A Freelancer's Time Management System

Format: Videos
Topic: Time management

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 60 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Summary:Freelancers have to take care of each and every business activity, even if they work only for themselves and have no employees. Administration sometimes tends to take over a lot work time and it is necessary to have a good balance between the work you earn money with and the administrative work (that is necessary to earn money). Not to forget one tends to have a private life as well, which can be also quite absorbing.
This course is made to give an introduction about different aspects and techniques of time management, showing several approaches how to get things done in time and feeling good to have the control over all your different important tasks as a freelancer.

Target audience
Freelancers starting in the translation industry.
Experienced freelancers looking for possibly new information about running the business in a better way
Learning objectives
You will get information of different techniques that can be combined to make the personal time management system work. You will also learn additional skills that will help you following your own business path.
• List of your current projects (also private ones)
• List of all important activities (still pending – also private ones)
• A ‘wish’ list (of what you would like to do this year)
• Colour pens (at least 4 colours)
Click to expand
• Short introduction into projects, project management, goals, time management
• Difference between project management and time management
• What does a freelancer has to handle
• What additional skills are necessary to make the time management system work
• What has to be avoided
• Different techniques
• Setting up the time management system
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
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Price: 15.00 USD

Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video? Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here .
Created by
Vincent Staude    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: I have worked for over 21 years as an employed bilingual secretary for various corporations including ANZ Bank, the legal firm Oppenhoff & Rädler and KPMG; I have also served as a project assistant for both AT&T and Lufthansa Systems.

I started to work as a part-time freelance translator in 2008.

In 2011, I founded my own company in order to work full-time as a freelancer and enjoy an ever more diversified working life.
General discussions on this training

A Freelancer's Time Management System
Linda Karssies
Linda Karssies Identity Verified
Local time: 10:27
English to Dutch
+ ...
Encouraging and motivatingMay 3, 2013

Desiree tells us that the time spent getting and staying organised is well spent. A good course. Thank you.

Annelies Teulings

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