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Free Webinar - SDL Trados Studio for beginners and some tips!

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Adina Lazar
Adina Lazar  Identity Verified
Romanian to Italian
+ ...
Buongiorno Massimo, Mar 23, 2012

Visto che sei madrelingua italiano, pensi che prima o poi riuscirai ad impartire questo corso anche in italiano? Purtroppo l'inglese non è il mio forte e faccio fatica a seguire tutte le spiegazioni.

Mille grazie!

Cordiali saluti,


ghislandi  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:21
English to Italian
Info - webinar in italiano Mar 26, 2012

Buongiorno Adina

per combinazione stavamo organizzando un webinar in italiano per il 24 Aprile.

Non lo abbiamo ancora pubblicato ma sara' SDL Trados tudio 2011 per principianti e ci si potra' registrare direttamente sul nostro sito web:

Sara' pubblicato nella prossima settim
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Buongiorno Adina

per combinazione stavamo organizzando un webinar in italiano per il 24 Aprile.

Non lo abbiamo ancora pubblicato ma sara' SDL Trados tudio 2011 per principianti e ci si potra' registrare direttamente sul nostro sito web:

Sara' pubblicato nella prossima settimana

Cordiali saulti

Paola Gatto
Paola Gatto  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:21
Member (2004)
German to Italian
+ ...
Packages Mar 26, 2012

Uli Franzen wrote:

I already know to work with Trados 7 / 7,5 and I need to know more about Trados Stuiso version 9!

So do I, Massimo!! Especially about packages! Is there any chance that you may touch on these topics? Thank you!

[Edited at 2012-03-26 21:05 GMT]

Paola Gatto
Paola Gatto  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:21
Member (2004)
German to Italian
+ ...
SDL Trados 2009 Studio Mar 26, 2012

I would like to make a round-up on the handling of translation packages.

Kathryn SMYTH
Kathryn SMYTH
Local time: 03:21
French to English
+ ...
Attendance tomorrow Mar 27, 2012


I'm dreadfully sorry, but I'm no longer able to attend this webinar tomorrow. My main customer has requested a meeting with me in their offices starting half an hour after the beginning of the webinar.

I would however be very interested in watching the recording of the webinar (Drew's mail to Barbara of Mar 19).

Best regards,


Adina Lazar
Adina Lazar  Identity Verified
Romanian to Italian
+ ...
Webinar in italiano Mar 28, 2012

Grazie Massimo!

Sono molto contenta che verrà organizzato questo webinar, in quanto si tratta esattamente della versione che mi interessava.

Cordiali saluti,


Youssef Abdel-Naiem
Youssef Abdel-Naiem
Local time: 04:21
English to Arabic
I am sorry Mar 28, 2012

I am sorry for I could not attend the webinar for unavoidable reason. My brother had a heart attach and I had to be by him all the day. Is there a chance to listen to the recorded webinar?
Many thanks

[Edited at 2012-03-28 14:40 GMT]

Youssef Abdel-Naiem
Youssef Abdel-Naiem
Local time: 04:21
English to Arabic
I have not received Confirmation Email. Mar 28, 2012

Although I could not come on time for this webinar for unavoidable reasons as I expplained above, you have not send me me a confirmation email for this webinar also. Why?

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:21
Spanish to English
+ ...
Recording of webinar Mar 28, 2012

Yousef - I apologize that you had not received the confirmation email. I see you as properly registered, and we manually re-delivered all confirmation emails 1 hour prior to the webinar (as GoToWebinar was making errors in time conversion). It is possible that this email (comes from GoToWebinar) is being caught in SPAM or JUNK folders. Perhaps check those locations and try to white list that mail server for future webinars.

The webinar was recorded and will be available (along wi
... See more
Yousef - I apologize that you had not received the confirmation email. I see you as properly registered, and we manually re-delivered all confirmation emails 1 hour prior to the webinar (as GoToWebinar was making errors in time conversion). It is possible that this email (comes from GoToWebinar) is being caught in SPAM or JUNK folders. Perhaps check those locations and try to white list that mail server for future webinars.

The webinar was recorded and will be available (along with all free webinar recordings) at in about 2 days.



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Free Webinar - SDL Trados Studio for beginners and some tips!

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