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eTranslation: The EU launches its MT system
Thread poster: Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Apr 1, 2020


Tom in London
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:38
Member (2008)
Italian to English
UK shoots itself in the foot - again Apr 1, 2020

Hans Lenting wrote:

what he wrote

Luckily, I'm Irish. And I've registered . Logging in takes a long time. But I got there. It seems very slow. (I'm trying it with a snippet). Waiting....

[Edited at 2020-04-01 13:06 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Interesting Apr 1, 2020
However, it would appear that at this time, they only offer the ability to translated uploaded files and to translate text pasted in their
... See more
However, it would appear that at this time, they only offer the ability to translated uploaded files and to translate text pasted in their web page.

[Edited at 2020-04-01 16:16 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:38
Member (2008)
Italian to English
No Apr 1, 2020

I was able to register with my normal email address.

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
English to Czech
Only for SDL Trados Studio users? Apr 1, 2020

I think EC only open access for SMEs with SDL Trados Studio.

I will wait for OmegaT plugin.

SDL Trados Studio plug-in

I accept the end-user license agreement. (Read agreement)

Download for version 2015-2018

Download for version 2019

Instructions for use

Download and install the EU Council Presidency Translator plug-in for SDL Trados Studio.
In SDL Trados Studio, select your language pair in Project Settings.
Check "Use different translation providers for this language pair".
Add the EU Council Presidency Translator.
Enter your ID in the authentication window (request an ID).

Start your project.

Translation suggestions from your EU Council Presidency Translator system will appear on screen during the translation process (users can also apply EU Council Presidency Translator to pre-translate files in batch processing).
I tested presidencymt (TXT and DOCX translator) and compared with Google in January. By me Google wins.
Maybe now they will have stronger infrastructure.


silvia carro
Jasmina Towers
Jasmina Towers  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:38
Member (2000)
Italian to English
Just registered Apr 1, 2020

it's absolutely awful. Our jobs are safe.... for now

Tom in London
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:38
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Yes Apr 1, 2020

Jasmina Towers wrote:

it's absolutely awful. Our jobs are safe.... for now

Yes- it's unusable.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
Danish to English
+ ...
Trados Apr 1, 2020

Milan Condak wrote:

I think EC only open access for SMEs with SDL Trados Studio.


Download and install the EU Council Presidency Translator plug-in for SDL Trados Studio.

I thought such a monopolistic approach was illegal under EU law, but perhaps that doesn't apply to the Brussels bunker.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Milan Apr 1, 2020

Milan Condak wrote:
SDL Trados Studio plug-in

How do you know that the "EU Council Presidency Translator" (for which the Trados plug-in is) is the same as the "eTranslation"?

Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
English to Czech
Philosofy and declared politics Apr 1, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:

Milan Condak wrote:
SDL Trados Studio plug-in

How do you know that the "EU Council Presidency Translator" (for which the Trados plug-in is) is the same as the "eTranslation"?

Infos on CEF. Blocks of CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) : see "Once Only Principle"

CEF = money for blocks = my interpretation.

Big Data Test Infrastructure


Context Broker







Once Only Principle

About CEF building Blocks

All CEF services

Machine Translation

Monitoring dashboard
DGT works off-line. DGT-OmegaT has been using TMX in subfolder (my info are from ).



CEF Glossary
For OmegaT is avalaible plugin "Fake TM" for NMT (eTranslate is NMT).
There are list of

1. Function

Language Technologies (124)
Translation (115)
Data And Data Management (8)
Community Support (4)
Testing And Evaluation (1)
Machine Translation (73)
Computer-aided Translation (50)
Speech Recognition (42)
Anonymization (20)
Text and Data Analytics (19)
Text To Speech Synthesis (18)
Translation project management (17)
Conversational systems building (14)
Terminology management (13)
Sentiment Analysis (10)
Text Classification (10)
Translation memory management (8)
Semantic Search (7)
Speech analytics (7)
Information Retrieval (6)
Text and Data Mining (6)
Grammar Checking (5)
translation quality assurance (5)
Authoring support (4)
Language Identification (4)
Spell Checking (4)
Summarization (4)
Alignment (3)
Emotion Detection (3)
Named Entity Recognition (3)
Natural Language Generation (3)
Semantic Annotation (3)
Term Extraction (3)
Crawling (2)
Evaluation of Machine Translation and translation tools (2)
Image translation (2)
Morphological Annotation (2)
Natural Language Understanding (2)
Optical Character Recognition (2)
Speech-to-Text translation (2)
information extraction (2)
readability estimation (2)
voice biometrics (2)
Age-bracket detection (1)
Automatic Subtitling (1)
Cross-Lingual Search (1)
Event Detection (1)
Gender detection (1)
Keyword extraction (1)
Knowledge Representation (1)
Language Modelling (1)
Speaker diarization (1)
Speech Annotation (1)
Syntactic Parsing (1)
discovery of personal and sensitive data (1)
image recognition (1)
Transcription (1)
video recognition (1)

CEF Digital Classification
Managed Services (4)
Supporting Services (3)
Stakeholders Followup (1)
Service Type
Tool Service (244)
Other (8)
Domain Owner
Directorate‑General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission (8)
Tilde (1)
Service Provider
Tilde (7)
Unidentifiable Person/Organisation (6)
European Language Resource Coordination (5)
Omilia Natural Language Solutions Ltd (5)
ADAPT Centre (4)
SDL plc (4)
Verbio Technologies S.L. (4)
Aylien (3)
Anboto Europe (3)
Antidot (3)
Aristech GmbH (3)
Celi S.r.l. (3)
Linguatec (3)
Prompsit Language Engineering S.L. (3)
Systran (3)
ATHENA Research Center (2)
Acolada GmbH (2)
Across Systems GmbH (2)
Amebis d.o.o. (2)
Ask (2)
D.O.G. GmbH (2)
DeepL GmbH (2)
Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission (2)
Kde (2)
Multilizer, Rex Partners Oy (2)
National University of Ireland, Galway (2)
Natlanco BvBa (2)
Nynodata AS (2)
PerVoice SpA (2)
Prime Minister’s Office of Finland (2)
RARE Technologies Ltd (2)
Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu” (2)
STAR Group (2)
Translated srl (2)
University of Alicante (2)
University of Edinburgh (2)
University of Zagreb (2)
Memo Q (2)
904labs (1)
Ab Martin (1)
AMPLEXOR International S.A. (1)
Arx (1)
ATA Software (1)
ATRIL Solutions (1)
Acapela Group (1)
Acrolinx GmbH (1)
Adhoc Translations (1)
Administrative Modernizaton Agency (1)
Aigent (1)
Aircloak GmbH (1)
Alchemy Software Development Ltd. (1)
Alpineon d.o.o. (1)
Anacode GmbH (1)
Andrä Solutions GmbH & Co. KG (1)
ApSIC S.L. (1) (1)
Aquino Developments S.L. (1)
Artificial Solutions (1)
Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (1)
BERCA Translator S.L. (1)
Bertin IT (1)
Boxma IT B.V. (1)
CEF eTranslation Tools and Services Project (1)
Capita Translation and Interpreting (1)
Cardinal Rudolf (1)
Carnegy Mellon University (1)
Cedat85 (1)
Cere Proc (1)
Chatlayer BV (1)
Citizen Lab (1)
ContentQuo OÜ (1)
Coreon GmbH (1)
CrossLang NV. (1)
Crowdin OÜ (1)
Culture Information Systems Centre of Latvia (1)
Datprof (1)
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH (1)
Dynport GmbH (1)
ESTeam AB (1)
EasyLing / Skawa Ltd. (1)
Eisenrieth Dokumentations GmbH (1)
Ekobit d.o.o. (1)
Eleka Ingeniaritza Linguistikoa SL (1)
Esplores s.r.l. (1)
Etteplan Oyj (1)
Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (1)
Evolution Artificial Intelligence Ltd (1)
Facebook Inc. (1)
Factoria de Software Multimedia SL (1)
Farrell Michael (1)
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (1)
Fundación Centro de Tecnologías de Interacción Visual y Comunicaciones Vicomtech (1)
Furhat Robotics (1)
Ghent University (1)
Globalese GmbH (1)
Go-Transcribe Ltd. (1)
GrammarSoft ApS (1)
Heartsome Europe GmbH (1)
Heartsome Technologies Ltd. (1)
Hippisley-Cox Julia (1)
Holthuis Jan (1)
IAI Linguistic Content AG (1)
Iconic Translation Machines Ltd. (1)
IdiomaX LLC (1)
Jožef Stefan Institute (1)
KERN Global Language Services (1)
Kites (1)
KU Leuven (1)
Kaldera Språkteknologi AS (1)
Kantan Mt (1)
Kielikone Oy (1)
Kleinberg Bennett (1)
Kowarik Alexander (1)
Kyoto University (1)
Language Wire (1)
Le Mans Université (1)
Libelle AG (1)
Limecraft (1)
Lingenio GmbH (1)
Lingo24 Ltd. (1)
Lingua Custodia (1)
Marijn Huijbregts (1)
Marsh Charles (1)
Meind Bernhard (1)
Memsource a.s. (1)
MetaTexis Software and Services (1)
Micro Focus (1)
Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública (1)
Ministry of the Presidency, Bulgaria (1)
ModernMT S.r.l. (1)
Mozes Maximilian (1)
My Force (1)
Mycroft AI Inc (1)
NLG GmbH (1)
NVIDIA Corporation (1)
Naren Sean (1)
Omniscien Technologies (Trading) B.V. (1)
Open Nmt (1)
Pangea Mt (1)
Pangeanic S.L. (1)
Petamem s.r.o. (1)
Phonexia s.r.o. (1)
Plunet GmbH (1)
Qualia (1)
RWTH Aachen University (1)
Read Speaker (1)
Red Gate Software Ltd (1)
Reverso-softissimo (1)
Saha Shubhro (1)
Secretaría General de Administración Digital (1)
Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública (1)
Sem Lab (1)
Semantix International AB (1)
Sensifai (1)
Senti Geek (1)
SeproTec Multilingual Solutions (1)
SkyCode Ltd. (1)
Smartling Inc. (1)
Speechmatics (1)
Spikerog SAS (1)
Statistics Netherlands (1)
Summarize Bot (1)
Sunda Systems Oy (1)
Taus (1)
Talkao (1)
Televic (1)
Templ Matthias (1)
Text United GmbH (1)
Text Master (1)
TextShuttle AG (1)
Texta (1)
The Kaldi project (1)
The OmegaT Project (1)
The OpenTM2 project (1)
Toptranslation GmbH (1)
TraMOOC consortium (1)
Transifex (1)
Translate House (1)
Trint Ltd (1)
U.S. National Library of Medicine (1)
Unbabel Inc. (1)
University of Cambridge (1)
University of Helsinki (1)
University of Nottingham (1)
University of Sheffield (1)
University of Turku (1)
Verifika (1)
Viacryp B.V. (1)
Vilnius University (1)
Vocapia Research (1)
Voice-in S.A. (1)
Voxygen (1)
WebTranslateIt Software S.L. (1)
Werkdata OÜ (1)
Wordbee (1)
Wordfast LLC (1)
X Oresearch (1)
XTM International (1)
Yamagata Europe (1)
Yamamoto Ryuichi (1)
Alphablues (1)
audEERING GmbH (1) (1)
iADAATPA Consortium (1)
iTranslate GmbH (1)
Jasnopis (1)
lexiQA Limited (1)
Tauyou (1)
Thebigword (1)

Samuel, you can apply too, and than adapt plugin FakeMT: rename plugin to eTranslate and set-up parameters.


Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
English to Czech
Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Catalogue: Apr 1, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:

How do you know that the "EU Council Presidency Translator" (for which the Trados plug-in is) is the same as the "eTranslation"?

Here are the details:

Function: Translation
Task: Machine Translation
Provided by: Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Translator of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Function: Translation
Task: Machine Translation
Provided by: Ministry of the Presidency, Bulgaria

Translator of the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU
Function: Translation
Task: Machine Translation
Provided by: TILDE, Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Prime Minister’s Office of Finland, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Translator of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Function: Translation
Task: Machine Translation
Provided by: TILDE, Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu”, Prime Minister’s Office of Finland, University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Dutch to English is quite all right, actually Apr 2, 2020

Tom in London wrote:
Jasmina Towers wrote:
It's absolutely awful.

Yes, it's unusable.

I tried Dutch to English translation in the general domain (print style newspaper article, mature author, clear writing and full sentences), and the translation was much, much better than Google or Bing. The English grammar/syntax was entirely correct and the translation successfully captured 90% the first-level meaning of all the source text sentences. However, when I tried another article from another newspaper (blog-style newspaper article, young author, punctuated writing style), it obviously faltered a bit more, with having to guess omitted words, confusing false friends (and reverse false friends), and having surprisingly inconsistent syntax in two or three places, but still reasonably useful for gisting or PEFMT purposes.

As always, the quality of the machine translation depends on the quality of the source text and on whether the source text is a good "fit" for machine translation. All in all, I think PEFMT using eTranslation will be faster than PEFMT using Google or Bing.

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
PEFMT Apr 2, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:

I think PEFMT using eTranslation will be faster than PEFMT using Google or Bing.

Dear Samuel,

Please refresh my memory: what does PEFMT mean?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Hans Apr 2, 2020

Hans Lenting wrote:
Samuel Murray wrote:
I think PEFMT using eTranslation will be faster than PEFMT using Google or Bing.

Please refresh my memory: what does PE F MT mean?

Well, the F can mean many things, but a polite option would be "free". As opposed to non-free MT, which is supposed to be better. Yes, I confess, I made it up. I think it's because I'm a little grumpy about agencies passing off Google Translate and Bing Translate off as PEMT'able MT. Use it, don't use it.

[Edited at 2020-04-02 07:26 GMT]

Hans Lenting
Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:38
English to Czech
FakeMT is for locahost Apr 2, 2020

Milan Condak wrote:

For OmegaT is avalaible plugin "Fake TM" for NMT (eTranslate is NMT).
Samuel, you can apply too, and than adapt plugin FakeMT: rename plugin to eTranslate and set-up parameters.


Samuel, I was wrong.
Plugin FakeMT is for connecting a local NMT.


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