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Questions you have always wanted to ask one-day recruitment opportunities!

Apr 24, 2012


Interview with experienced translator and ProZ.com trainer Konstantin Kisin

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Schedule:This session ended at 16:40

Join ProZ.com's Vice-president of marketing, Drew MacFadyen for a one-on-one interview with professional translator Konstantin Kisin.

Scroll down on this page to view a recording of this session.

Speakers:Drew MacFadyen — Moderator
Drew MacFadyen has been working in the Translation industry in various marketing roles for over 15 years and with ProZ.com for almost 10. Drew has also served as an adjunct faculty member for National-Louis University. He has a background in online marketing and promotion, search engine optimization and sales negotiation.
Konstantin Kisin
Konstantin Kisin is a highly successful legal, financial and video games translator. Since joining ProZ.com in 2004, he has made full use of the website to propel his business to new heights and build long-term relationships with clients and colleagues.

A regular contributor to Proz.com on the business side of translation, Konstantin has extensive training in the psychology of communication and human behaviour. Sharing his attitude to doing business with his customary passion and enthusiasm, Konstantin's mission is to assist freelancers the world over in establishing professional relationships with clients, making more money, working less and having more fun.

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Discussion for Questions you have always wanted to ask one-day recruitment opportunities! session (2012): Interview with experienced translator and ProZ.com trainer Konstantin Kisin
TimelyTrans (X)
TimelyTrans (X)
Ţările de Jos
Local time: 18:15
How can we show our translators and editors that we really appreciate them? Apr 12, 2012

We want to make sure that the freelancers we work with realise that we appreciate them.
e.g.: most of our freelancers will work outside businesss hours and even in weekends. We are really grateful and want them to know that.
For us, it is very important that the bond between us is strong and open. Therefore, we try to be not too informal and stay in contact even when there is no work for them.
Do you have any tips for us? We are also thinking about giving our translators more fee
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We want to make sure that the freelancers we work with realise that we appreciate them.
e.g.: most of our freelancers will work outside businesss hours and even in weekends. We are really grateful and want them to know that.
For us, it is very important that the bond between us is strong and open. Therefore, we try to be not too informal and stay in contact even when there is no work for them.
Do you have any tips for us? We are also thinking about giving our translators more feedback. But because we depend on the editor's decision, it is difficult to give the right feedback. How could we improve our way of feedback and really implement this in our daily routine?

Thank you in advance.

Catherine GUILLIAUMET  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:15
din engleză în franceză
+ ...
To TXT Works Apr 24, 2012

Hi, you seem to have a very human approach of the profession and of the relationships with translators.
Sincerely, it is the best, and the most heart-warming, message that I've ever read for a long timeicon_smile.gif

What about a blog or newsletter to maintain the contact ?

Have a nice evening

Inge Luus
Inge Luus  Identity Verified
Africa de Sud
Local time: 18:15
Membru (2008)
din germană în engleză
+ ...
To TXT Works: Agree with Catherine Apr 24, 2012

A nice human end to my day and virtual event. I can live to translate another day .... Thank you TXT Worksicon_smile.gif.

Ahmad Abd Al-Fattah
Ahmad Abd Al-Fattah
Local time: 19:15
din engleză în arabă
I'm an experienced freelancer Jan 31, 2013

This human approach is what makes the business-freelancer 'bond' really 'strong'. Social events, blogs, newsletters, training sessions on new tools, etc. will make it even stronger. Thank you from a veteran translator/interpreter.


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