Hidden Answers
Thread poster: Niamh Lynch
Niamh Lynch
Niamh Lynch
Local time: 13:26
Spanish to English
+ ...
Dec 2, 2006


I am new to asking questions on Kudoz, so forgive me if the answer to this question is blindingly obvious. I asked a question a few days ago, and got email notification of 4 answers. When I actually go to the question on Proz, however, I can only see two answers, and the one I want to award the points to is one of the two that do NOT appear. Where have my answers gone?! Thanks.

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:26
Russian to English
+ ...
In memoriam
The answerer has hidden the answer Dec 2, 2006

An answerer can hide an answer, making it invisible to everyone except him/herself. People do this when they become convinced that their answer is incorrect or that another answer is better.

Niamh Lynch
Niamh Lynch
Local time: 13:26
Spanish to English
+ ...
awarding points Dec 5, 2006

Thanks for that, I just assumed that it would say on the question itself or in the email that answers had been hidden - I think it mentioned it on one but I didn't notice on the other. Does that mean that I cannot award points to the answers I think are correct because they are hidden? Both hidden answers were the same.

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:26
Member (2002)
English to Russian
+ ...

Hi Niamh Dec 5, 2006

niamh lynch wrote:
Does that mean that I cannot award points to the answers I think are correct because they are hidden?

In such cases - no, you can't. You may either award points to another answer (if it is correct and helpful) or close the question without grading (there is such possibility).

Paul Tu
Paul Tu
Local time: 04:26
Member (2006)
Vietnamese to English
+ ...
My answers went AWOL Jan 14, 2007

My problem is a little different. I answered some Kudoz questions but my answers did not appeared even if I did not click "Hide answer". How do I correct this?

[Edited at 2007-01-14 12:14]


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Hidden Answers

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