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- Odborníci definujú think-tanky ako nezávislé, zvyčajne súkromné výskumné ústavy zamerané na politiku. Ich úlohou by mal byť výskum určitej oblasti politiky, aktívne vzdelávanie spoločnosti, ale aj radenie politikom či vplyv na mienkotvorné elity. Pôsobia ako zdroj informácií, argumentov, ideí či hodnôt. Občas – najmä na Západe – pripomínajú think-tanky akési univerzity bez študentov. Ani politológovia sa však nezhodujú celkom v otázke, do akej miery majú byť think-tanky nezávislé. - by Linda Vakermanova
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- Francúzsko a Nemecko plánuje vytvoriť európsky výskumný tím – takzvaný think-tank, na rozvíjanie európskych myšlienok na medzinárodnej scéne. - by Linda Vakermanova
- Uznávaný slovenský think-tank v oblasti zdravotnej politiky Health Policy Institute organizuje 3.júna 2008 v Bratislave medzinárodnú konferenciu o selekcii rizika a kompenzácii rizikovej štruktúry v zdravotnom poistení. - by Linda Vakermanova
- V čase keď európske krajiny zápasia s finančnou a hospodárskou krízou európske think tanky nie sú schopné pomáhať rozhodovateľom nachádzať inovatívne riešenia, píšu autori Stephen Boucher and Martine Royo v novej knihe. - by Linda Vakermanova
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- A think tank is an organization that sponsors research on specific problems, encourages the discovery of solutions to those problems, and facilitates interaction among scientists and intellectuals in pursuit of these goals. A public policy think tank explicitly focuses on government policies, usually for the purpose of improving those policies or creating viable alternatives. NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS
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- The 25 most media-prominent think tanks were cited 17 percent less in 2007 than they were the year before, FAIR’s annual survey of think tank citations found. The decline was felt across the board among centrist, conservative and progressive think tanks. - FAIR
- The Think Tank has already played an important role in defining priorities for HIV/AIDS policy formation on HIV/AIDS with in European Union and in its Neighbourhood. - European Comission
- In any event, we encourage you to GET INVOLVED, whether you set up your own NGO/think tank or donate some time and money to existing organizations. - Romanian Think Tank
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- Strict etimologic, termenul de think-tank este extrem de sugestiv si polisemantic: tank înseamna atît "container", cît si "tanc", iar asocierea cu think ne da imaginea fie a unui recipient mental, un laborator reflexiv, în interiorul caruia sînt experimentate tot felul de idei, fie a unui vehicul de lupta inteligent; iar daca vom combina aceste doua imagini vom obtine ceea ce Oxford American Dictionary numeste "o organizatie de cercetare care analizeaza probleme politice sau sociale sau economice etc. în folosul guvernamîntului sau al firmelor de afaceri". Vezi linkul - by Andrei Albu
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- Este acordată, printre altele, asistenţă financiară programelor de Măsuri Inovatoare care constituie adevărate laboratoare de idei pentru sprijinirea regiunilor defavorizate. - Comisia Europeană - Politica regională by Andrei Albu
- Fraza emblematica si paradoxala - "Daca vrem sa nu se schimbe Nimic, atunci trebuie sa schimbam Totul!" - a ajuns un obiect de studiu si analiza in multe laboratoare de idei si strategii vizonare. - Ziarul ”Gândul” by Andrei Albu
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- En tænketank er en gruppe, eller en organisation, der beskæftiger sig med intensiv forskning, problemløsning eller idégenerering inden for et bestemt område, som oftest inden for kategorierne teknologi, samfundsforhold, politik og militærstrategi. Wikipedia - by Line Maxwell
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