138,000 people living in England and Wales speak no English

Source: BBC News
Story flagged by: Lea Lozančić

After English, the second most reported main language was Polish, with 546,000 speakers, followed by Punjabi and Urdu.

Some 4 million – or 8% – reported speaking a different main language other than English or Welsh.

English or Welsh was the main language for 92% – or 50 million – of residents aged three and over. Of the 8% who spoke a different main language, most were proficient in speaking English.

Of those with a main language other than English, 1.7 million could speak English very well, 1.6 million could speak English well, and 726,000 could speak English, however not well. The remaining 138,000 could not speak English at all. More >>

See: BBC News
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138,000 people living in England and Wales speak no English
Trisha F
Trisha F  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
English to Spanish
+ ...
Interesting Feb 17, 2013

I speak English and a little Welsh, plus my mother tongue, French and some Germanicon_smile.gif

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
English to Italian
And? Feb 17, 2013

This can be applied to almost every European country...

Tatty  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
Spanish to English
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Very probably Feb 17, 2013

That's a very valid point.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Some more interesting stuff Feb 17, 2013

The census results themselves are more interesting than the BBC's newsreport, IMO.

See more
The census results themselves are more interesting than the BBC's newsreport, IMO.


The number of non-native English speakers is greatest in London (more than 20%), but the number of English non-speakers is actually greatest outside of London. In other words, London boasts the largest number of immigrants but the immigrants in London typically can speak English as well, as opposed to the immigrants in other regions.

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
Hebrew to English
Never place too much faith in census data.... Feb 17, 2013

If it were accurate, there'd be a lot of Jedi Knights walking around....(almost 200,000 of them in fact).


[Edited at 2013-02-17 18:03 GMT]

Alistair Ian Spearing Ortiz
Alistair Ian Spearing Ortiz  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
French to English
+ ...
Jedi Knights, huh? Feb 17, 2013

Ty Kendall wrote:

If it were accurate, there'd be a lot of Jedi Knights walking around....(almost 200,000 of them in fact).

These are not the census data you are looking for.

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
Hebrew to English
It's an example Feb 17, 2013

...of how census data is not entirely accurate or reliable. If almost 200,000 people can tick "Jedi Knight" as their religion, then what else do people do to skew the data (and this is wilful messing around, undoubtedly there is far more as a result of innocent misunderstanding).

The claim that 138,000 people live in England and Wales and speak no English whatsoever should be taken with more than one pinch of salt.
... See more
...of how census data is not entirely accurate or reliable. If almost 200,000 people can tick "Jedi Knight" as their religion, then what else do people do to skew the data (and this is wilful messing around, undoubtedly there is far more as a result of innocent misunderstanding).

The claim that 138,000 people live in England and Wales and speak no English whatsoever should be taken with more than one pinch of salt.

Edward Vreeburg
Edward Vreeburg  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
Member (2008)
English to Dutch
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pretty sure it's much higher Feb 18, 2013

If I look at any big town (even in the Netherlands, where the biggest towns don't even have a million inhabitants), there must be at least 50.000 people that don't speak the local language, ... foreign workers, expats, permanent tourists, prisoners, refugees, spouses of 1st generation immigrants,.... etc....

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
French to English
Thing is Feb 18, 2013

People who don't speak English don't answer census questions...

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
Hebrew to English
Read my mind.... Feb 18, 2013

Texte Style wrote:

People who don't speak English don't answer census questions...

I was thinking the same thing. There's a logical problem there....

liz askew
liz askew  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
Member (2007)
French to English
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What if they have a serious medical condition - how do they manage to communicate? Feb 18, 2013

Just thought I'd throw this into the debate.

All the same a serious comment, having heard this concern from a dietician.

[Edited at 2013-02-18 14:40 GMT]

[Edited at 2013-02-18 14:40 GMT]

Patricia Honrubia
Patricia Honrubia
Local time: 19:20
English to Spanish
Happens everywhere Feb 18, 2013

As some here say, that could be applied to almost any European country. I know many British who have been living in Spain for years, or even decades, who can't speak any Spanish and I don't mean to offend anyone, it is just an example.

liz askew
liz askew  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 18:20
Member (2007)
French to English
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Happens everywhere Feb 19, 2013

Nobody is disputing this.
What I am concerned about is people who cannot speak the language of the country and then find themselves in a very difficult situation when they go to hospital with a serious condition. Interpreters are not ten a penny.

Tatty  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:20
Spanish to English
+ ...
Hospital treatment Feb 20, 2013

If you go to the doctor's here in Spain and you don't understand Spanish, you have to take a friend or neighbour that does. I suppose you could hire the services of an interpreter but I doubt many do.

Stefan Blommaert
Stefan Blommaert
Local time: 14:20
Member (2012)
English to Dutch
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I know for a fact Feb 20, 2013

liz askew wrote:

Nobody is disputing this.
What I am concerned about is people who cannot speak the language of the country and then find themselves in a very difficult situation when they go to hospital with a serious condition. Interpreters are not ten a penny.

In UK hospitals, at the reception desks, there is a poster with some 30 languages, on which you can indicate (OK, you have to be able to READ your own language) which language you speak, so that the hospital staff can get you an interpreter.

I know for a fact that this works; when we moved to the UK, my partner in the beginning didn´t speak a word of English and once had to go to the Emergency ward while I was out of the UK. He showed his native tongue (PT) on the poster and within 30 minutes, there was a telephone interpreter (granted, not ideal!) who helped him out. I know there are a lot of nasty stories circulating about UK hospitals, but when things are well organized and do work properly, it can be mentioned as well!

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