In brief - I've started the translation work in 1970 shortly after I'd graduated from the Military Academy. In 1982, after passing several qualification tests, I was selected to serve in secondment for the Omani Land Forces as a chief translator for 3 years, the period during which I gained a lot of experience in all the military domains. I continued to practice the translation and interpreting activities with the Egyptian Armed forces up to 1996. From 1996 to 2005 I worked as Senior Translator for The Central Agency for Statistics and Public Mobilization-Egypt, where most of my translation work dealt with the governments and international organizations worldwide. From 2005 - 2007, I headed the translation department in a private localization company. Now, I work from home as a freelancer.
My favorite topics are normally the military ones and it worth mentioning that I headed the translation team for two of the US Army field manuals (FM-5 & FM-6) in 2006, and lately the counterinsurgency manual under FM-3. I translated many topics for The US Military Review as well.
I am also a specialized in : Governmental, political, economical, financial, banking, accounting, technical, medical (general), legal (contracts and agreements), educational and general topics.
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