European Central Bank announces LSP and freelance winners of 2.4 million contract

Source: Slator
Story flagged by: Jared Tabor

The European Central Bank (ECB) announced on March 20, 2017 who is going to get a piece of its EUR 2.4m translation pie. The framework agreement is divided into 19 lots for the translation of 19 source languages into English. Winning a place in the framework were 20 language service providers (LSPs) and 10 freelancers. Duration of the framework is three years.

Two lots remain unawarded as of press time: Lot 6 (Estonian into English) and Lot 13 (Maltese into English). According to the ECB notice, either “no tenders or requests to participate were received or all were rejected” for the two lots.

The ECB named eight criteria it intends to use, among others, to determine the importance of a document for translation: high-profile nature of text and/or author (e.g., Executive Board or Supervisory Board member’s speeches, articles, interviews), content relevance, potential market impact, sensitivity, technical complexity, translation turnaround time, revision, and further modification and/or publication.

Vendors for all lots were chosen based on which were “most economically advantageous” in terms of quality (given 60% weight) and price (40%). The ECB determined vendor eligibility from the results of a test around translation quality. The test taken by vendors was part of three sub-criteria under quality, the two others being experience and qualifications.

And the winners are…

The 20 LSPs awarded slots in the framework are Alumnus Translation, Better Business International (Scotland), CLS Communication, DG Translations, DNA Language, Eclipse Translations, Euronet, EXACT!, FORDuna Fordító, Hathaway Green, Xplanation’s Matrix Communications, P & V International Servicing, Donnelley Language Solutions (Luxembourg), sbv anderetaal, SeproTec, The Language Technology Centre, translate plus, UAB Metropolio Vertimai, Veritas Traducción y Comunicación, and Wessex Translations.

The most competitive lot, receiving 21 tenders, was Lot 5-German with total contract value of EUR 1.12m. The lot was topped (for both pools A and B) by freelancer Matthew Hart, a former ECB in-house translator according to his LinkedIn profile. Hart also ranked first in both pools for Lot 7-French.

Freelancer Hart shares the EUR 415,000 French lot with four LSPs and three other freelancers; and the German lot with six LSPs and three other freelancers.

Second most competitive lot, Spanish, received 14 tenders. Winning places in the EUR 370,000 lot aside from translate plus, were (by rank) Donnelley Language Solutions (Luxembourg), CLS, Euronet, Wessex Translations, Eclipse Translations, and Spain’s SeproTec and Veritas.

Freelancers either topped or were the only ones named for some of the smaller lots, such as Lot 1-Bulgarian (EUR 3,000), Lot 8-Croatian (EUR 15,000), and Lot 19-Swedish (EUR 3,000) topped by freelancer Carl Sholl.

The third biggest lot behind French and Spanish is Lot 9-Italian with a contract value of EUR 295,000. Only nine tenders were received for the lot, which the ECB did not categorize into pools. Ranked first under the Italian lot was Wessex, followed by Eclipse, and tiny Glasgow LSP DNA Language.

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Comments about this article

European Central Bank announces LSP and freelance winners of 2.4 million contract
Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nikki Scott-Despaigne  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:11
French to English
Good news Apr 5, 2017

And "bravo" to all, particularly the freelancers. Little fish in a big pond can still get their share of the cake. Good news. (I know, I have never seen a fish eat cake either).icon_wink.gif

Roni_S  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:11
Slovak to English
Winner winner chicken dinner Apr 5, 2017

Is one of the mentioned winners (LSP) the same company that has been banned from posting jobs on ProZ, or is the sameness of the name just a coincidence?

Cool Apr 5, 2017

This is heartening. I thought about bidding for a similar contract in Sweden recently but the paperwork was just too much.

Especially as the Swedish authorities always seem to go for the cheapest supplier, bitch about the quality and then go back to the self same supplier next time...

Maria S. Loose, LL.M.
Maria S. Loose, LL.M.  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:11
German to English
+ ...
The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union also awarded contracts to freelancers Apr 6, 2017

The institution I work for also awarded contracts to freelancers (translation from English into German and into Croatian). Quality accounted for 70 per cent of the points and price for 30. The names of the freelancers concerned (and of the agencies) will be published in March 2018 because we publish names of awardees of middle value contracts only once a year.

[Edited at 2017-04-06 17:58 GMT]

Murad AWAD
Murad AWAD  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:11
English to Arabic
+ ...

Yes for the freelancers Apr 8, 2017

News like this Will encourage freelancers to get more involved in the market!


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