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Slovenian to English: Konkurenčna prepoved in konkurenčna klavzula
Source text - Slovenian Delavec ne sme brez predhodnega soglasja delodajalca za svoj ali tuj račun opravljati del in sklepati poslov, ki pomenijo ali bi lahko pomenila za delodajalca konkurenco, če ta dela ali posli temeljijo na znanju, poslovnih informacijah ali poslovnih zvezah, ki jih je delavec pridobil v času trajanja delovnega razmerja pri delodajalcu.
Prepoved iz prejšnjega člena velja v času trajanja te pogodbe (konkurenčna prepoved) ter dve leti po njenem prenehanju (konkurenčna klavzula).
Če delavec prekrši konkurenčno prepoved ali konkurenčno klavzulo mora poravnati vso dejansko škodo in izgubljeni dobiček. Če škode ni mogoče določiti natančno ali bi ugotavljanje škode povzročilo nesorazmerne stroške, se lahko delodajalec in delavec sporazumno dogovorita za pavšalni znesek odškodnine, ki pa ne more biti manjši od šestkratnika zadnje osnovne bruto mesečne plače delavca s tem, da o izbiri odškodnine odloči delodajalec.
Če ob prenehanju te pogodbe delodajalec uveljavlja spoštovanje konkurenčne klavzule, in če izvajanje konkurenčne klavzule delavcu onemogoča pridobitev zaslužka, primerljivega njegovi plači pri delodajalcu, mora delavcu za čas njene veljavnosti nuditi denarno nadomestilo, ki znaša tretjino povprečne mesečne plače delavca v zadnjih treh mesecih pred prenehanje pogodbe o zaposlitvi.
Delodajalec lahko kadarkoli odveže delavca spoštovanja konkurenčne klavzule, v pisni obliki.Pogodbeni stranki lahko kadarkoli opredelita pogoje za predčasno odvezo spoštovanja konkurenčne klavzule, vendar sporazumno in v pisni obliki.
Translation - English Without Employer's prior consent, the Employee may not carry out works and conclude business activities for his own or third account which represent or might represent competition to the Employer, if these actions are based on the know-how, business information or business connections, obtained during the employment relationship with the Employer.
The prohibition from the previous article shall apply during the validity period of this Contract (Prohibition of competition) and another two years after the termination thereof (Non-competition clause).q
In the event of any breach of the Prohibition of competition or the Non-competition clause, the Employee shall be obliged to reimburse the actual damage incurred and the lost profit. If the damage cannot be precisely determined or if its assessment might incur unproportional costs, the Employee and the Employer can mutually determine a lump-sum payment which shall not be lower than the six-fold sum of the Employee's last gross basic monthly salary. The Employer shall have the right to decide concerning the selection of compensation.
If upon the termination of this Contract, the Employer still applies the non-competition clause, and if the implementation thereof prevents the Employee from making his earnings which would be comparable with the salaries he had received from the Employer, the Employer shall be obliged to grant the Employee the compensation for the duration of validity of the non-competition clause, and the compensation shall amount to one third of the average monthly salary of the last three months.
The Employer may, at any point in time, absolve the Employee, in writing, from the compliance with the con-competition clause. The contracting parties can at any time define the conditions for an early release of the implementation of the non-competition clause, however, by mutual consent and in writing.
Slovenian to English: Konkurenčna prepoved in konkurenčna klavzula
Source text - Slovenian Delavec ne sme brez predhodnega soglasja delodajalca za svoj ali tuj račun opravljati del in sklepati poslov, ki pomenijo ali bi lahko pomenila za delodajalca konkurenco, če ta dela ali posli temeljijo na znanju, poslovnih informacijah ali poslovnih zvezah, ki jih je delavec pridobil v času trajanja delovnega razmerja pri delodajalcu.
Prepoved iz prejšnjega člena velja v času trajanja te pogodbe (konkurenčna prepoved) ter dve leti po njenem prenehanju (konkurenčna klavzula).
Če delavec prekrši konkurenčno prepoved ali konkurenčno klavzulo mora poravnati vso dejansko škodo in izgubljeni dobiček. Če škode ni mogoče določiti natančno ali bi ugotavljanje škode povzročilo nesorazmerne stroške, se lahko delodajalec in delavec sporazumno dogovorita za pavšalni znesek odškodnine, ki pa ne more biti manjši od šestkratnika zadnje osnovne bruto mesečne plače delavca s tem, da o izbiri odškodnine odloči delodajalec.
Če ob prenehanju te pogodbe delodajalec uveljavlja spoštovanje konkurenčne klavzule, in če izvajanje konkurenčne klavzule delavcu onemogoča pridobitev zaslužka, primerljivega njegovi plači pri delodajalcu, mora delavcu za čas njene veljavnosti nuditi denarno nadomestilo, ki znaša tretjino povprečne mesečne plače delavca v zadnjih treh mesecih pred prenehanje pogodbe o zaposlitvi.
Delodajalec lahko kadarkoli odveže delavca spoštovanja konkurenčne klavzule, v pisni obliki.Pogodbeni stranki lahko kadarkoli opredelita pogoje za predčasno odvezo spoštovanja konkurenčne klavzule, vendar sporazumno in v pisni obliki.
Translation - English Without Employer's prior consent, the Employee may not carry out works and conclude business activities for his own or third account which represent or might represent competition to the Employer, if these actions are based on the know-how, business information or business connections, obtained during the employment relationship with the Employer.
The prohibition from the previous article shall apply during the validity period of this Contract (Prohibition of competition) and another two years after the termination thereof (Non-competition clause).q
In the event of any breach of the Prohibition of competition or the Non-competition clause, the Employee shall be obliged to reimburse the actual damage incurred and the lost profit. If the damage cannot be precisely determined or if its assessment might incur unproportional costs, the Employee and the Employer can mutually determine a lump-sum payment which shall not be lower than the six-fold sum of the Employee's last gross basic monthly salary. The Employer shall have the right to decide concerning the selection of compensation.
If upon the termination of this Contract, the Employer still applies the non-competition clause, and if the implementation thereof prevents the Employee from making his earnings which would be comparable with the salaries he had received from the Employer, the Employer shall be obliged to grant the Employee the compensation for the duration of validity of the non-competition clause, and the compensation shall amount to one third of the average monthly salary of the last three months.
The Employer may, at any point in time, absolve the Employee, in writing, from the compliance with the con-competition clause. The contracting parties can at any time define the conditions for an early release of the implementation of the non-competition clause, however, by mutual consent and in writing.
Years of experience: 39. Registered at Nov 2008.