Arabic to English: folk tale | |
Source text - Arabic الدئب و القنفد
كان الدئب و القنفد صديقين رغم اختلاف طباعهما، فالدئب طمع جشع غدار. و القنفد دكي واسع الحيلة و كان كل منهما يعيش في غار تحت الأرض بجانب الآخر. و في يوم اتفق الدئب و القنفد أن يتعاونا سويا في الصيد والحصول على رزقهما. فدهب القنفد إلى أولاد كانوا يرعون الغنم فأمسكوا به و بدأوا يلعبون معه وانشغلوا بدلك فأتى الدئب و اختطف خروفا و فر به. و حين أدرك الأطفال ما حدث رموا القنفد و ضربوه بالأحجار لأنه كان السبب. | Translation - English The wolf and the hedgehog
Although they were of different natures, the wolf and the hedgehog were friends. The wolf was greedy and dishonest while the hedgehog was intelligent and cunning. They were neighbours.
One day, they agreed to start hunting together. The hedgehog went up to a group of children who were looking after some sheep. They caught him and began to play with him, forgetting their sheep. Meanwhile, the wolf came, stole a sheep and ran away. On realising what happened, they threw the hedgehog on the ground and started beating him with stones, for he was responsible for the theft. |