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Giving Tuesday Virtual Event

Nov 29, 2016

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This week only. Save big on translation related software.


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Giving Tuesday Virtual Event – November 29, 2016


Since its inception in 2012, Giving Tuesday has been celebrated across the globe as a day to give back: whether it be through donations, fundraising, volunteering your time and expertise, or simply by calling others to support a particular cause or initiative.

ProZ.com is pleased to host the Giving Tuesday Virtual Event to raise funds for charity: water. Charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. There are 663 million people on the planet who don’t have clean water. That's nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide. The majority live in isolated rural areas and spend hours every day walking to collect water for their family. Access to clean water means education, income and health - especially for women and children.


How can I contribute?

      Investing in ProZ.com membership

ProZ.com will donate $10 USD for every new professional member who purchases membership and $5 USD for every current professional member who renews their membership.


    Participating in this virtual event by attending and making a one-time donation.

Make a donation by choosing one or several options below:


Donate 50 USD today



Donate 30 USD today


Donate 20 USD today


Donate 10 USD today


Donation drive closes on November 30th at 14:00 GMT. Don't miss the chance to volunteer.


On November 29th, join the virtual event with presentations hosted by the language professionals:

 Simon Andriesen 

President of the TWB Kenya Board and CEO of Medilingua

 Tetyana Struk

Linguistic Centre CEO

  Suzanne Deliscar

Canadian Lawyer-Linguist

 Carmen Cross

Professional German/Arabic --> English translator since 2005

  Claudia Brauer 

Expert in translation and interpreting

Presentations will be of interest to translators and interpreters and deal with business tips for shy translators, new EU regulation and terminology changes, tips on the 15-minute daily learning workout for translators, tips for those who start in localization, analysis of the translation infrastructure in Africa will be presented.

For more information find the event program at: http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/703/program


As always, ProZ.com will match, dollar for dollar, the first $1,000 USD donated to this charity. 


Participate in ProZ.com's annual Giving Tuesday initiative and help Charity: water to keep funding water projects all around the globe.



Help spread the word on social media using the hashtags
#GivingTuesday and #ProZcomDrive.



 Spread the word!  Giving Tuesday Virtual Event – November 29, 2016
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