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Poll: How big is your own terminology database?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
May 27, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How big is your own terminology database?".

This poll was originally submitted by Melinda Jarai-Molnar

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How big is your own terminology database?".

This poll was originally submitted by Melinda Jarai-Molnar

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Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 01:26
English to French
+ ...
Other May 27, 2009

I have several smaller terminology bases for different customers. They disappear when they remain inactive for quite a while...

Penelope Ausejo
Penelope Ausejo  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
English to Spanish
+ ...
Had a large multiterm database May 27, 2009

I had a large Multiterm database along with Trados 6.5. When I bought Trados 7.0, I "sort" of lost it. I know it must be there somewhere, but I haven't been able to locate it. As soon as I have some spare time, I'll try to get it on the new Multiterm. Aside from that I keep excel-file glossaries for some specific clients.

Noni Gilbert Riley
Noni Gilbert Riley
Local time: 01:26
Spanish to English
+ ...
Well, I seem to remember that I took a seven and three quarters in a riding hat... May 27, 2009

...and that was pretty big at the stables I went to as a child.

As for expressed in number of terms, well, probably the max you mention, although I don't have a counter installed.

Sorry, just joking!


[Edited at 2009-05-27 18:08 GMT]

Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
Member (2007)
Spanish to English
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Small memory - big database May 27, 2009

There's no way I can remember all the terminology for the technical translations I do. Right now I'm working on a report about electrical substations, and I've dug up a glossary I created a couple of years ago for a similar project and most of the terms are in it, which means less much research time and more consistency!

I'm sure I have at least 10,000, as my power generation glossary .txt file has 6,000 terms alone.

My glossary names are coded by field (power generatio
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There's no way I can remember all the terminology for the technical translations I do. Right now I'm working on a report about electrical substations, and I've dug up a glossary I created a couple of years ago for a similar project and most of the terms are in it, which means less much research time and more consistency!

I'm sure I have at least 10,000, as my power generation glossary .txt file has 6,000 terms alone.

My glossary names are coded by field (power generation, cooking, marketing, international cooperation, history, etc.) and project name.

I don't mind working hard, but I absolutely despise having to do the same work twice, and that definitely includes terminology research.

So my riding hat size is probably about a 4 and 3/4:-)

Local time: 01:26
Spanish to English
+ ...
My what now? May 27, 2009 you mean my set of TMs? No idea, smallish I suppose... still groping my way around how to use WF...

[Edited at 2009-05-27 15:13 GMT]

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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Over 5K and growing May 27, 2009

My termbase contains the terms actually used in jobs over the last 4 years, in five languages. English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French, a big part with terms in my main three languages (Eng, Ger, Spa).

Now that I think of it, it is amazing how many different terms we have to handle in translation over time. I just record every term I research, just to avoid the lengthy duplicate research.

It is not a glossary --it does not get filled with "glossaries"-- but actu
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My termbase contains the terms actually used in jobs over the last 4 years, in five languages. English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French, a big part with terms in my main three languages (Eng, Ger, Spa).

Now that I think of it, it is amazing how many different terms we have to handle in translation over time. I just record every term I research, just to avoid the lengthy duplicate research.

It is not a glossary --it does not get filled with "glossaries"-- but actually a termbase, with several kinds of structured information on the terms, all entries concept-based, classified and linked. It could be improved and I am in the process of designing a better termbase... as quickly as work allows...

[Edited at 2009-05-27 16:13 GMT]

Renee Mazloum
Renee Mazloum
Local time: 01:26
Member (2008)
French to English
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lots of specialized glossaries May 27, 2009

Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales wrote:

I don't mind working hard, but I absolutely despise having to do the same work twice, and that definitely includes terminology research.

I definitely agree with you there. I have created at least a dozen different glossaries in Excel for each of the areas in which I work, and of course, it´s also nice to have TMs. They certainly do come in handy and help to ensure consistency.

lexical  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
Portuguese to English
poncy name for glossary May 27, 2009

I assume 'terminology database' is just a poncy name for a glossary. I create them from time to time for my own benefit and occasionally share them with colleagues provided they are not published on

How big are they? I haven't the faintest idea or the time to waste counting. Give me one good reason why I should tell you. This is really none of's business.

[Edited at 2009-05-27 18:59 GMT]

Cristina Munari
Cristina Munari  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
Member (2008)
English to Italian
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Several glossaries May 27, 2009

I have four main glossaries of over 2,000 terms each, technical, automotive, medical and legal, three of which have been converted into Multiterm termbases.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
Member (2003)
Danish to English
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No idea... 'Other' May 27, 2009

I have a huge "yellow folder" or junkbox where I collect all my odds and ends and real treasures of terminology. (It has a far better name in Danish: brokkassen.)

This consists of dozens of client term lists, glossaries and lists I have managed to download from various websites, gifts and swaps from colleagues... and all the lists I have made myself. It contains an enormous amount of terms and a lot of definitions, but it would be very hard to say how many thousands, plus or minus r
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I have a huge "yellow folder" or junkbox where I collect all my odds and ends and real treasures of terminology. (It has a far better name in Danish: brokkassen.)

This consists of dozens of client term lists, glossaries and lists I have managed to download from various websites, gifts and swaps from colleagues... and all the lists I have made myself. It contains an enormous amount of terms and a lot of definitions, but it would be very hard to say how many thousands, plus or minus repeats etc. It is chaotic, but surprisingly effective, as it consists of many files with meaningful titles, and I review it now and then like a sort of library.

As far as possible the files are in a form that can be searched by the Microsoft 'Explore' function if I enter a keyword, i.e. as Word or Excel files. Or I know when to consult 'Gerd's Law' or 'Marineterms', FOOD, Cuts_of_meat, or whatever they are all called.

If this does not pay off, I have a number of PDF files with glossaries from various sources - Swedish national authorities, the Danish educational system and many others. These files are not so easily searchable, but are useful on occasions.

I used to have several collections in Multiterm with a couple of hundred real terminology items in each plus a lot of other things that were useful, like days of the week, months, countries etc. that saved typos when they were inserted automatically.
My Multiterm is on strike, so I have reconstructed some of the lists on Wordfast, and in theory I am going to add some of the items in the junkbox, as they are so much easier to enter into the .txt file than Multiterm.

But Wordfast is slightly more aggressive about entering them into the text than Multiterm, so this calls for a little thought and a lot of time.

When I retire, I just might get it all tidied up!

[Edited at 2009-05-28 07:02 GMT]

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:26
Member (2003)
English to Latvian
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Never have been able to locate Multiterm May 27, 2009

after Trados version 5. With version 5 it came as a separate option, with 6 and 7 it just isn't there... should it be purchased separately?


Clarisa Moraña
Clarisa Moraña  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 18:26
Member (2002)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Microsolft termbase May 28, 2009

Long time ago, I downloaded the Excel termbase downloadable in the Microsoft website. Using the wizard, I uploaded it in a Multiterm termbase. That termbase alone contains almost 9000 entries. I deleted all repetitions.

Kind regards


Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
German to English
+ ...
more than 200,000 German > English terms - collected over a period of 25 years May 28, 2009

I reckon I must be a terminology freak after seeing the results of this poll!

I import internet glossaries (suitably tagged), customer glossaries, and I also add everything I research plus interesting Proz terms, terms that pop up in translations, and good solutions to tricky words and phrases. They all go into my Transit dictionaries, which are automatically looked up as I translate - all terms in the segment being translated that have dictionary entries are shown in a separate win
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I reckon I must be a terminology freak after seeing the results of this poll!

I import internet glossaries (suitably tagged), customer glossaries, and I also add everything I research plus interesting Proz terms, terms that pop up in translations, and good solutions to tricky words and phrases. They all go into my Transit dictionaries, which are automatically looked up as I translate - all terms in the segment being translated that have dictionary entries are shown in a separate window and the term itself is highlighted in red to indicate that there is a dictionary entry.

Some of the terms are customer-specific, whereas others are more like a thesaurus - over 30 terms/alternatives for "zunehmen" (increase) so that I can choose the appropriate term and not the first thing that comes into my head as in the pre-computer days.

The time and effort are well spent, as having so much terminology directly in front of me saves time looking for the terms (again), the translation is more consistent and I can fine-tune more easily. Basically I'm lazy!

[Edited at 2009-05-28 10:42 GMT]

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:26
English to Italian
other May 28, 2009

I just a have a list of preferred translations for some clients, for those who give regular work I keep everything in my brain... I hope it will work for a long time!!

I just keep a list of the words that needed a long research, and that I do not find very often.

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Poll: How big is your own terminology database?

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