The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English IT (Information Technology) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
rehabilitación de usuario user reinstatment
REHABILITACION DE DISTRITOS ó MTTO Upgrading of local areas and maintenance
relación relationship
relaciones entorno environmental relations?
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
Remanente ideal Ideal backlog / outstanding work / quantity
Entered by: EirTranslations
requiere haber alcanzado >95% de cumplimiento del compromiso requires fulfillment of >95% of committment
requiere la librería con la API DataPort requires the library with the DataPort API
resolución de direcciones IP a nombre DNS. provides for resolution of IP addresses to domain names
respondiendo directamente al Manager del cliente directly reporting to the client's manager
resto macros no tecnológico (the) remaining/other non-technological macros
retorno de rutinas routines return
Retozar should be \Reforzar\ To reinforce
reutilización reuse
robapagina large button ad
robustez de la red network robustness /robustness of the network
rosetas (see context) (wall plate) telephone jack
Rutinador de backups. backup scheduler
sala de computo IT suite/room
Entered by: liz askew
saltándose bypassing/skipping
sólo para elegidos "for a chosen few"
se aplica, si procede, la salvaguarda. where applicable, the safeguard will be applied/used
Se destaca of special note
se dimensionará it will be gauged (measured)
se hará a través de medios informáticos [The minutes will] be ratified electronically
se informará a vacio will be the empty string
Entered by: William Pairman
se instaló un componente con un comportamiento particular a component with a particular behavior was installed
se le advertirá de este error an error message will be shown/displayed to the user
Se prevé que we expect that/it is expected that
se quedara anticuado/lento (see my input) run slowly / become obsolete
se realizó la LECTURA del contador de horas y ciclos de un componente reading
Se valorará positivamente ..will be considered a plus
se van a enlazar dichos puertos said ports will be linked
secuencialidad de transacciones transaction sequencing
Securización securing
seguimiento de tickets de avería tracking/follow-up of support tickets
sentencia statement level
sentido y dirección sense and direction
separadores voraces greedy quantifier
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