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ProZ.com 2014 international conference - Pre-conference virtual event

Jun 6, 2014

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Pre-2014 international conference virtual event

June 6 - 12:00 PM GMT

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Join other language professionals in this virtual gathering organized to:

  • meet colleagues (via chat or video-chat) who will be attending the ProZ.com 2014 International Conference in Pisa, Italy, on June 28-29,
  • interact with speakers and ask them questions on the topics they will be presenting in Pisa,
  • know more about the ProZ.com 2014 International Conference,
  • and learn, network and have fun!





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Discussion for ProZ.com 2014 international conference - Pre-conference virtual event (2014)
manoj oza
manoj oza  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:22
English to Gujarati
+ ...
unified by a common cause Jun 6, 2014

I am yet not a full scale member on the ProZ.com but I was surprised by the efforts made by the site management in creating a bondage sort of thing among so many members from so many countries - each member, an expert in a pair of language yet having not much clue about the happenings in other languages.
The idea to search common issues, to develop a common platform, to attract the members to share their feelings and even to have an international conference for translators,making them to a
... See more
I am yet not a full scale member on the ProZ.com but I was surprised by the efforts made by the site management in creating a bondage sort of thing among so many members from so many countries - each member, an expert in a pair of language yet having not much clue about the happenings in other languages.
The idea to search common issues, to develop a common platform, to attract the members to share their feelings and even to have an international conference for translators,making them to appear and share something-This is simply great,very comforting and a must for a new comer like me to congratulate the organisers and participants for their stupendous spirit of having such a meeting a reality.


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