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Japanese to English - Rates: 9.00 - 15.00 JPY per character / 4000 - 5000 JPY per hour
Japanese to English: Japanese Christians in Korea General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Japanese 海老名弾正の思想を受け継いだ弟子であり、朝鮮伝道の主任牧師であった渡瀬常吉は『日本神学提唱』という書物を出版し、古事記と旧約聖書の同一点について論じている。これは、天皇制国家を目指す過程で、キリスト教信者の戦争協力を可能にするという政治的意味を有していた。また、当時の朝鮮キリスト教は宣教の初期段階にあって、日本組合教会が伝道する日本的キリスト教思想をもって総督府に協力する朝鮮キリスト教信者も多数いた。親日派のメンバーは、たいてい日本組合教会信者であり、親日派の集合場所となったのも日本組合教会堂であった。
こうした事態は、ドイツの状況と比較することができかもしれない。ドイツのプロテスタント教会はかつての国家教会の遺産の中でナショナルな伝統との結び付きがなお強く、西欧デモクラシーを範とするリベラルな憲法体制としてのワイマール共和国に対して、多くのプロテスタント牧師、神学者、信者は不信感を持っていた。それゆえナチ政権が<民族>と<教会>の統合を説いて登場したことが、一定の歓迎を受けたことも当然と言える。しかし、他方では、ナチ政権を積極的に支持した<ドイツ的キリスト者>に対して、少数ではあるがナチの諸政策の反キリスト教性を見抜いて対抗運動が形成された。ルートヴィッヒ・ミュラーを中心として古プロイセン共同教会が教会法に<アーリア条項>を」導入し、教会の非ユダヤ人化を図ろうとしたとき、これが教会の信仰心告白と秩序の侵害であるとして、マルチィン・ニュ-メラ-(Martin Niemoller)を中心に、「牧師緊急同盟」が結成された。そして、三四年一月四日、バルメンにおいて一八の州教会の代表一三九名が集まって「ドイツ福音主義教会の信仰告白大会」を開催し、聖書と信仰告白にのみ基づくドイツの唯一の正統教会として「ドイツ福音主義教会の信仰告白大会」の成立を宣言し、バルメン宣言を行った.ナチの政策を現実には阻止できなかったものの、バルトやニーメラ-らを中心として、告白教会の結成、バルメン宣言に象徴さらにドイツにおける反ナチ闘争(教会闘争)の歴史的意義はきわめて大きいといわねばならない。(拙論 98頁)
Translation - English Watase Tsuneyoshi, Ebina’s intellectual disciple and the lead minister of the Korea evangelization drive, treated the congruences between the Kojiki and the Old Testament in his An Exposition on Japanese Theology. The work held political significance in that it made it possible for Christians to cooperate with the war effort in a process the object of which was an emperor-system state. Also, Korean Christianity was in the first stages of evangelization, and many Korean Christians held the Japanese-flavored Christian ideas transmitted by the Japanese Congregationalist Church and cooperated with the Japanese Government General. The pro-Japan members for the most part belonged to the Japanese Congregationalist Church and met at Congregationalist facilities.
This situation can perhaps be compared with conditions in Germany. Among the legacies of its having formerly been the state church, the German Protestant church was strongly linked to national traditions. Many Protestant ministers, theologians and believers held a distrust of the Weimar Republic, with its liberal constitutional structure patterned on Western European democracy. For that reason, it was natural for them to have uniformly welcomed the appearance of the Nazi regime, which preached preaching a union of “the folk” and “the church.” However, an opposition movement formed in opposition to the “German Christians” who supported the Nazi regime who—a minority though they may have been—saw through the anti-Christian character of Nazi policies. When the Old Prussian Union around Ludwig Müller introduced the “Aryan Paragraph” to Canon Law with the goal of forcing Jews from the church, a Pastors’ Emergency League centered on Martin Niemoller was formed around the position that this an infringement on the church’s confession of faith and order. On January 4, 1934, 139 representatives from 18 state churches gathered in Barmen convened the Confessing Synod of the German Evangelical Church. They announced the formation of the Synod as the only legitimate church in Germany that was based solely on the Bible and the confession of faith, and they issued the Barmen Declaration. Though they were unable to prevent the Nazis from realizing their policies, it must be said that the formation of the Confessing Synod around Karl Barth and Martin Niemoller as symbolized by the Barmen Declaration—and furthermore the anti-Nazi struggle (the struggle of the churches) in Germany—was of tremendous historical significance.
Japanese to English: Summer Festival General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Japanese 三之宮比々多神社の春祭り 4/22(火)
Translation - English Summer festival at Sannomiya Hibita Shrine, 4/22 (Tuesday)
Sannomiya, Isehara City / Approx. 15-minute bus ride from Isehara Station (Odakyu line) north exit, get off at Tabita or Sannomiya bus stop
Stately “abare-mikoshi” (portable “fighting” shrines to be destroyed as offerings) and three festival floats decorated with “karakuri” (marionette-style) kabuki dolls of famed generals Katō Kiyomasa, Kumagai Naozane, and Nikki Danjō are pulled around to the accompaniment of a lion dancer. After the procession has left the shrine, worked its way around the city, and returned, “chimaki” (rice cakes wrapped in bamboo leaves) are spread around the shrine grounds. A “kagura” performance (a sacred music and dance event) will also be presented the same day as an offering to the deities at the shrine’s kagura stage, and a garden-plant fair will be opened behind the shrine.
Japanese to English: Compact flash cards General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers (general)
Translation - English Internal Data Assignments for a Single Compact Flash Card
1. Summary
We use compact flash (hereafter CF) cards as our game media. The necessary base code and game code must be included on the CF media in order to run games. On top of that, they also have to include mechanisms for satisfying those special items (the check and identification of media) stipulated by the petitioning organization. Below we explain data assignments on the CF cards used with our gaming machines.
2. Data Assignment
The game media is comprised of a single CF card. The media is accessed through the IDE bus and is recognized as a hard-disk drive (hereafter HDD). Accordingly, the media has a partition structure like a HDD. Like a HDD, the media is broken down into a boot sector, a partitions sector, and unused sectors, with the partitions sector further broken down into four separate partitions. The CF media is divided into sectors of 512 bytes each, and addresses are assigned to each sector by means of a logical block address (LBA). Each sector is defined by the sector linked to the LBA. The sectors are shown on Figure 1.
Japanese to English: Marketing report on ad campaign impact General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Japanese The California Travel and Tourism Commission (CTTC) は非営利目的の民間団体であり、州政府観光局と協力してマーケティング活動を実施している。
Translation - English The California Travel and Tourism Commission (CTTC) is a private, nonprofit organization that conducts marketing activities in cooperation with the state’s Division of Tourism.
In April and June of 2008, as the first step of its marketing activities in Japan the CTTC began marketing drive aimed at attracting Japanese tourists. An advertising campaign was conducted mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
The objectives of the present survey are to evaluate the response to the advertising campaign, to get a handle on the situation regarding travel to California in the past as well as people’s awareness of and attitudes toward California travel, and to serve as a point of reference for future marketing activities.
The survey’s main objectives include the following.
*Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign in achieving its communication objectives, including consumer awareness, receptivity, preferences, and actions.
*Measure the extent to which the campaign stimulated consumer behavior toward and their interest in gathering information about California as a travel destination.
*Evaluate awareness of travel to California, including competitive conditions at present.
*Assess consumer responses to the California advertisements and explore whether “the California attitude” got through to consumers thanks to the advertisements.
*Measure the impact of the advertisements, and connect that to differences in preferences and in attitudes toward changing travel plans.
*Collect data on past travel to California and further understanding about the motivations for and the distinctive characteristics of travel.
*Serve as index for future marketing campaigns, and having grasped the situation as regards the abovementioned points make recommendations in order to create more polished campaigns.
Japanese to English: Internationalization in Chiba General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Japanese — はじめに — 「千葉の国際協力」の推進に向けて
Translation - English Introduction: Toward the Advancement of “International Cooperation in Chiba”
As the advance of internationalization leads to the deepening of mutually dependent relations between states, problems are becoming evident like those of the environment and poverty that must be solved on a global scale. In conjunction with this, the requirements on international cooperation are likewise becoming increasingly complex and diverse, calling for responses that are finely tuned and flexible. Under the circumstances, the need is growing extremely high for international cooperation efforts not just in the form of ODA at the nation-to-nation level, but also of the sort that can be provided only at the regional and personal level.
There is an abundant pool of human resources in Chiba Prefecture, of people who have superlative skills and valuable experience in solving a variety of problems in environmental, healthcare, and other fields. Consequently, in the future it will be vital to make the most of these people and their skills by facilitating collaboration among those prefectural residents, NPOs, corporations, and universities engaged in international cooperation activities.
For these reasons, we have compiled our basic philosophy for advancing international cooperation in Chiba through collaboration among the various actors in the prefecture who are engaged in such cooperative activities.
We hope this book can be of some assistance to all those who are involved in international cooperation activities as well as those who will try to start doing so in the future.
Years of experience: 33. Registered at Jun 2008.
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I have worked as a translator, journalist, and editor in a variety of capacities since 1991. As a translator, I have worked on materials ranging from a political science book about Prime Minister Koizumi, to the memoir of a Japanese humanitarian in Afghanistan, to corporate histories for Hitachi and division of Honda; from urban planning documents for various municipalities in the Kansai region to quality control materials for an automobile manufacturer; and from a catalogue of electric lighting products for Matsushita to a manual explaining how to operate vacuum transfer robots used in manufacturing silicon wafers.
My journalism experience includes four years at a trade magazine covering the amusement machine business, one year at a Japanese newspaper, and two-and-a-half years as a general news reporter for the Associated Press. I have written about everything from video games and stock market crashes to Japanese election campaigns and people who restore old houses. I also edited a political science and international affairs journal for five years, and just to round out the picture am an ABD in modern Japanese history for the University of California, Berkeley.
Allow me use my experience to help you with your translation needs.
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Keywords: tourism and travel, advertising, marketing campaign, journalism, business news, city planning, urban environment, product manual, hotels, Japanese history. See more.tourism and travel, advertising, marketing campaign, journalism, business news, city planning, urban environment, product manual, hotels, Japanese history, scholarly journal, academic journal, Japanese religion, folklore, sociology, . See less.