Google releases TensorFlow tutorial to help developers build their own Neural Machine Translation System

Source: Google Research Blog
Story flagged by: Jared Tabor

Machine translation – the task of automatically translating between languages – is one of the most active research areas in the machine learning community. Among the many approaches to machine translation, sequence-to-sequence (“seq2seq”) models [1, 2] have recently enjoyed great success and have become the de facto standard in most commercial translation systems, such as Google Translate, thanks to its ability to use deep neural networks to capture sentence meanings. However, while there is an abundance of material on seq2seq models such as OpenNMT or tf-seq2seq, there is a lack of material that teaches people both the knowledge and the skills to easily build high-quality translation systems.

Today we are happy to announce a new Neural Machine Translation (NMT) tutorial for TensorFlowthat gives readers a full understanding of seq2seq models and shows how to build a competitive translation model from scratch. The tutorial is aimed at making the process as simple as possible, starting with some background knowledge on NMT and walking through code details to build a vanilla system. It then dives into the attention mechanism [3, 4], a key ingredient that allows NMT systems to handle long sentences. Finally, the tutorial provides details on how to replicate key features in the Google’s NMT (GNMT) system [5] to train on multiple GPUs.

The tutorial also contains detailed benchmark results, which users can replicate on their own. Our models provide a strong open-source baseline with performance on par with GNMT results [5]. We achieve 24.4 BLEU points on the popular WMT’14 English-German translation task.
Other benchmark results (English-Vietnamese, German-English) can be found in the tutorial.

In addition, this tutorial showcases the fully dynamic seq2seq API (released with TensorFlow 1.2) aimed at making building seq2seq models clean and easy:

  • Easily read and preprocess dynamically sized input sequences using the new input pipeline in
  • Use padded batching and sequence length bucketing to improve training and inference speeds.
  • Train seq2seq models using popular architectures and training schedules, including several types of attention and scheduled sampling.
  • Perform inference in seq2seq models using in-graph beam search.
  • Optimize seq2seq models for multi-GPU settings.

We hope this will help spur the creation of, and experimentation with, many new NMT models by the research community. To get started on your own research, check out the tutorial on GitHub!

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Comments about this article

Google releases TensorFlow tutorial to help developers build their own Neural Machine Translation System
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:01
English to Thai
+ ...
Excellent tool Jul 23, 2017

The Neural Machine Translation System is the latest MT to assist translators for more productivity. I support this movement and I am an advocate of latest technology to help human translators.
I am going to be 65 years old. This is why I need to move proactively.

Dr. Soonthon Lupkitaro
Bangkok, Thailand

LilianNekipelov  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:01
Russian to English
+ ...
Thre is nothing to support versus not support Jul 23, 2017

If it helps it helps, if it doesn't it doesn't, as simple as that. more testing would have to be done. No MT can translate on its own, that's for sure. Perhaps it can help with phrases.

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:01
English to Italian
Translators' perspective Jul 23, 2017

LilianNekipelov wrote:

If it helps it helps, if it doesn't it doesn't, as simple as that. more testing would have to be done. No MT can translate on its own, that's for sure. Perhaps it can help with phrases.

IMHO the question is: who does it help?

From a translators' perspective, I consider all that can facilitate the spreading of MT usage as bad news, firstly (short term), because that will result in more MTPE jobs vs. translation jobs, and secondly (long term), because it will further increase interest, research and investments in MT, and in the end what we're talking about here is machines doing our job.

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:01
English to French
Machine translation... Jul 24, 2017 the future of translation, and will always be.


Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 07:01
English to Spanish
+ ...
Sorry Philippe Jul 24, 2017

I regret not consenting with you.

Machine translation CAN NEVER REPLACE human translation.

And I hope so for the good of all of us.


Frank Zou
Frank Zou  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
Member (2016)
Chinese to English
+ ...
Not gonna happen Jul 25, 2017

This endless argument has been years and continues. I'd like to see the result. Let's talk with facts.
MT is and will always be supplement instead of replacement.

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:01
English to French
You should Aug 7, 2017

Natalia Pedrosa wrote:

I regret not consenting with you.

Pay attention to the part after the comma.
Flying cars have been talked about for centuries, and still no skyways.


Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
I agree Aug 7, 2017

Philippe Etienne wrote:

Machine translation the future of translation, and will always be.


Brilliantly well put!

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:01
English to Italian
The devil is in the detail Aug 7, 2017

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

Philippe Etienne wrote:

Machine translation the future of translation, and will always be.


Brilliantly well put!

Hadn't noticed it. Very clever.

Let's hope you're right...

P.S. It seems AI don't like human language(s) anyway, so maybe they'll decide it's not even worth learning (and translating) it... or maybe at some point they'll force us to communicate in 0s and 1s...

Maria da Glória Teixeira
Maria da Glória Teixeira  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:01
Member (2020)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Interesting.... Aug 23, 2017

Machine translation.

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:01
English to French
For the record Aug 24, 2017

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:
Brilliantly well put!

Mirko Mainardi wrote:
...Very clever.

I also find it a nice and concise summary of this MT business, but I didn't coin this phrase. I'm not that clever or brilliant.
I saw it the first time quite a few years ago (10?) as the catchphrase of a former PM of a large European agency. Don't know either if he was the author.

But I believe it's still current!



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