I have egg on my face, then I think it is perfectly acceptable for me to take my foot out of my mouth by editing my post, even if it changes everything. (This is why I believe all "likes" should be removed as soon as a person edits their post.)

If you want to respond to something that someone had said, then you should quote that bit of text, so that all subsequent readers can see what you're responding to without having to scroll up and read the previous posts to see if they can figure out what it is that you're responding to.

Elizabeth Tamblin wrote:
As far as I can see, there is no limit to the number of edits we can make, nor is there a time limit. ... I see this as a flaw in the system. Other forums tend to set a time limit for editing posts, usually a few minutes.

No, there is a time limit, and the limit is 24 hours.

I agree that the system is imperfect. For example,
(1) I would like the ability to delete my own posts (so that I don't have to "edit" them when I change my mind).
(2) Also, I would like to be warned when I click the Post Reply button if any responses had appeared since I started writing my reply (so that I choose to not post my message after all, if I'm simply repeating what others have already said since I had started writing my post).
(3) I agree that being able to see what edits someone had made would be nice, but failing that, (4) a little field "Reason for edit" would be nice, so that I can write "Fixed typos" or "Fixed errors in logic".
(5) Another problem with the current system is that you can't see how many times a post was edited (you can only see the time of the most recent edit).
(6) An option to save a draft would be nice as well, since I may not wish to post my reply immediately, or I may wish to wait a while to mull over it before finally pressing "Post Reply" (the current solution is to save the post to Notepad).

I admit that I sometimes post a small, quick post, so that my post appears in a favourable position, and then I edit to explain my point more fully. Otherwise my post ends up in an unfavourable position, and the effort that I put into a post is lost.

Sometimes I use the edit feature as I have done in this particular post, namely to split a single post that covers two issues into two posts that each cover one issue. Also, sometimes after I've pressed "Post Reply", I discover that someone had posted something in the mean time that I want to respond to, which is still part of the topic of my post, so instead of posting an all new reply just to respond to that extra post, I edit my post and add my response to it.

Natasha Ziada wrote:
I’ve noticed that for [ordinary] members, edited posts show up as edited (with a time stamp), but Andrew’s don’t.

Yes, that is dishonest (though I'm sure Andrew was not responsible for implementing that feature).

[Edited at 2019-04-28 11:08 GMT]

Andrew Morris
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Re: veering back to topic Apr 28, 2019

Andrew Morris wrote:
[ten paragraphs discussing something unrelated to "To Plus or not to Plus", followed by:]
So we are veering somewhat off-topic here...
Can we possibly get back to the main issue?

Andrew Morris wrote:
[six paragraphs discussing something unrelated to "To Plus or not to Plus", followed by:]
Can we please veer back on topic now?

Remember, not everyone here reads all posts in the thread, and not everyone reads every post all the way to the end, so if you believe a thread is veering off-topic and you want it to get back on-topic, writing a passive-aggressive request at the end of a post won't work (especially if your own post is itself off-topic).

There is an established procedure for ensuring that threads do not go too far off-topic: simply click the "Call to this topic" link next to One of the moderators' names at the bottom of the page and ask him/her to intervene. If he/she doesn't, it means that moderator doesn't agree that the thread has gone too far off-topic yet, and if that bothers you, you should stop reading the thread.

If you feel very strongly about not going off-topic, and someone else does, and you want to reply to what they had said, then you can write them a personal message by clicking on their name and clicking the "Send email" button on their profile page.

[Edited at 2019-04-28 10:26 GMT]

Andrew Morris
Natasha Ziada (X)
Fiona Grace Peterson
Fiona Grace Peterson  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
Italian to English
Subjective Apr 28, 2019

At the end of the day, no-one can really tell you which plan is best without knowing what your goals and expectations are. I was a Plus member for a year and didn't find it useful. That doesn't mean that you won't. The best option might be to try it out for a year, see if it's a good fit.

Andrew Morris
Natasha Ziada (X)
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Local time: 21:31 team
Unaware Apr 28, 2019

Thanks for pointing that out Natasha. I genuinely had no idea my edits were not listed. In future I will certainly add a note to that effect, in the case of substantial edits (rather than punctuation or simple changes).

Thanks Samuel too for the pointer on the off-topic issue. Noted.

(Edited to add: quoting is a bit fiddly when using the mobile app, which is why I tend to name people when referring to their points).

As for “passive-aggressive” requests,
... See more
Thanks for pointing that out Natasha. I genuinely had no idea my edits were not listed. In future I will certainly add a note to that effect, in the case of substantial edits (rather than punctuation or simple changes).

Thanks Samuel too for the pointer on the off-topic issue. Noted.

(Edited to add: quoting is a bit fiddly when using the mobile app, which is why I tend to name people when referring to their points).

As for “passive-aggressive” requests, I must confess I have no idea what this much-overused word really means. I first came across it in a Woody Allen film years ago where it was used to lampoon the whole issue of self-analysis.

I simply asked the same person twice (having tried to respond to their post in an adequate manner) whether we could veer back to the topic. For the life of me I can’t find the threatening or ominous emotional overtones in that question.

Anyway, all points noted. I am fine with the suggestions here.

Elizabeth Tamblin
Elizabeth Tamblin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:31
French to English
@Samuel Apr 28, 2019

Samuel Murray wrote:

No, there is a time limit, and the limit is 24 hours.

Thanks for the info! I didn't know that.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:31
Member (2007)
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Translation Mastermind posts Apr 28, 2019

Tom in London wrote:
OK so Translation MistressMind is not a good reason for paying more to get the "Plus" package.

However apart from Andrew's remarks, and as a matter of interest, I would still welcome opinions from anyone else (i.e. ***not Andrew***) of the thousands of people who apparently use TMM and who can respond to my question (which Andrew didn't address):

Precisely *what* extras does TMM offer in addition to what the Proz package already offers? (Please, not just general statements about how great TMM is).

Others have already given their views about the group, so I thought I'd post some factual stuff. I just had a look through the most recent threads, most of which generated lively discussion. Only two were initiated by Andrew, and he didn't play a major role in any of the discussions. I don't think any of us devote our lives to the group .

Here are the latest 10 topics, in order and without omissions:
1) A group member kindly offering their BP19 conference ticket, which they can't make use of, for free. That will have given a great ROI for someone!
2) A "funny translation" photo that had been reported in the media
3) The usefulness (or not) of membership of professional associations
4) Pricing specifics for copywriting
5) How our business services may have altered over time, and future plans for branching out
6) Dealing with the sudden cancellation of a large project (for reasons unrelated to the translator)
7) Considering charging for our work based on its value to the client, rather than "per unit"
8) Considerations for a freelancer providing the whole TEP package
9) Chasing direct clients for payment
10) Clients comparing our work with TM output and giving that preference .

So, even if it is taking place within Facebook, it's pretty similar to some of the stuff here. However, because it's a closed group there doesn't have to be the same strict no-naming policy. And subjects that would be considered not suitable for the forums are allowed, e.g. there are (sensible) job offers and also queries about who offers which specialist services, which are no doubt followed up with PMs about jobs. Whether it appeals to you (i.e. anyone), I don't know, but I find it worth a few minutes of my time.

Andrew Morris
Anne Carnot
Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:31
English to Italian
In numbers Apr 28, 2019

Sheila Wilson wrote:

... there are (sensible) job offers and also queries about who offers which specialist services, which are no doubt followed up with PMs about jobs. Whether it appeals to you (i.e. anyone), I don't know, but I find it worth a few minutes of my time.

Just to have a basic idea, how many projects/clients did you get in the last year through that group?

Natasha Ziada (X)
Natasha Ziada (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:31
English to Dutch
+ ...
Discussion Apr 28, 2019

Samuel Murray wrote:

Radical changes after the event beyond changes to punctuation and grammar are not really acceptable.

I disagree.

If I discover within the 24-hour limit that I have egg on my face, then I think it is perfectly acceptable for me to take my foot out of my mouth by editing my post, even if it changes everything.

What’s wrong with having the courage to admit that you were wrong, or that you’ve changed your mind? I wish more people did this on social media; it’s more honest, less confusing and more courteous towards your fellow participants in a discussion.

Rosa Plana Castillón
Andrew Morris
Elizabeth Tamblin
Mirko Mainardi
Yvonne Gallagher
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