Debt Collection in France
Thread poster: Levent Yildizgoren
Levent Yildizgoren
Levent Yildizgoren  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:17
English to Arabic
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Apr 6, 2005

Hi All,

We are a UK based company.

A client of ours based in France has no intention of paying us despite all our reminders. They have not disputed our invoice either.
I am tired of calling them and I am not sure whatelse to do.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend a debt collection/recovery company based in France. I would also welcome any other suggestions.

Thanks in advance

Levent Yildizgoren

JohnCollingw (X)
JohnCollingw (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:17
French to English
Debt collection in France Apr 7, 2005

You could try:
Edric Consulting (
Was in the same position as you and EC were helpful - the bad payer went into liquidation before much could be done.


Ivana de Sousa Santos
Ivana de Sousa Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
French to Portuguese
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I have a question regarding this debt collection company Apr 11, 2005

Is it possible for you to tell me how much this company will charge for collecting the debt?

I have a client who doesn't pay me for a job because he claims his French client has disappeared and he can't receive the money from him.

I advised him to contact a debt collection company and he told me that it is not possible because his client owes him 9000 dollars and he should pay 50-60% of that amount to the dobt collection company.

Is that possible?
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Is it possible for you to tell me how much this company will charge for collecting the debt?

I have a client who doesn't pay me for a job because he claims his French client has disappeared and he can't receive the money from him.

I advised him to contact a debt collection company and he told me that it is not possible because his client owes him 9000 dollars and he should pay 50-60% of that amount to the dobt collection company.

Is that possible?

Thank you in advance!

Levent Yildizgoren
Levent Yildizgoren  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:17
English to Arabic
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I have contacted 2 debt collection agencies in France. Apr 11, 2005

They said they would charge around 20% of the recovered amount. I hope this helps. And they would normally operate on 'no win no fee' basis.

I think your case is a little different than ours. I do not think that your client's excuse is valid. As long as this is nothing to do with your translations, you should be paid regardless of his situation.

Perhaps you can contact the moderators of this forum for further advice.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:17
English to German
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Sorry... Apr 11, 2005

Perhaps you can contact the moderators of this forum for further advice.

...but I don't have any experience regarding debt collection in France. Might be worthwhile posting a question in the French forum (in French, of course...).

Best, Ralf

Ivana de Sousa Santos
Ivana de Sousa Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
French to Portuguese
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I've posted a forum last week... Apr 11, 2005

... about what should I do in that case, but the answers were all the same "write in the BB". I know I will have to do it but I am still doing things the right way.

I wanted to know if there were some organisms that collect debts, or an international organism I can contact. I don't know if I can go to court and file a complaint against someone on the other side of the world.

I've heard of a company but it only collects very high amounts. They would laugh at my US$ 507.
... See more
... about what should I do in that case, but the answers were all the same "write in the BB". I know I will have to do it but I am still doing things the right way.

I wanted to know if there were some organisms that collect debts, or an international organism I can contact. I don't know if I can go to court and file a complaint against someone on the other side of the world.

I've heard of a company but it only collects very high amounts. They would laugh at my US$ 507. But it was my work and I deserve to be paid for it. Besides, this amount is very good for me, because there are months in which I don't get that much with translation. I posted my forum to know if there was anything besides the BB. So far, the client hasn't treated me bad. Last week I wrote him asking for the money and he said "I'm sorry for your personal problems but you will have to wait, as I do". I told that's him who's supposed to pay me, but there is no way I can make him pay. Putting a post in the BB would be declaring war to my client and I want to do it only if I have a safe way of collecting my money.

Thank you anyway for your postings.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:17
English to German
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Opposite experience Apr 11, 2005

Hi Ivana,
I wanted to know if there were some organisms that collect debts, or an international organism I can contact. I don't know if I can go to court and file a complaint against someone on the other side of the world.

You're probably aware of collection agencies - if the large international ones (such as Dun & Bradstreet, or the like) are too expensive, why don't you check the yellow pages at your customer's location?

I've heard of a company but it only collects very high amounts. They would laugh at my US$ 507. But it was my work and I deserve to be paid for it.

Nobody could dispute that, but sadly, deserving to be paid and actually getting paid are not always the same.

So far, the client hasn't treated me bad.

I beg to differ, as failure to pay is not what I would call "good treatment".

Last week I wrote him asking for the money and he said "I'm sorry for your personal problems but you will have to wait, as I do".

Yup, one of the favourite excuses...

I told that's him who's supposed to pay me, but there is no way I can make him pay.

...and guess what: your client is aware of that.

Putting a post in the BB would be declaring war to my client and I want to do it only if I have a safe way of collecting my money.

This is also a line I've heard on numerous occasions (as one of the Jobs moderators, I'm used to dealing with non-payment complaints). Sorry, but if your client is willing and able to pay, he will pay - not despite, but probably because of a Blue Board entry. You're not declaring war - you're asserting your rights.

Don't hesitate to contact me through my profile if you need to discuss the issue in more detail.

Best regards,


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Debt Collection in France

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