Directory of translation companies updated
Thread poster: Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 14:40
Sep 19, 2008

The directory of translation companies has been updated. It builds off the recently-released "true" corporate profile.

Any questions or suggestions would be appreciated.

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
English to German
+ ...
Detailed search not working? Sep 19, 2008

Thanks, Henry,
I tried to search using industry sector and keywords - when I click on the relevant criteria in the left-hand navigation, nothing happens (Firefox under Windows XP Pro).

Thanks for checking!

Best regards,

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Some statistics? Sep 19, 2008

Henry D wrote:
The directory of translation companies has been updated. It builds off the recently-released "true" corporate profile. ... Any questions or suggestions would be appreciated.

I see both "document translation" and "translation" in the search list. Will both items give the same results?

It would be interesting to see how many companies chose all the options (eg all the languages, all the services, etc) versus those who chose only a few options. I see a number of agencies claiming that they offer Afrihili... and there is no such language.

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:40
German to English
+ ...
No, results are not the same Sep 19, 2008

Samuel Murray wrote:
I see both "document translation" and "translation" in the search list. Will both items give the same results?

I searched agencies in Germany which offer English, translation or document translation, and "Chemical". In one case I got two hits, in another seven. Both results were rather surprising to me given that the industry is so large in Germany, and I know quite a number of ProZ outsourcers working in this area.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 14:40
Most companies have not yet updated their "company" profiles Sep 19, 2008

Kevin Lossner wrote:

Samuel Murray wrote:
I see both "document translation" and "translation" in the search list. Will both items give the same results?

I searched agencies in Germany which offer English, translation or document translation, and "Chemical". In one case I got two hits, in another seven. Both results were rather surprising to me given that the industry is so large in Germany, and I know quite a number of ProZ outsourcers working in this area.

This is because the company profile that allows selection of these options is new. About 800 companies have touched it so far, with about half of those (400 or so) having completed it.

What can be expected is that the data will evolve relatively quickly over the next several weeks, and then continue to fill out over the next few months and years.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 14:40
Thanks, Ralf Sep 19, 2008

Ralf Lemster wrote:

Thanks, Henry,
I tried to search using industry sector and keywords - when I click on the relevant criteria in the left-hand navigation, nothing happens (Firefox under Windows XP Pro).

Thanks for checking!

Thanks, Ralf. I will have Jon review this.

Patricia Lane
Patricia Lane  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
French to English
+ ...
While you are updating Sep 19, 2008

Hi Henry,

I have been trying to get the SFT's (Société française des traducteurs) upgraded, to no avail.

First effort was through the email link within that data base. The email to your "Henry-filtered" address went through, the one to "sole" returned an invalid message.

Then I sent another message to [email protected], no reply.

Can someone take care of this please?

The prope
... See more
Hi Henry,

I have been trying to get the SFT's (Société française des traducteurs) upgraded, to no avail.

First effort was through the email link within that data base. The email to your "Henry-filtered" address went through, the one to "sole" returned an invalid message.

Then I sent another message to [email protected], no reply.

Can someone take care of this please?

The proper info is as follows:


Société française des traducteurs

22, rue de la Pépinière
75008 PARIS

Telephone: + 33 (0) 1 32 93 99 96
Fax: + 33 (0) 1 45 22 33 55


La Société française des traducteurs est le syndicat national des traducteurs professionnels en France. Elle compte plus de 1100 d'adhérents, traducteurs (libéraux, salariés ou d'édition) et interprètes (libéraux ou salariés), dont un certain nombre d'experts judiciaires.

La SFT mène une politique active d'information auprès de ses adhérents, des donneurs d'ordres et des futurs professionnels. Elle assiste les traducteurs dans les divers aspects liés à l'exercice de leur profession.

La SFT, très consciente de l'importance de la qualité pour les donneurs d'ordres et pour les traducteurs, mène également un combat quotidien pour une plus grande professionnalisation de la traduction et pour la mise en application des meilleures pratiques professionnelles.


Many thanks,


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 15:40
Thanks Patricia Sep 19, 2008

Hello Patricia,

Thanks for the information update, I'll make sure it gets added. By the way, the quickest way to get in touch with site staff is via support request. I will check on Soledad's address to make sure everything is okay there.

Best regards,


Michele Johnson
Michele Johnson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
German to English
+ ...
Concur with Ralf: problems with Firefox (and Explorer?) Sep 19, 2008

Detailed search is also not working for me; nothing ever changes, regardless of what I click on the left-hand menus (e.g. exotic things like language "Dida" in country "Bhutan"). I'm using Firefox 3.0.1 under Windows XP Home. Java and Javascript are enabled. Interestingly, I just checked MS Explorer, which I don't normally use, and as far as I can tell it doesn't work there either, Version 6.0.verylongnumber.

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
Translation company directory does not auto-submit Sep 19, 2008

Ralf Lemster wrote:

Thanks, Henry,
I tried to search using industry sector and keywords - when I click on the relevant criteria in the left-hand navigation, nothing happens (Firefox under Windows XP Pro).

Thanks for checking!

Best regards,
Michele Johnson wrote:

Detailed search is also not working for me; nothing ever changes, regardless of what I click on the left-hand menus (e.g. exotic things like language "Dida" in country "Bhutan"). I'm using Firefox 3.0.1 under Windows XP Home. Java and Javascript are enabled. Interestingly, I just checked MS Explorer, which I don't normally use, and as far as I can tell it doesn't work there either, Version 6.0.verylongnumber.
Ralf and Michele,

Thank you for your feedback; the system does not auto-submit when you specify criterion (you have to manually click Search). I see how the interface can be confusing (especially with the design similarity to Connect) and will make some changes to improve it.

Best regards,
Jon Peck

Edit - I have made some interface changes to clarify the functionality. Please let me know if you feel there is more that could be done to improve it; your feedback directly guides feature enhancements. Thanks again!

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
Implementation notes Sep 19, 2008


Thank you for your interest and feedback. Some development notes on this (and related features) to share... The current look and feel design of both the Translation Company directory and the Connect directory are similar (Colin did an excellent interface design pass of both), but things are very different "under the hood."

Over the past few months, Esteban and I have created the current company profile system with a number of goals:

- Provide a profil
... See more

Thank you for your interest and feedback. Some development notes on this (and related features) to share... The current look and feel design of both the Translation Company directory and the Connect directory are similar (Colin did an excellent interface design pass of both), but things are very different "under the hood."

Over the past few months, Esteban and I have created the current company profile system with a number of goals:

- Provide a profile structure tailored specifically to the needs of companies and agencies
- Make the interface intuitive, logical and easy to use
- Provide a swift, guided path to a complete profile
- Ensure data quality standards and minimize the risk of potential corruption

While there have been some growing pains leading up to this point, I feel the company profile updater and directory are functionally stable to the point that focus can shift from initial implementation to expanding the options available, adjusting the interface and layout based on feedback, optimizing the company directory, and improving the display and layout of the profile itself. In addition, planning is progressing on a profile update suggestion system for companies to review and accept/reject staff suggestions on empty profile fields. The freelancer profile updater is also scheduled for improvements.

As of this writing (09/19), 936 companies have updated their profile with the new fields. To give some perspective on the rate of growth, this is up from 707 on Monday 09/15.

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to view the new Company Profile updater at:

and take some time to fill out your profile fields (try to complete all required fields).

Please utilize the suggestion buttons if you have an item to be included in our available field options. I'm in the process of reviewing other industries to add to the list (including Financial engineering and Financial markets); there's a small backlog that I'm going to try to complete today. I've modified the field suggestion system to store industry, software and other suggestions in a database to aid in aggregation and quantifiable analysis so I can more efficiently maintain the domain of available options.

If your company has multiple profiles (for example, one for each PM), please submit a support ticket and we can help designate a central profile that you maintain to represent your company in the Company Directory so you don't have to duplicate the same information across multiple profiles.

If you encounter a bug or malfunction in either the Translation Company directory or the Profile Updater, please submit a support ticket at and we will work with you to determine and repair the issue.

Best regards,
Jon Peck Staff Developer

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
English to German
+ ...
Thanks, Jon Sep 20, 2008

I very much appreciate your team's efforts.

Over the past few months, Esteban and I have created the current company profile system with a number of goals:

- Provide a profile structure tailored specifically to the needs of companies and agencies
- Make the interface intuitive, logical and easy to use
- Provide a swift, guided path to a complete profile
- Ensure data quality standards and minimize the risk of potential corruption

Looks good now.
What you should consider is an 'opt-out' mechanism for certain profile elements - for instance, I don't have any association memberships. Nor are official standards an issue for the work we do.

Please utilize the suggestion buttons if you have an item to be included in our available field options. I'm in the process of reviewing other industries to add to the list (including Financial engineering and Financial markets)

Good news!

Best regards,


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Directory of translation companies updated

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