Translation glossary: Business glossary

Showing entries 1,551-1,600 of 1,647
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tendre à augmenter / baisserto rend higher / lower 
French to English
tendre vers, àto tend to 
French to English
tenir debout (fig.)to stand up 
French to English
tenir sur une pageto fit on one page 
French to English
tenir, rester valableto satnd 
French to English
terminal (de consultation)access device 
French to English
tester (à l'aune de)to test (against) 
French to English
théâtre d'entreprisecorporate theater 
French to English
French to English
Théorie de l'agenceAgency theory 
French to English
Théorie du donnant-donnantTit for tat 
French to English
Théorie naissantetheory in its infancy 
French to English
Thérie des jeuxgame theory 
French to English
tiersthird party 
French to English
tiers supérieur de la pageupper third of the page 
French to English
timbres fidélitéloyalty stamps 
French to English
tirer le meilleur de la technologieto use technology to its fullest 
French to English
tirer parti deto capitalise on 
French to English
Toile de fond, arrière-planbackdrop 
French to English
tomber en-dessous d'un seuilto fall below a threshold 
French to English
totaliser environ (..)to average (…) 
French to English
tournantturning point 
French to English
Tourné vers l'extérieuroutward-looking 
French to English
French to English
tous les deux joursevery other day 
French to English
tout comprisall-inclusive 
French to English
tout en bas (de)at the latter end (of) 
French to English
French to English
French to English
trafic sur un sitesite visitation 
French to English
trait de caractèretrait 
French to English
traitement de texteword processing 
French to English
traiterto process 
French to English
traiter de, exposer, en profondeurto discuss at length 
French to English
Traiter une questionto approach a question 
French to English
Tranche d'âgeAge bracket 
French to English
transférer (charge) (sur)to offload (onto) 
French to English
transférer un appelto transfer a phone call 
French to English
travail de suivifollow-on work 
French to English
travail régulier pour un clientrepeat business 
French to English
travailler chez le clientto work at client site 
French to English
travailler chez le clientto be with 
French to English
Travailler depuis le bureauTo work out of the office 
French to English
travailler en mode collaboratifto collaborate 
French to English
travailleurs du savoirknowledge workers 
French to English
Trier (par élimination)To screen out 
French to English
triplerto treble 
French to English
tromperie, fraudedeception 
French to English
French to English
trouver (estimer que)to find 
French to English
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