Eglish-Russian: law enforcement, business, marketing/commerce(general),accounting,law, social sciences,education, journalism, prose. (I can do both translation and interpreting)
Hungarian-Russian: business, commerce/marketing(general),accounting, law, social sciences, education, journalism, prose. (I can do both translation and interpreting)
Russian-English:law enforcement, business, commerce, social sciences, education (I can do both translation and Interpreting)
I was awarded a Licence in Translation by the State Examination Committee in 2000 ( 157/2000). I've been working as a free-lance simultaneous interpreter and translator for the Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) and the International Law Enforcement Academy in Budapest, Hungary, for 5 years.
I worked as a full-time English-Russian-Hungarian interpreter and translator for 5 years for a private company "Matrafood"(Budapest, Hungary) where I specialised in business and commerce.
My rates are based on local prices: $o.o1/character for translation from Hungarian into Russian; $o.o2/character for translation from English into Russian.The rates listed are negotiable and discounts can be agreed for regular work and large volume. The rates may change according to timeframe, scope, subject or file format. |