TM Maintenance
Thread poster: Roy Williams
Roy Williams
Roy Williams  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
German to English
May 20, 2022

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question. But as the summer tends to be a slow period for me, I decided it would be a good time
to clean up my TMs. So, I was wondering if anyone has any good tips or best practices for such a daunting task.

best regards,


Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
That depends May 20, 2022

I think that the most important question here is: Do you want to use your TM for concordancing or for pre-translating (inserting exact matches)?

If you want to use your TM for concordancing, there are quite a few actions that you can take to clean up and condense your TM.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
@Roy May 20, 2022

Which CAT tool(s) do you use? Do you keep separate TMs for separate clients or for separate fields? Do you have a single TM for a specific client or do you have multiple TMs per client?

Roy Williams
Roy Williams  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
German to English
Yes to all of that May 20, 2022

I'm a full-time in-houser at an automation company so I do a lot of pre-translating and concordancing as the technical documentation tends to
be repetitive.

I also translate the marketing materials and homepage content for which I keep a separate TM. Both are in MemoQ.

Philippe Locquet
Philippe Locquet  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:14
Member (2013)
English to French
+ ...
Goals May 20, 2022

Roy Williams wrote:

I'm a full-time in-houser at an automation company so I do a lot of pre-translating and concordancing as the technical documentation tends to
be repetitive.

I also translate the marketing materials and homepage content for which I keep a separate TM. Both are in MemoQ.

If you are looking for full matches in that kind of documents, you may want to keep the tags.
I would suggest filtering duplicate TUs and keep the latest version. That usually slims up well your TM.
If you want to go deeper (and have the time), I would suggest to filter inconsistency in source and inconsistency in target. You'll need to check the TUs and keep the most relevant.

If you feel confident, you can try to find misaligned segments. The only filters to do this are language expansion and stopwords. I've seen them only in Wordfast Anywhere so far.

Anyway, before doing anything, make a copy of you TMs and store them safely to make sure you still have them in case Something goes wrong.

If you plan to do this locally on your computer, make sure you have plenty of RAM if the TMs are large.


Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 20:14
English to Russian
TMX Editors May 22, 2022

I use Excel and TMX/TBX editors like Goldpan Editor, TMX Editor from Maxprograms, Heartsome TMX Editor. I prefer Maxprograms TMX Editor because it can search and filter by regex. First I remove all number-only garbage with a regex like ^\P{L}*\d\P{L}*$ or ^\P{L}*\d\P{L}* .+$. 2022-05-22_205943

Then I remove all tags with <.+?> regex. Also, it can remove duplicates, untranslated segments, etc.2022-05-22_210423

Jorge Payan
Roy Williams
Roy Williams  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
German to English
Gold or max May 24, 2022

Stepan Konev wrote:

I use Excel and TMX/TBX editors like Goldpan Editor, TMX Editor from Maxprograms, Heartsome TMX Editor. I prefer Maxprograms TMX Editor because it can search and filter by regex. First I remove all number-only garbage with a regex like ^\P{L}*\d\P{L}*$ or ^\P{L}*\d\P{L}* .+$.

Then I remove all tags with regex. Also, it can remove duplicates, untranslated segments, etc.

I've been experimenting with Goldpan and Maxprograms. Right now I'm leaning towards the latter, as Goldpan seems unusually slow. Are there any of these types of tools that might have a spell check function as well?

[Edited at 2022-05-24 11:04 GMT]

[Edited at 2022-05-24 11:04 GMT]


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TM Maintenance

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