Translation glossary: Business glossary

Showing entries 1,451-1,500 of 1,647
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selon la rumeurrumor has it that 
French to English
selon les standards de (…)by (…) standards 
French to English
selon toute vraisemblancein all likelihood 
French to English
semaine de travailworkweek 
French to English
sembler naturelto come naturally 
French to English
Sensible (à)Responsive (to) 
French to English
sentiment sous-jacent (de)undercurrent (of) 
French to English
serrer les rangsto close ranks 
French to English
serveur de productionstaging server 
French to English
serveur sous forte chargeserver under heavy load 
French to English
service géré par l'utilisateurself-help service 
French to English
services (de proximité)amenities 
French to English
services frontaux / administratifsfront-/ back-end services 
French to English
services partagésshared services 
French to English
services supportssupport services 
French to English
session utilisateuruser session 
French to English
seuil de confianceconfidence level 
French to English
seuil de rentabilité, point mortprofitless, break-even, point 
French to English
si tant est queif anything 
French to English
silo fonctionnelfunctional silo 
French to English
simple et efficacequick and dirty 
French to English
French to English
site "plaquette""brochure-ware" site 
French to English
site internet payantfee-based internet site 
French to English
société du même groupesister company 
French to English
soirée d'ouverture / de clôtureopening / closing event 
French to English
solution de référencebest-in-class solution 
French to English
solution de rechangeworkaround 
French to English
sommet (émergé) de l'icebergtip of the iceberg 
French to English
sortir du lotto stand out (of the crowd) 
French to English
soumettre àto subject to 
French to English
soumission (appel d'offres)tender 
French to English
sous forme de tableauin tabular form, tabulated 
French to English
French to English
French to English
sous-traiterto subcontract 
French to English
French to English
souscripteur (d'une obligation)principal 
French to English
souscrire (à)to subscribe (to) 
French to English
soustraire (de)to subtract (from) 
French to English
soutenu (par)sponsored (by) 
French to English
Stagnerto stagnate 
French to English
French to English
stock intermédiairebank 
French to English
stocker, capitaliserto bank 
French to English
Stratégie (pour)Strategy (for) 
French to English
Strictement confidentielTreated in strict confidence 
French to English
Structure de coûtscost structure 
French to English
structure de navigationnavigation structure 
French to English
Structurer une visionTo frame a vision 
French to English
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