Off topic: Buona Pasqua & Happy Easter
Thread poster: texjax DDS PhD
texjax DDS PhD
texjax DDS PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:42
Member (2006)
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Mar 21, 2008

Buona Pasqua & Happy Easter from Sunny Florida to all of you!

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:42
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French Fries Mar 21, 2008

Prettige paasdagen & Happy Easter!

As far as I know, in the Germanic languages only English and German use the word "east" for easter. Otherwise it's pasen, påsk, peaske and so on, clearly derived from Jewish Pesach

Err, Florida you said, that's somewhere in that country between Canada and Mexico isnt'it? Some people think it's an important country. Sure they do import a lot! Anyway, it has strong European roots. England has its horse races, The US have their pr
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Prettige paasdagen & Happy Easter!

As far as I know, in the Germanic languages only English and German use the word "east" for easter. Otherwise it's pasen, påsk, peaske and so on, clearly derived from Jewish Pesach

Err, Florida you said, that's somewhere in that country between Canada and Mexico isnt'it? Some people think it's an important country. Sure they do import a lot! Anyway, it has strong European roots. England has its horse races, The US have their president races. The difference is that horses only throw mud to the horses behind them.

I was asking myself, what will happen when the Americans find out John MacCain's relatives sell French Fries?
Big problem!
Or that mister hug-a-bee had a trio with some mister Haggard and a call-girl from New York, not hugging a bee, but ....
Big problem!
Well, talking about a trio and New York, they recently found out the current senator of New York was close by when her clown back in 1997 or so had a date with a volunteer.
But ... how close?
I never did understand that cigar, but with Hillary close by ... I mean ... man are not that versatile like women, so probably he did use an aid to please all. Hillary and Monica, that makes an Illy Harmonica, sounds neither like a saxophone nor a harmonica.
Big problem!

Err, the sub topic was French Fries.
Well, a Fries from my native Dutch province Friesland slowly is turning into a French Fries. That is, being a truck driver, the French police three years ago found drugs in his truck, of which he insists not to have known of and not to be guilty for. I understand France wants to import Fries people, but the truck driver himself has different thoughts, not being able to pay a lawyer, he desperataly is occupying a French cell.

I starting artist close by did produce a somewhat country / pop five track CD and donates the ten Euros revenue for the good cause.


So, it's already Good Friday, If you want to do something good, let me know, I'll send you a CD (four English songs, one Dutch song) when you pay 10 Euros plus postal charges. For the European Union the postal charges are Euro 2.80
When you come to the Nijmegen powwow April 26th, I can bring one for you, so just 10 Euro's. But let me know!

Chocolate Easter eggs could bring pimples, CD's don't! It's still not too late to make up your mind.
Have a good Good Friday!

..... well, perhaps pasen, pasqua, påsk and so on, too much does look like passport ...

Liliana Roman-Hamilton
Liliana Roman-Hamilton  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:42
English to Italian
Likewise! Mar 21, 2008

Happy Easter to you too, dear Bruna, and to you all folks!

Here's my "Easter Bunny" (I hope the picture will be visible):

carla melis
carla melis
Local time: 22:42
English to Italian
Bona Pasca anche a te! Mar 21, 2008

Sunny but cold and windy in Cagliari these days! It's an early Easter this year and the weather is not helping at all!
Comunque, un grande caldo saluto a te.
All the best to everybody

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:42
Member (2007)
English to Italian
Easter? Mar 21, 2008

Looks like more X-mas over here... freezing cold (it was snowing few hours ago!), miserable and wet. Send some FLO-sun over here, will ya Tex!

Happy Easter to all

Margreet Logmans (X)
Margreet Logmans (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:42
English to Dutch
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Same here Mar 21, 2008

Gianni Pastore wrote:

Looks like more X-mas over here... freezing cold (it was snowing few hours ago!), miserable and wet. Send some FLO-sun over here, will ya Tex!

Happy Easter to all

I wasn't exactly dreaming of a White Easter, but if the forecasts for the weekend are right, we might just get one...

Happy Easter anyway!


SilvinaZ (X)
SilvinaZ (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:42
English to Spanish
Happy Easter from La Plata, Argentina! Mar 22, 2008

Dear All,

Thanks for this nice forum, I wish you all a Happy Easter with all your folks and... why not eating delicious chocolate eggs as I'm planning to do over here!!

Silvina Site Staff (as from Feb 26th!)

Yolanda Bello Olvera
Yolanda Bello Olvera  Identity Verified
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¡Felices Pascuas desde México! Mar 22, 2008

I 'm celebrating by eating chocolate ice-cream in the absence of eggs made of chocolate.

As long as it is chocolate I think I'm on the safe side

Happy Easter from chilly Mexico City


Laura Crocè
Laura Crocè  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:42
English to Italian
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Buona Pasqua.... Mar 22, 2008

... to you all, dear colleagues in the world of, from sunny western Sicily (about 20°C here!!)...

Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
Maria Luisa Dell'Orto  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
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Happy Easter from London! Mar 22, 2008

Happy Easter to you too, Bruna and to all Proz friends!

Here in London it is raining and nearly snowing.... so it looks more like Christmas than Easter.

A warm hug to everybody!


Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:42
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Happy Easter - Feliz Páscua! Mar 22, 2008

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:42
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German to Dutch
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Easter bunny Mar 22, 2008



Very often, I'm listening to DJ Mike Kear form Sydney Australia always tells biased thin jokes. Like this week. Listen and you'll be afraid to fall in a faint. A man is walking on the beach and finds a bottle. After he head opened it, a fairy came out offering him to make three wishes come true. Guess what! He wants a nice car, 100,000 Euro and to become irresistable to women.
Whoosh, there's the car
Whoosh, there's the money
Whoosh, the fairy changes him into a ..... box of chocolates.

Errr .... thin joke?

Anyway, your change to enjoy both the chocolates and the music:

texjax DDS PhD
texjax DDS PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:42
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English to Italian
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chocolate! Mar 22, 2008

A man is walking on the beach and finds a bottle. After he head opened it, a fairy came out offering him to make three wishes come true. Guess what! He wants a nice car, 100,000 Euro and to become irresistable to women.
Whoosh, there's the car
Whoosh, there's the money
Whoosh, the fairy changes him into a ..... box of chocolates.

...maybe a box of...chocolate Easter bunnies?

Melanie Nassar
Melanie Nassar  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:42
German to English
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My chocolate is melting Mar 23, 2008

Despite the fact that this is the earliest Easter I have ever experienced, in fact, just about the earliest date possible, it is also the warmest ever. Today 33º in Jerusalem, according to the newspaper, and it certainly felt like it (that's 91º F!!). I talked to my family in Germany and the US and it was snowing there!
Downside – my chocolate is melting. Here, we get to celebrate Easter again (Greek Orthodox) in 5 weeks!
Happy Easter.

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
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Happy Holi and Id too Mar 24, 2008

By a queer coincidence we are getting Holi, Id and Easter all in a row. It is great to have so many festivals of different religous groups one after the other.


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Buona Pasqua & Happy Easter

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