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Bye-bye, and - see you soon!
Thread poster: Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
English to German
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Mar 15, 2009

Dear colleagues,
Looking back on several years of intensive collaboration, discussions, mutual help and support, and much more, I have decided to resign from the role of moderator. This applies to both Jobs/Blue Board and the forums.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who – together with all moderators – helped make as successful as it is today. My thanks also goes out to those who made their point in a respect
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Dear colleagues,
Looking back on several years of intensive collaboration, discussions, mutual help and support, and much more, I have decided to resign from the role of moderator. This applies to both Jobs/Blue Board and the forums.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who – together with all moderators – helped make as successful as it is today. My thanks also goes out to those who made their point in a respectful and factual manner whenever we disagreed.

As you are no doubt aware, Support has taken over moderating jobs recently. Please feel free to contact me if you feel that the experience gathered over more than six years could be helpful to you.

This is not a farewell, as I will continue to be active on – but no longer in the moderator role. See you soon!

Yours sincerely,

Giuliana Buscaglione
Giuliana Buscaglione  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:04
Member (2001)
German to Italian
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Thank you for all you did Mar 15, 2009

Dear Ralf, dear friend,

I thank you for all you have been doing in the past 9 years for us all, users and members. It was a pleasure and honor to serve the site at your side in the Jobs and Blue Board area, at powwows and conferences.

Our paths had crossed a long time ago and I'll do my best to make sure they'll keep on running next to each other for as long as I can.




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Dear Ralf, dear friend,

I thank you for all you have been doing in the past 9 years for us all, users and members. It was a pleasure and honor to serve the site at your side in the Jobs and Blue Board area, at powwows and conferences.

Our paths had crossed a long time ago and I'll do my best to make sure they'll keep on running next to each other for as long as I can.




[Edited at 2009-03-15 11:56 GMT]

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni
Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
Member (2003)
English to Albanian
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Dear Ralf Mar 15, 2009

It has been an honour and pleasure to have had the possibility to work with you in the Jobs and Blue Board Moderators team. I always admired your ponderated and professional discussions of our ideas or issues.

I hope I will be able to collaborate with you in other circumstances. Thank you for all the advices, support and kindness you have always given me.

Thank You!!

Warm hug from Bucharest, Fabiana...
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It has been an honour and pleasure to have had the possibility to work with you in the Jobs and Blue Board Moderators team. I always admired your ponderated and professional discussions of our ideas or issues.

I hope I will be able to collaborate with you in other circumstances. Thank you for all the advices, support and kindness you have always given me.

Thank You!!

Warm hug from Bucharest, Fabiana

Siegfried Armbruster
Siegfried Armbruster  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
English to German
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In memoriam
Dear Ralf, Mar 15, 2009

thank you for having been available whenever I needed help and advice. For me you were one of the pillars of the active Proz community. Hoping to meet you in Vienna.

Thank you,

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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I feel sad, dear friend Mar 15, 2009

You were one of the first friends I made through ProZ, so it makes me feel personally sad to see you leave.
Luckily friendship does not end with retiring as Moderator

All the best to you and see you soon.

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
Member (2002)
English to Russian
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Dear Ralf Mar 15, 2009

Thank you for everything - your time, your willingness and readiness to help - it was so nice to work with you!


Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:34
German to English
Thanks Mar 15, 2009

Hi Ralf,

Thank you for being a great moderator and for the couple of times you responded to some of my concerns. I appreciated your thoughtfulness and quick action.

I look forward to seeing you around for a long time to come

Best wishes,

Gerard de Noord
Gerard de Noord  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
Member (2003)
English to Dutch
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Dear Ralf Mar 15, 2009

I fully understand your decision. Siegfried said it all: you’re one of the pillars of the active community and I do hope you’ll stay as active as ever in the forums. Thank you for your invaluable contributions so far.

Kind regards,

Steffen Walter
Steffen Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
Member (2002)
English to German
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Thank you so much for your commitment Mar 15, 2009

Hi Ralf,

I fully respect your decision but it's so sad to see you resign. That said, you have always been a prime example of professionalism and dedication, and will continue to be... We'll be in touch - I very much hope to see you in Berlin. (And see you around on the site.)

All the best,

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:04
English to Italian
Oh, no... Mar 15, 2009

another one...



Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 07:04
Member (2009)
English to Croatian
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I'm saddened Mar 15, 2009

Dear Ralf,

I haven't been around for as long as you have, but during this time that I've known you, I have concluded that you are one dedicated individual with a very calming influence on forum discussions, especially when the verbal conflict is present. It's been great having you around here , and I will certainly miss your balanced and optimized style of moderation.

[Edited at 2009-03-15 13:14 GMT]

Yolanda Broad
Yolanda Broad  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:04
Member (2000)
French to English
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I will miss having you as a fellow moderator Mar 15, 2009

Dear Ralf,

You've been my model of moderation and professionalism, always steady and ready and willing to be helpful. And competent!!!!


Özden Arıkan
Özden Arıkan  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:04
English to Turkish
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Thank you for all your contributions, Ralf Mar 15, 2009

Dear Ralf,

It has been a privilege to have known you and worked with you. Thank you for all your contributions to the community, to our profession, and for being such a great colleague and friend.

My best wishes,


[Edited at 2009-03-16 00:50 GMT]

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:04
Member (2005)
English to Japanese
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Schade... Mar 15, 2009

Dear Ralf,

It's so sad to hear you leave your post as a moderator. I believe the job was demanding, and whatever reason you have to leave, I understand. You were one of the first moderator which I got into contact when I joined Proz. You were very helpful, and one of my favorite moderators to get in touch when I needed help.
I'll see you around on Proz.

Best regards

Yasutomo Kanazawa

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:04
Member (2003)
English to Latvian
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Thank you for all Ralf Mar 15, 2009

It was a great honour and pleasure to work with you all these years in jobs/bb team.
Thank you for all and see you arround!


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Bye-bye, and - see you soon!

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