Working languages:
English to Pashto (Pushto)
English to Dari
Pashto (Pushto) to English

Subhan Fakhrizada
Fast, Accurate and Reliable

Ottawa, ON, Canada
Local time: 00:54 EDT (GMT-4)

Native in: Pashto (Pushto) Native in Pashto (Pushto), Dari Native in Dari
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9 positive reviews
1 rating (1.00 avg. rating)
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Blue Board affiliation:
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Art, Arts & Crafts, PaintingComputers (general)
Computers: HardwareComputers: Software
Computers: Systems, NetworksGovernment / Politics
HistoryHuman Resources
IT (Information Technology)Journalism


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 270, Questions answered: 105, Questions asked: 10
Payment methods accepted Money order, Wire transfer, Check
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Translation education Bachelor's degree
Experience Years of experience: 25. Registered at Jul 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Dari to English (Afghanistan)
English to Dari (Degree in literature/journalism)
English to Pashto (Pushto) (Degree in Journalism/Literature)
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume English (DOC)
Professional practices Subhan Fakhrizada endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.0).
More than 5 years of experience in English-Pashto and Pashto-English as well as English<>Dari (Farsi) translation. Successful work as translator/writer for SAHAAR, daily newspaper published in Pashto and Dari languages in Peshawar for the refugee and returnee Afghan population.

Familiarity with media, legal, political and educational terms as a result of 4 years studies in faculty of literature and journalism. Appreciated work as a freelance translator for many translation agencies on the net.

I have been a competent user of IT for many years and am quick to acquire new skills where required. In particular, I have an excellent knowledge, and over ten years’ experience, of using all standard Microsoft Office packages.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 294
PRO-level pts: 270

Top languages (PRO)
Dari to English106
English to Dari90
Persian (Farsi) to English24
Pashto (Pushto) to English24
English to Pashto (Pushto)22
Pts in 1 more pair >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 2 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)66
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters19
Military / Defense16
Human Resources12
Pts in 9 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Pashto, Pushto, dari, farsi, afghani, afghan, it, localization, legal, government. See more.Pashto,Pushto,dari,farsi,afghani,afghan,it,localization,legal,government,journalism,proofreading,afghanistan, dari,Dari,dari,Pashto,Farsi,Dari,Urdu,Pashto translations,Farsi translations,Dari translations,Urdu translations,Pashto localization,Farsi localization,Urdu localization,Dari localization,multilingual DTP,Pashto DTP,Farsi DTP,Dari DTP,Urdu DTP,Pashto technical writing,English technical writing,Pashto technical trasnlations,Farsi technical translation,Urdu legal translation,Dari technical translation,Pashto software localization,Farsi software localization,Urdu software localization,Dari software localization,website localization,multimedia localization,resource files translation,gtaphics images and icons localization,help files translation,read-me files translation,packaging translation,warranty cards translation,software licenses translation,user manuals translation,owner manuals translation,tutorials translation,user guides translation,technical overviews translation,data sheets translation,design guides translation,application notes,translation,technology bulletins translation,white papers translation,reference manuals translation,IT translation,telecommunication translation,Automotive translation,weaponry translation,medical translation,legal translation,commercial translation,financial translation,chemicals translation,E-learning translation,Education translation,marketing translation,business translation,books translation,scientific translation,islamic studies translation,literary translation,english Pashto translation,Pashto english translation,english farsi translation,frasi english translation,english Dari translation,Dari english translation,english Urdu translation,urdu englsih translation,Pashto technical translators,farsi technical translators,Dari technical translators,urdu techical translators,Pashto localizers Farsi localizers,Dari localizers,urdu localizer Pashto medical translators,farsi medical translators,Dari medical translators,urdu medial translators,Pashto legal translators,farsi legal translators,urdu legal translators,literary translators,social Pashto translators,financial translators,commercial translators,word Pashto translation,pdf Pashto translation,xml Pashto translation,excel Pashto translation,html Pashto translation,php Pashto translation,powerpoint Pashto translation,word farsi translation,pdf farsi translation excel farsi translation,xml farsi translation,html farsi translation,php farsi translation,powerpoint farsi translation,word Dari translation,excel Dari translation,powerpoint Dari translation,pdf Dari translation,html Dari translation,xml Dari translation,word urdu translation,excel urdu translation,powerpoint urdu translation,html urdu translation,xml urdu translation,php urdu translation,large database of Pashto translators,database of farsi translators,database of Dari translators,database of urdu translators,multilingual DTP specialists,multilingual DTPers english technical writers,database of Pashto proofreaders,CAT tools,trados Pashto translation,SDLX Pashto translation. See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 19, 2019