What is the best way to merge TMX files?
Thread poster: jyuan_us
jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:13
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Apr 26, 2016

I didn't put this topic in any CAT tool support forum because I'm trying to figure out the best way for me to put several TMX files into one master TMX file, independent of any CAT tool. Do you have any idea to share? Your help is highly appreciated.

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 05:13
French to English
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Copy/paste? Apr 26, 2016

Can't you just do it by copying and pasting in say Notepad?

That's what i do for my ordinary TXT files, and even though there's more formattin in the TMX ones, it ought to be easy enough to spot where the header ends and simply leave that bit out?

CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Local time: 05:13
Which tags and properties do you want to save? Apr 26, 2016

I think it depends on the question which tags and properties you want to save. If these don't matter, I guess the easiest way is to use CafeTran. Open a folder with TMX files and save them as one merged TMX file. Three clicks.

If you want to save as many tags and properties as possible, I guess that the Heartsome TMX editor is a good candidate.

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:13
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No best way Apr 26, 2016

i doubt that there is some best way. There are some tools such as:

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
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the easiest, most reliable way is the Heartsome TMX editor Apr 26, 2016

Second choice: the Okapi Olifant TMX Editor.


Jorge Payan
CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Local time: 05:13
Screencast of how CafeTran merges TMX files Apr 27, 2016

CafeTran Training wrote:

I think it depends on the question which tags and properties you want to save. If these don't matter, I guess the easiest way is to use CafeTran. Open a folder with TMX files and save them as one merged TMX file.

See also: http://www.proz.com/forum/cafetran_support/301414-how_to_easily_combine_tmx_files.html

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:13
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Back to basis Apr 27, 2016

jyuan_us wrote:

I didn't put this topic in any CAT tool support forum because I'm trying to figure out the best way for me to put several TMX files into one master TMX file, independent of any CAT tool. Do you have any idea to share? Your help is highly appreciated.

I remind of the most basic syntactic structure of TMX. It consists of a number of columns with special filters. I usually convert TMX into an Excel sheet and I can cut, paste, merge, split or reverse language pair orders of TUs freely.

Soonthon L.

Simon Sobrero
Simon Sobrero  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
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GOOD OLD MS WORD Jan 20, 2023

(Presumably only if you want to keep a text reference for terminology, not use the TMX):
Import the txmls into Word (import using the "all files" tab). Can also save as TEXT only!!
Thanks Simon Sobrero www.decipheritalian.com

[Edited at 2023-01-20 08:40 GMT]

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Goldpan Jan 20, 2023

jyuan_us wrote:

I didn't put this topic in any CAT tool support forum because I'm trying to figure out the best way for me to put several TMX files into one master TMX file

With Goldpan, you can:
- Merge several TMX (TBX) files into single TMX (TBX) file

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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Not TXML Jan 20, 2023

Simon Sobrero wrote:
If you want to keep a text reference for terminology, not use the TMX:
Import the TXMLs into Word (import using the "all files" tab).

1. The thread is about TMX files, not TXML files. (I assume you just made a typo.)
2. When I try to open an TMX file in Word 365, it gives an error message (DTD not allowed). When I try to open a TXML file in Word 365, it does open it, but it only hides some of the tags. Word 2003 has no trouble opening either TMX or TXML files, although in the case of TXML it doesn't hide all the tags.

FWIW, Word 365 also supports opening files via drag and drop. Start Word, then click the "New blank document" icon, and then press Ctrl+F4. Then you can drag and drop any file onto Word. Or, without the mouse, start Word, then press Ctrl+N and press Enter twice, then press Ctrl+F4, and then you can drag and drop files onto it. In older versions of Word you can open any file using drag and drop by dropping it onto the window bar directly, without having to press Ctrl+F4.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 06:13
English to Russian
Heartsome TMX Editor Jan 20, 2023

Heartsome TMX Editor can do it for free.

[Edited at 2023-01-20 15:46 GMT]

Jorge Payan
Wolfgang Schoene
Milan Condak
Andriy Yasharov
Philippe Locquet
Philippe Locquet  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:13
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All of the above under 1 million Jan 24, 2023

All the above tools behave well under 1 Million TUs (Heartsome will likely need a tweak so it can use more RAM, I think it's posted somewhere on their site).

Above these sizes, then you need to consider using different tools and having a good amount of RAM (forget 8 GB, bare minimum will be 16, good will be 32).
My suggestion is then WFS. It will import the tmx into an existing TM and convert it to txt. After the fact, you can still export back to tmx you merged TM (will be ma
... See more
All the above tools behave well under 1 Million TUs (Heartsome will likely need a tweak so it can use more RAM, I think it's posted somewhere on their site).

Above these sizes, then you need to consider using different tools and having a good amount of RAM (forget 8 GB, bare minimum will be 16, good will be 32).
My suggestion is then WFS. It will import the tmx into an existing TM and convert it to txt. After the fact, you can still export back to tmx you merged TM (will be massive).
If tags and attributes are important, then power text editors will be the way to go (provided you know what you're doing). EmEditor is very good with huge files in my experience.

All the best on the merge!


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What is the best way to merge TMX files?

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