Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

think tank

Danish translation:


Dec 26, 2008 18:54
16 yrs ago
English term

think tank

GBK English to Danish Social Sciences Government / Politics
A think tank is an organization that sponsors research on specific problems, encourages the discovery of solutions to those problems, and facilitates interaction among scientists and intellectuals in pursuit of these goals. A public policy think tank explicitly focuses on government policies, usually for the purpose of improving those policies or creating viable alternatives.
Example sentences:
The 25 most media-prominent think tanks were cited 17 percent less in 2007 than they were the year before, FAIR’s annual survey of think tank citations found. The decline was felt across the board among centrist, conservative and progressive think tanks. (FAIR)
The Think Tank has already played an important role in defining priorities for HIV/AIDS policy formation on HIV/AIDS with in European Union and in its Neighbourhood. (European Comission)
In any event, we encourage you to GET INVOLVED, whether you set up your own NGO/think tank or donate some time and money to existing organizations. (Romanian Think Tank)
Proposed translations (Danish)
5 +2 Tænketank
Change log

Dec 26, 2008 18:35: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Dec 26, 2008 18:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Dec 29, 2008 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jan 6, 2009 09:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

30 mins


Definition from Wikipedia:
En tænketank er en gruppe, eller en organisation, der beskæftiger sig med intensiv forskning, problemløsning eller idégenerering inden for et bestemt område, som oftest inden for kategorierne teknologi, samfundsforhold, politik og militærstrategi.
Example sentences:
CEPOS er en uafhængig tænketank, der fremmer et Danmark baseret på frihed, ansvar, privat initiativ og en begrænset statsmagt. (CEPOS)
Etableret tænketank får modspiller (Berlingske Tidende)
Helle og Villy mangler fræk tænketank (Dansk Kommunikationsforening)
Peer comment(s):

agree maripo (X)
19 hrs
agree Jacob Christiansen
10 days
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