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<B><I><font color=336600>Translation is not a destination, but a journey.</B></I></font>
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation Volume: 365 days Duration: Jan 2012 to Aug 2017 Languages: English to Bulgarian
Ongoing translation/revision project
An ongoing project for the translation/revision of the European Parliament’s documents.
Government / Politics
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Translation Volume: 0 days Duration: Apr 2009 to Dec 2012 Languages: English to Bulgarian
Translation/Revision of Clinical Interviews
Translation and revision of translated text (mostly patient evaluations used to manage and monitor data in clinical trials) into and from Bulgarian. Translation for subtitling including work on a number of patient interviews involving schizophrenia.
Medical (general), Medical: Health Care
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Translation Volume: 171000 words Duration: Oct 2010 to May 2011 Languages: English to Bulgarian
Translation of hotel brochures
Translation of hotel brochures.
Tourism & Travel
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Translation Volume: 23000 words Duration: Apr 2010 to Jul 2010 Languages:
English to Bulgarian
The Environment for Europeans magazine
A project for the translation of the 38, 39 and the Green Week issues of the Environment for Europeans (EFE) magazine, a quarterly published by the Directorate-General for the Environment with the European Union, Brussels, Belgium.
Environment & Ecology
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Translation Volume: 310000 words Duration: Jul 2008 to Nov 2009 Languages: Bulgarian to English
310,000-word translation project
A 310,000-word (80 hours of runtime) translation for voice over/dubbing project from Bulgarian to English.
Tourism & Travel
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Translation Volume: 50 hours Duration: May 2008 to Oct 2011 Languages: English to Bulgarian
Translation for voice-over/dubbing
Translation of feature films, TV and animation series, and documentaries totaling 50 hours of run-time.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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Blue Board entries made by this user
12 entries
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Sample translations submitted: 3
English to Bulgarian: Човекът, когото убих General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English THE MAN HE KILLED
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
"Had he and I but met
By some old ancient inn,
We should have sat us down to wet
Right many a nipperkin!
"But ranged as infantry,
And staring face to face,
I shot at him as he at me,
And killed him in his place.
"I shot him dead because -
Because he was my foe,
Just so: my foe of course he was;
That's clear enough; although
"He thought he'd list, perhaps,
Off-hand like - just as I -
Was out of work - had sold his traps -
No other reason why.
"Yes; quaint and curious war is!
You shoot a fellow down
You'd treat if met where any bar is,
Or help to half-a-crown."
Translation - Bulgarian Човекът, когото убих
Томас Харди
Да бяхме с него се видели
в крайпътна, стара механа,
ний двама да сме го полели
със много халби, не с една.
Ала в пехотен равен строй,
изправени лице в лице,
аз стрелях в него, в мене – той;
убих го с тези две ръце.
Човека аз така затрих,
защото бе за мене враг.
Врага отсреща аз убих –
какъв по-чист мотив! Все пак,
с войната той се май захванал
неволно, не нарочно –
без дом, без пукнат грош останал –
набързо – като мене точно.
Нелепо нещо е войната!
Затриваш ти другар дори,
комуто дал си би храната,
или помогнал би с пари.
English to Bulgarian: Towards a new strategy to protect Europe’s biodiversity General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English The European Union, despite failing to meet its original target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010, is preparing a new strategy to preserve its rich variety of ecosystems, species and genes. Taking as a starting point the vision and target for biodiversity adopted by the European Council in March, the strategy will draw on lessons from the past and set out more rigorous ways of achieving the goal by 2020 and, ambitiously, look ahead to 2050. Fittingly, it is being developed during the International Year of Biodiversity.
Along with climate change, the loss of biodiversity is the most critical threat facing the world’s environment. Nor is nature the only victim. Local populations find lifestyles, basic essentials and incomes are hit as their surroundings deteriorate.
The new strategy is now gaining shape, starting with the adoption of a new target for 2020, as requested by EU environment ministers in March 2009 when it had become clear that the current target, set eight years earlier, to “halt biodiversity loss in the EU by 2010” would not be met. The Commission presented in January 2010 – at the very start of the International Year of Biodiversity – options for a new vision and target for biodiversity beyond 2010 in response to the ministers’ call.
Within two months, EU governments gave their political blessing to the most ambitious of the four 2020 targets the Commission had put on the table. This commits the Union to take action, both within its frontiers and beyond, to reverse the trend of biodiversity loss (see box).
Scale of the problem
In Europe, one in six mammal species, particularly marine life and birds, are threatened with extinction. More than a quarter of the European mammal population is declining. Globally the situation is even bleaker. Several authoritative studies report that losses range from 100 to 1,000 times normal rates and that 60% of the world’s ecosystem services have suffered in the last 50 years.
The reasons for this loss are many: destruction and degradation of habitats, changes in land use, unfettered exploitation of natural resources combined with unsustainable practices such as overfishing, introduction of invasive species, pollution and, increasingly, climate change. Added to these are the pressures of population growth, rising per capita consumption and a failure to recognise how to allocate natural resources as efficiently as possible. Finally, the public is not sufficiently aware of the extent of the problem, how it concerns them, and the roles and responsibilities of individual citizens in fighting against biodiversity loss.
Many ecosystems are reaching a point of no return. With a high diversity of species, ecosystems are more stable, more productive, and less vulnerable to external stresses. As that diversity declines, their fragility grows. Biodiversity loss also jeopardises climate objectives and undercuts our life insurance against climate change, because nature is the most effective climate regulator and the largest carbon sink.
Once ecosystems are destroyed, they cannot be replaced. Just as a 2 degree rise in global temperature would lead to catastrophic climate change consequences, biodiversity loss has far-reaching consequences for our planet – and not just for our environment.
Other unpalatable consequences include high economic costs. These are estimated to total some €50 billion annually. A recent study on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB – see box) placed a rough price tag of failing to protect the natural world. It estimated that by 2050, the cost of doing nothing about terrestrial biodiversity loss would reach around 7% of global consumption.
It also brings human costs. The livelihoods of millions of people depend on the harmonious functioning of our biodiversity and ecosystems. In developing countries this can literally mean the difference between life and death. In other, more developed parts of the world, failure to nurture biodiversity, particularly for agricultural and fishing communities, can turn relative affluence into hardship.
Translation - Bulgarian Въпреки че не успя да изпълни първоначалната си цел да спре загубата на биоразнообразие до 2010 г., Европейският съюз изготвя нова стратегия за опазване на богатството от екосистеми, животински видове и гени. Ползвайки за отправна точка визията и целите, приети от Европейския съвет през месец март, ще се вземат поуки от миналото и ще се потърсят по-строги мерки за постигане на целта до 2020 г. и дори в по-амбициозен план – до 2050 г. Неслучайно стратегията се изготвя по време на Mеждународната година на биоразнообразието.
Наред с измененията на климата, загубата на биоразнообразие е най-голямата заплаха пред околната среда в световен мащаб. Природата не е единствената жертва. С влошаването на околната среда се влошава и начинът на живот на местното население, предметите от първа необходимост и доходите.
Стратегията вече придобива конкретни измерения, като се започне с приемането на новата цел за 2020 г. по молба на министрите на околната среда в ЕС през месец март 2009, когато стана ясно, че сегашната цел, поставена осем години преди това, а именно „да се спре загубата на биоразнообразие в ЕС до 2010 г.”, няма да бъде постигната. През януари 2010 г. – в самото начало на Mеждународната година на биоразнообразието – в отговор на призива на министрите Комисията представи възможностите за нова визия и цели за биоразнообразието за периода след 2010 г.
За два месеца правителствата на държавите — членки на ЕС дадоха политическата си благословия на най-амбициозната от четирите цели за 2020 г., поставени от Комисията. Този акт задължава Съюза да предприеме мерки, във и извън своите географски предели, целящи спиране тенденцията на загуба на биоразнообразие. ( Вж. информационното каре)
Мащаб на проблема
В Европа всеки шести животински вид — особено при морските бозайници и птиците — е застрашен от изчезване. Популацията на бозайниците на континента е намаляла с повече от една четвърт. В световен мащаб ситуацията е още по-мрачна. Няколко авторитетни проучвания констатират, че загубите са между 100 и 1000 пъти повече от обикновено и че 60 % от екосистемните услуги в света са засегнати през последните 50 години.
Причините за тези загуби са много: унищожение и деградация на местообитания, промяна в земеползването, необузданата експлоатация на природните ресурси, комбинирано с неустойчиви практики, като например прекомерен улов на риба, внасяне на инвазивни видове, замърсяване на околната среда и прогресивно изменение на климата. Към този списък се добавят и въздействието от растящия прираст на населението, увеличената консумация на глава от населението, както и неумението да се разпределят природните ресурси по възможно най-ефикасния начин. Освен това хората не са добре осведомени за сериозността на проблема, доколко той ги засяга, а така също и за ролята и отговорността на всеки гражданин в борбата срещу загубата на биоразнообразие.
Много екосистеми са достигнали критичната си точка. Екосистеми с богато разнообразие на видове са по-стабилни, по-продуктивни и по-малко податливи на външен стрес. С намаляване на тяхното разнообразие, намалява и тяхната устойчивост. Загубата на биоразнообразие излага на опасност климатичните цели и намалява устойчивостта ни на климатичните промени, защото природата е най-ефективният регулатор на изменението на климата и най-големият абсорбатор на въглерод.
Унищожи ли се една екосистема, тя не може да се възстанови повече. Както покачването на средната температура на планетата само с 2°С ще доведе до катастрофални климатични изменения, загубата на биоразнообразие води до сериозни последствия не само за околната среда, но и за Земята.
Други сериозни последствия са икономическите щети, които се оценяват на около 50 милиарда евро годишно. Според изследователския проект „Икономиката на екосистемите и биоразнообразието” (виж информационното каре), осъществен наскоро, заплащаме много висока цена за неуспеха си да спасим природния свят. Изчисленията показват, че до 2050 г. цената на бездействието ни по отношение загубата на биоразнообразие ще достигне 7% от световната консумация.
Не на последно място са и щетите за човека. Препитанието на милиони хора зависи от хармоничното функциониране на биоразнообразието и екосистемите. В развиващите се страни този факт в буквалния смисъл на думата прави разликата между живота и смъртта незначителна. В някои други по-развити части на света неумението да се поддържа биоразнообразието, особено в общности, прехранващи се със земеделие и риболов, може драстично да влоши начина на живот.
Bulgarian to English: The Subselestial Empire of the Thracians General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Archaeology
Source text - Bulgarian Основание за твърдението на проф. Овчаров са мощите на светец, които бяха намерени в Голямата базилика на Перперикон. Смята се, че те са на Никита Ремесиански, с когото се свързва приобщаването към вярата на езическите племена, живели между устията на Места и Дунав през V-VІ век. Той е сред 10-те големи светци на църквата, почитани и в православния, и в католическия свят. Откритието потвърждава, че свещеният град е бил значим християнски център още от римско време.
В района са намерени и останки от строежи от времето на Никита Ремесиански. В близост до стар римски път в по-късни времена са построени няколко чешми. Водата в тях тече и до днес и се ползва за водопой на животинските стада. „Седемте чучура” до село Мъженци са една от местните забележителности.
Знанията ни за тракийската цивилизация в Източните Родопи се допълват с проучванията на местността Татул край едноименното село, които проф. Овчаров започва наново през 2004 година.
Татул се намира южно от Перперикон, на 20-на километра североизточно от Момчилград. Представлява малка, но твърде интересна крепост на скалист връх, естествено защитен от изток и юг с отвесни скали. Градежът е от ломени камъни, споени с бял хоросан.
В писмените извори липсват каквито и да било сведения за тази малка крепост-убежище. Най-вероятно тя е просъществувала до падането на България под османско владичество, когато е била разрушена от нашествениците и потънала в забрава.
Най-интересните обекти в крепостта обаче са езическите тракийски светилища, жертвеници и гробници. Видният български археолог Иван Венедиков пръв предполага, че култът тук в тракийски времена е бил посветен на Орфей.
Translation - English Professor Ovcharov’s theory is supported by the fact that the relics of a saint were found at the Big Basilica in Perperikon. We can safely assume that they belong to Nikita Remesianski who was said to be one of the most important figures in the conversion into Christianity of the pagan tribes living between the mouths of the rivers Mesta and Danube in the 5th – 6th century AD. He was among the ten most venerated church saints who were equally respected in the Christian Orthodox and Catholic Church.
This find is another proof that the sacred city was an important Christian center in as early as Roman times.
Some remains of structures which must have been built during Nikita Remesianski’s lifetime have been found too. Several drinking fountains were built later quite close to an ancient Roman road. The water there has run ever since and today it is used as a watering place for the cattle. The Seven Spouts near the village of Mazhentsi is one of the local sites of interest.
Our knowledge of the Thracian civilization in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains has been enriched by the research work in the area of the village of Tatul which Professor Ovcharov resumed in 2004.
Tatul is located to the south of Perperikon, some 20 km to the northeast of the town of Momchilgrad. It is a small but quite interesting fortress which is perched on a rocky peak, naturally guarded by precipitous cliffs from the east and the south. It was built from hewn stone and white mortar.
Written records do not reveal any information about this small fortress. Most probably, it existed until Bulgaria fell to the Ottoman Turks when it was destroyed by them and hence sunk into oblivion.
However, the most interesting sites within the fortress are the pagan Thracian sanctuaries, sacrificial places, and tombs. The eminent Bulgarian archeologist Ivan Venedikov was the first one suggesting that the cult of Orpheus emerged among the Thracians at that time.
English to Bulgarian (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, verified) Bulgarian to English (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, Corel Video Studio Pro X2, EZTitles, Sony Vegas 10.0s, Subtitle Plus, Subtitle Workshop, Word Perfect, Passolo, Powerpoint, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast
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Translation is a luminous web of linguistic ideas brought to life. I am here to weave it for you in Bulgarian.
I am a native Bulgarian speaker, a professional linguist and a full-time certified (sworn) freelance English to Bulgarian translator holding an MA degree in English Studies with a specialization in Theory of Translation, living and working in Bulgaria and teleworking for more than 100 direct clients and translation agencies in Europe, Asia, Canada, and the United States, providing high-quality translation and editing services, and devoting meticulous attention to detail while working on each project. I have a proven track record of always delivering even the most challenging projects on time.
I have twenty-two years of experience as a freelance translator/editor/proofreader from/into English, and fourteen months of Federal Government experience as a Program Support Officer at Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Ottawa, ON.
My profile tagline A creative flair for words reflects both my keen and strong interest in translation and my personal belief that every single text, even the most difficult one, which is full of either idiomatic phrases, puns or specialized terminology, can be adequately and successfully rendered into the corresponding target language(s). If by any chance an untranslatable text existed, it would probably be in the form of undecipherable ancient hieroglyphic writing.
While my current focus in translation is EU Affairs, I have had extensive experience with many different types of texts. I specialize in fields such as Cinema/Film/TV/Drama, Clinical Trials and Clinical Interviews (Psychiatry), Government/Politics, Poetry & Literature, Tourism and Travel.
Working Fields Advertising, Business/Commerce, Certificates/Diplomas/Licenses/CV’s, Computers (General), Education/Pedagogy, Finance (General), History, Law (General), Linguistics, Marketing, Media/Multimedia, Medical (General), Software Training Videos/Video Tutorials.
I am a published poet and translator. To view some of my poetry and translations, please go to My Publications page on my website. In 1997, I received a Certificate of Honorable Mention in recognition of literary excellence granted by the National Authors Registry, USA. I also won a second place award in the 2002 Bulgaria National Haiku Contest held by the Literature Club e-zine. Last but not least, I take pride in the fact that I am a nine-time winner of translation contests.
I offer competitive and negotiable rates, high quality translations and reliable turnaround times. Please email me for a free quote. Thank you.
References and CV/Resume will be submitted upon request.
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Keywords: Bulgarian translator, English-Bulgarian translator, English to Bulgarian translator, Bulgarian-English translator, Bulgarian to English translator, Bulgarian freelance translator, Bulgarian proofreader, English-Bulgarian translations and editing services, English to Bulgarian translations and editing services, English-Bulgarian literary translator. See more.Bulgarian translator, English-Bulgarian translator, English to Bulgarian translator, Bulgarian-English translator, Bulgarian to English translator, Bulgarian freelance translator, Bulgarian proofreader, English-Bulgarian translations and editing services, English to Bulgarian translations and editing services, English-Bulgarian literary translator, English to Bulgarian literary translator, translator, proofreader, editor, subtitler, Advertising/Public Relations, Cinema/Film/TV/Drama, Environment & Ecology, European Union, EU, European Parliament, EP, EU Affairs, Government/Politics, Poetry & Literature, Tourism and Travel, Business/Commerce, Certificates/Diplomas/Licenses/CV’s, Clinical Interviews (Psychiatry), Computers (General), Education/Pedagogy, Finance (General), History, Law (General), Linguistics, Management, Media/Multimedia, Medical (General), Software Training Videos/Video Tutorials, Archeology, Architecture, Art/literary, Articles, Arts & Crafts, Audio, Audio dubbing/subtitling, Auditing (General), Back translation, Banking (General), Baptism, Baroque, Biodiversity, Books, Brochures, Business, Business cards, Business products, Catalogs, Certificates/Diplomas/Licenses, Clinical Trials, Clinical Interviews, Construction, Consumer products, Contracts and agreements, Copy-editing, Corporate letters, Desktop publishing (DTP), Document translation, Editing, E-Learning, Ecology, Environment, Ecology & Environment, Educational records/documents, Energy Efficiency, Entertainment, Environmental policies, Esoteric Practices, EU, EU Affairs, European Parliament, European Parliament documents, European Union, European Union affairs, Film scripts, Finance (General), Financial statements, Flash files, Fliers, Folklore, Government, Ground pumps, Hardware, Higher Education, Help files, History, Hospitality, Hotel Accommodation, Human resources, Immigration, Immigration documents, Journalism, Labels/Packaging, Language training, Law (general), Linguistics, Linguistic Testing, Legal content, Letters/Emails, Lip-sync, Localization, Logo, Multimedia localization, Manuals (non-technical), Marketing, Medical (General), Medical Instruments, memoQ, memoQ 2014, memoQ 2015, Newsletters, Painting, Patient Interviews, SDL Passolo 2015, Poetry and Literature, PR, Presentations, Proofreading, Psychiatry, Real estate, Religion, Safety, SDL Trados Studio 2011 / 2014, SDL Passolo Essential 2011, Security, Social Science/Sociology/Ethics, Software (General), Software Localization, Science (General), Subtitling, Summarizing, Surveys, Technical writing, Telecommunications, TESL, Text translation, Time Stamping, Tourism and Travel, Training/Education, Transcreation, Transcription, Translation, Translation for dubbing, Translation for voice-over, Translation for lip-sync, User guides, Video, Voice over scripts, Website translation, Website Localization, Wild life, Wordfast Pro 3.. See less.
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