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French to English: Financial / Accounting Policy General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Accounting
Source text - French La Commission normes privées du Conseil National de la Comptabilité s’est récemment prononcé sur le traitement comptable de l’attribution gratuite d’actions aux salariés dans les comptes individuels français.
Rappelons qu’à ce jour aucun texte n’existe et les pratiques sont très diverses. Ainsi pour X, Y a décidé d’enregistrer une provision pour risques et charges fin 2007 pour la totalité de la dette probable à savoir cours d’acquisition en bourse des actions déjà achetées par Z x taux de sortie au bout des deux ans que dure la période d’acquisition de droits x nombre de salariés bénéficiaires concernées fin 2007. Ce n’est pas la position retenue par Z pour ses propres salariés ni par le GCE pour les siens propres qui enregistrent une provision pour risques et charges pour le même montant mais par étalement prorata temporis sur les deux ans.
Translation - English The Private Standards Committee of the French CNC (Conseil National de la Comptabilité – French Accounting Standards Board) recently issued an opinion regarding the accounting treatment in French separate financial statements of grants to employees of restricted stock units.
It should be recalled that at present no legislation exists and that practices vary widely. So in respect of X, Y decided to record a contingency reserve at the end of 2007 for the full amount of the likely liability, namely the stock market purchase price of the shares already bought by Z x the turnover rate at the end of the two-year vesting period x the number of employee beneficiaries concerned at the end of 2007. This is not the policy applied by Z for its own employees nor by the GCE for its, recording a contingency reserve for the same amount but deferring it pro-rata over the two years.
Spanish to English: Financial / Declaration of Awareness General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - Spanish El cliente declara ser totalmente consciente del riesgo inherente a los valores adquiridos, que conoce dicho riesgo, tiene capacidad para asumirlo y lo asume.
En concreto, el Cliente ha sido informado de que los valores preferentes son instrumentos híbridos, que reúnen características de renta fija y de renta variable. Sus principales características son:
· Conceden a sus titulares una remuneración (fija o variable), no acumulativa, condicionada a la obtención de suficientes beneficios distribuibles por parte de la sociedad garante.
· Se sitúan en orden de la prelación de créditos por delante de las acciones ordinarias, en igualdad de condiciones con cualquier otra serie de participaciones preferentes y por detrás de todos los acreedores comunes y subordinados.
· Los valores preferentes son perpetuos, aunque el emisor puede acordar su amortización anticipada en determinadas fechas, previa la autorización del garante y de la autoridad supervisora del garante.
El cliente manifiesta que actúa por cuenta propia, y que para adquirir los valores ha realizado sus propias decisiones, estimaciones y cálculo de riesgos, así como el análisis pertinente para determinar si la adquisición de estos valores es apropiada para él en función de su propio juicio y el de sus asesores, cuando haya considerado oportuno la intervención de éstos. El cliente manifiesta que no se basa en comunicación alguna (verbal o escrita) del Banco como asesoramiento financiero ni ha sido asesorado por el Banco sobre las ventajas o conveniencia adquirir los valores. En este sentido, la información y explicaciones sobre los términos y condiciones de los valores no ha sido considerada como asesoramiento financiero o como recomendación para adquirir los mismos y se le ha informado de forma explícita sobre el perfil de riesgo del producto.
No es posible predecir el precio al que se negociará, una vez adquirido, el valor contratado o si el mercado será líquido o ilíquido. En consecuencia, es posible que en algún momento no exista liquidez.
Translation - English The client hereby declares that s/he is fully aware of the risk inherent in the securities bought, that s/he understands this risk, has the necessary capacity to assume it and assumes it.
Specifically, the Client has been informed that the preferred securities are hybrid instruments, combining features of both fixed income and equity. Their main characteristics are:
· They provide holders with non cumulative, (fixed or variable) income subject to the guarantor company obtaining sufficient distributable profits.
· They have seniority to common stock, on a par with any other preferred stock and behind all general and subordinated creditors.
· The preferred securities are perpetual, although the issuer may redeem them early at specific dates, following authorisation from the guarantor and the guarantor’s supervisory authority.
The client declares that s/he is acting on her/his own account, and that in buying the securities has made her/his own decisions, assessments and risk calculations, as well as the necessary analysis to determine whether the purchase of these securities is appropriate for her/him in her/his view and in the view of her/his advisers, where it has been felt necessary to bring them in. The client declares that s/he is not taking any (verbal or written) communication from the Bank as financial advice and has not been advised by the Bank as to the benefits or advisability of buying the securities. In this regard, the information and explanations regarding the terms and conditions of the securities has been deemed not to be financial advice or a recommendation to buy them and s/he has been unequivocally informed of the product’s risk profile.
It is not possible to predict the price at which the security acquired will trade, once bought, or whether the market will be liquid or illiquid. Accordingly, it is possible that, at any given time, there will be no liquidity.
French to English: Financial / Credit Markets General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - French Le mois d’avril a été très positif pour le marché du crédit ignorant la hausse des rendements obligataire et des matières premières. Cette dynamique a conduit l’indice I Traxx Europe 5 ans en-deçà des 28 bp et l’indice des émetteurs à haut rendement en-deçà des 230 bp soit une baisse respectivement de 5 et 27 bp. Il est vrai que les statistiques américaines et maintenant européennes soulignent la robustesse de l’environnement économique. Cette vision macro économique est corroborée par des publications de résultats du premier trimestre très favorables. 70 % des résultats publiés jusqu’ici sur le S
Translation - English April was very positive for the credit market paying no heed to the rise in bond yields and commodity prices. This movement brought the iTraxx Europe 5 year index to under 28 bp and the high-yield issuers index to under 230 bp, namely a tightening of 5 and 27 bp respectively. US and now European numbers clearly underscore the strength of the economic environment. This macro-economic view is confirmed by a very positive Q1 earnings season. Of those already published, 70% of S
Spanish to English: Legal / General Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Spanish Durante la prestación de sus servicios y una vez finalizado el presente contrato, el trabajador no podrá comunicar a persona alguna fuera de la Empresa, empresas filiales, participadas o cualesquiera otras empresas del grupo, ninguno de los secretos, procedimientos, métodos, información general y relativa a análisis, estudios sobre compañías y todo lo relativo a relaciones con clientes, negocios realizados por la compañía, datos comerciales o industriales, know how que se refieran a los negocios o finanzas de la Compañía, empresas filiales o participadas o cualesquiera empresas del grupo o de sus clientes y que le sean conocidos por razón de sus trabajos en la misma, así como no divulgar información de la Compañía, empresas filiales o participadas o cualesquiera empresas del grupo respecto de cualquier materia que pueda producir beneficios a terceras personas.
Queda estipulado expresamente que todos los documentos y escritos elaborados por el trabajador o por orden suya, en relación con las actividades de la Empresa, empresas filiales o participadas o cualesquiera empresas del grupo y/o sus clientes, serán y siempre seguirán siendo propiedad de ésta debiendo devolverlos cuando así le sea solicitado y, en cualquier caso, una vez extinguido el presente contrato.
El incumplimiento de esta Cláusula podrá dar lugar a que por la Empresa sean reclamados judicialmente los daños y/o perjuicios en que hubiere incurrido, sin perjuicio de aquellas otras consecuencias que pudieran derivarse, durante la vigencia del contrato, al considerarse dicho incumplimiento, como falta muy grave, merecedora de la máxima sanción disciplinaria.
Translation - English During the term of and subsequent to this contract the worker may not communicate to any person outside the Firm, subsidiaries, associates or any other Group firm, any of the secrets, processes, methods, general information and that relating to the analysis, research on companies and all that relating to customer relationships, deals done by the company, commercial or industrial data, know-how relating to the businesses or finances of the Company, subsidiaries or associates or any Group firm or of its clients and that is known to him/her as a result of his/her work therein, as well as not disclose information about the Company, subsidiaries or associates or any Group firm relating to any matter than may profit third parties.
It is expressly stated that all the documents and papers drawn up by the worker or on his/her instructions in connection with the business activities of the Firm, subsidiaries or associates or any Group firm and/or their clients, shall be and shall continue to be its property, being required to return them upon request and, in any event, when this contract is terminated.
A breach of this Clause may result in the Firm bringing a legal claim for damages caused, notwithstanding any other consequences that may result during the course of the contract, as a result of this breach being deemed to be gross misconduct, meriting the strongest disciplinary action.
French to English: Financial / Breakdown of securities portfolio General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Investment / Securities
Source text - French a) Les instruments financiers mentionnés aux a), b) et f) du 2° de l'article R.214-1-1 admis à la négociation sur un marché réglementé français ou un marché réglementé d'un état membre de la communauté européenne ou partie à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen
b) Les instruments financiers mentionnés aux a), b) et f) du 2° de l'article R. 214-1-1 admis à la négociation sur un autre marché réglementé, c'est-à-dire d'un marché réglementé en fonctionnement régulier d'un Etat ni membre de la Communauté européenne, ni partie à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen pour autant que ce marché ne figure pas sur une liste de marchés exclus établie par l'Autorité des marchés financiers
c) Les instruments financiers mentionnés aux a) et b) du 2° l'article R.214-1-1, nouvellement émis, c'est-à-dire relevant du dernière alinéa du I. de l'article R.214-2 du code monétaire et financier
d) Les autres actifs : ll s'agit des actifs mentionnés aux articles R.214-5, R.214-29 et R.214-32 du code monétaire et financier
Translation - English a) The financial instruments detailed in Article R.214-1-1 (2) (a), (b) & (f) admitted to trading on a regulated market in France or on a regulated market in a state that is a member of the European Community or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area
b) The financial instruments detailed in Article R. 214-1-1 (2) (a), (b) & (f) admitted to trading on another regulated market, namely a regulated market which operates regularly in a State that is neither a member of the European Community nor party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area where this market is not included on a list of exempt markets drawn up by the AMF (French financial markets supervisory authority)
c) The financial instruments detailed in Article R.214-1-1 (2) (a) & (b), that have been recently issued, namely falling within the scope of the final paragraph of Article R.214-2 (I) of the French Monetary and Financial Code
d) Other assets: these are the assets detailed in Articles R.214-5, R.214-29 and R.214-32 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
French to English: Business / Letter of apology to clients General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - French Chère Madame,
Cher Monsieur,
Vous avez souffert ces dernières années d'une absence de communication de la part de notre société. Nous vous prions d'accepter nos excuses et souhaitons rétablir une information régulière sur l'avancement du ---.
Nous tenons tout particulièrement à vous remercier d’avoir conservé, malgré les difficultés, votre confiance en --- et continué à croire en notre magnifique projet.
C’est parce que nous partageons cette foi que nous avons décidé de nous investir totalement, tant financièrement qu’humainement.
Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir que l’actionnariat et la gouvernance de la société --- ont subi récemment de profonds changements.
Le ---, --- et moi-même sommes entrés pour --- au capital de la société --- et nous sommes, ainsi, associés aux dirigeants du ---.
---, qui a accompli toute sa carrière dans la réalisation de très importants chantiers de B.T.P. notamment en Afrique, a décidé de mettre sa grande compétence et son autorité au service de ce programme d’exception. Propriétaire d’une villa au --- depuis la première heure, il agit maintenant en véritable dirigeant, et s’est attaché à remettre en ordre de marche la gestion du chantier. --- assume les fonctions de Vice-président et de Directeur général délégué.
Pour moi qui fus à l’initiative et à l’origine de ce développement, c’est une grande joie d’y revenir aujourd’hui. Mon expérience dans le financement de tels projets m’amène à mettre en œuvre les solutions juridiques et les moyens financiers nécessaires, et à veiller à la coordination du développement et de la commercialisation.
Accompagnés par la ---, notre objectif premier est d’achever la première tranche du --- et, en parallèle, nous travaillons sur les plans de la seconde tranche dont le nouveau projet sera présenté avant le ---.
Nous n’oublions pas l’accueil et l’accompagnement extraordinaire que le --- a réservé au --- dès l’origine. Malgré les difficultés de la conjoncture, nous savons pouvoir compter sur le soutien des autorités --- pour lever les obstacles qui jalonnent le développement d’un projet d’une telle envergure.
Votre contribution à la réussite de ce projet sera primordiale et notre volonté est de vous y associer. Il s’agit pour nous d’investissements considérables et nous vous demandons d’être à nos côtés pour partager nos efforts et nos succès.
Président de ---
Translation - English Dear Sir / Madam,
We are aware that over the past number of years the company has been less than diligent about communicating with you. For this we would like to sincerely apologise. Our intention is to start sending you regular updates on the progress of ---.
We would particularly like to thank you for having kept faith with --- despite the challenges, and for having stayed true to this exciting venture.
It is because we share this belief that we have decided to commit ourselves fully, both financially and on a personal level.
You are no doubt aware that --- has undergone substantial changes of late both in terms of its shareholders and management.
On ---, --- and I took a --- interest in ---, and are thus working side-by-side with management from the ---.
---, who has spent his career working on major public works and civil engineering projects, primarily in Africa, decided to lend his broad expertise and reputation to this wonderful project. Having owned a villa at --- from the very outset, he now has an active managerial role and has set his sights on putting the management of the project back on track. --- takes over as Executive Vice President.
Given my role in dreaming up and launching this development, I am thrilled to once again be playing a part. Thanks to my experience in financing projects like this I’m well-placed to arrange the necessary financing and legal solutions, and ensure that building and marketing work goes hand-in-hand.
Backed by ---, our initial goal is to complete the first phase of --- and, in parallel, we are working on the plans for the second phase. The new proposals will be presented by end-2011.
We should not forget the warm welcome and extraordinary support offered by the --- to --- from the start. Despite the economic difficulties, we can be certain of the support of the --- authorities with smoothing out the obstacles that inevitably arise in the course of such a major project.
Your part in the success of this project will be key and we would like to have you on board. This represents a major commitment on our part and we would ask you to stand by us to share in our efforts and our success.
Chairman of ---
French to English: Legal: Website access General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - French Les informations sur les produits et services figurant sur ce site web ne s’adressent qu’aux seules personnes résidant en France.
L'accès aux produits et services présentés sur le site peut faire l'objet de restrictions à l'égard de certaines personnes ou de certains pays, et notamment à l'égard des investisseurs des Etats-Unis et du Royaume-Uni qui sont soumis à une législation spécifique.
En particulier, il est précisé que les OPCVM n’ont pas été ni ne seront enregistrés auprès de la « US Securities and Exchange Commission » telle que prévue par la loi sur les sociétés américaines d'investissement de 1940 (Investment Company Act), et ses amendements ou tout autre règlement relatif aux valeurs mobilières. Aucun des prospectus publié sur ce site ne peut en conséquence être introduit, transmis ou distribué aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique ou dans leurs territoires ou possessions ou remis aux résidents institutionnels américains ou aux sociétés, associations ou autres entités créées ou régies selon les lois des Etats-Unis (tout ce qui précède constituant une « personne US » au sens du Règlement S pris en application du « United States Securities Act 1993 »). Par ailleurs, les OPCVM ne peuvent être ni offerts ni vendus à des investisseurs US.
Plus généralement, les produits et services présentés sur ce site ne peuvent être souscrits que dans les juridictions dans lesquelles leur commercialisation et leur promotion sont autorisées.
XYZ conseille à toute personne intéressée de s'assurer préalablement qu'elle est juridiquement autorisée à souscrire des produits et/ou des services présentés sur le site.
Aucun des produits ou services présentés ici ne sera fourni à une personne si la loi de son pays d'origine, ou de tout autre pays qui la concernerait, l'interdit. Le lecteur du présent message est prié de s´assurer qu´il est juridiquement autorisé à se connecter au présent site dans le pays à partir duquel la connexion est établie.
Translation - English The information on products and services on this website is only intended for residents of France.
Access to products and services detailed on the website may be restricted for certain persons or certain countries, and in particular for US and UK investors who are governed by specific legislation.
In particular, it is specified that the UCITS have not been and will not be registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as stipulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 and its amendments or any other regulation governing transferable securities. Consequently, none of the prospectuses published on this website may be brought into, sent to or distributed in the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or given to US institutional residents or companies, associations or other entities created under or governed by US law (all the aforementioned constituting a “US person” for the purposes of Regulation S in application of the United States Securities Act 1993). Moreover, the UCITS may not be offered or sold to US investors.
More generally, the products and services presented on this website may only be purchased in jurisdictions in which their marketing and distribution are authorised.
XYZ advises all interested parties to check in advance whether they are legally entitled to purchase the products and/or services presented on the website.
None of the products or services presented here will be provided to a person if the law of his/her country of origin, or any other country to whose jurisdiction he/she is subject, prohibits it. The reader of this message is asked to ensure that he/she is legally entitled to consult this website from the country from which the connection has been established.
My name is Tom Leary and I am an experienced professional translator specialised in financial reporting and investor relations. I have been working in the translation and localisation business since 1997 and as a full-time professional financial translator since 2002.
Over the years I have worked for a wide variety of clients, mainly in the financial and legal fields (I hold a Masters in Law) and am proud to have translated / proofread circa 7.3 million words from French and Spanish. That's over 17,000 hours of translation experience!
The bulk of my work is in the field of financial reporting and investor relations in general (I hold a Certificate in International Financial Reporting from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants - ACCA). I also recently completed a course in plain English. The idea behind the course was to make investor relations material more accessible for non-native English speakers.
Given my expertise, I’m increasingly asked to lead large financial communications projects such as annual reports. This means that I work on the glossary, translate a portion and then proofread the remainder.
I help my clients in a number of ways. I can audit your existing translations, act as a freelance translator or I can combine my linguistic expertise with my strong project management skills and put together a team to translate your investor relations material. I have experience managing projects in a wide range of languages.
If you feel I can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.
"Just to thank you very much for your excellent and fast work !" Rodolphe
"Just some quick feedback which is always nice to hear, both of our proofreaders have commented on the excellent quality of your work. So well done and many thanks!" Suzannah
"I just wanted to say thanks again for your help on the project last weekend. We've had a special message of thanks from the Financial Communications Director. We couldn't have done it without your contribution and we are really looking forward to working with you again very soon." Pauline
"Thanks again for doing that big project for me and for it running smoothly." Anja
"Thank you Tom, very nice translation, no mistakes." Inge
Annual report: 66000 words (Postal services operator)
Separate and consolidated financial statements: 19000 words (Leisure company)
Annual financial report: 11500 words (Global specialist in energy management)
Separate financial statements: 4500 words (leading global advertising network)
Marketing agreement: 2400 words (Property developer)
Inland waterway regulations: 2300 words (Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine)
Power of attorney: 2700 words (Spanish savings bank)
Foreign buyer credit facility: 5700 words (Major bank)
Specifications for new a express delivery product: 6800 words (Postal services operator)
Supplier payment procedures: 1100 words (Chemical company)
Accounting procedure: 1300 words (Chemical company)
Call for tender announcement: 900 words (Alternative energy developer)
Corporate liability: 2000 words (Safety and occupational footwear manufacturer)
Accounting system interface protocol: 2500 words (Technology consulting)
Presentation for new hires: 16000 words (Major bank)
Silent partnership agreement: 2200 words (Private client)
Pleadings in tax dispute: 14500 words (Sovereign investment fund)
Complaint to the EU Commission: 33500 words (Leading Spanish power company)
Contract update: 2500 words (International aircraft manufacturer)
Press release: H1 results: 900 words (Alternative energy developer)
Press release: 800 words (Email marketer)
Cooperation Agreement: 2800 words (Major energy company)
Software license agreement: 6000 words (Large software company)
Labour report: 2200 words (Major bank)
Interim relief: 5500 words (Pharmaceutical company)
Meeting minutes: 700 words (Air services company)
Tax report: 800 words (Private company)
Material for the general meeting: 4600 words (Drinks company)
Press release: H1 revenue: 700 words (Marketing agency)
CVs of engineers: 1500 words (Engineering services firm)
Investor presentations: 9600 words (Global mining giant)
Press release: H1 results: 600 words (PR firm)
Contract for the supply of helicopters: 13000 words (International aircraft manufacturer)
Annual report: 29000 words (Financial services company)
Financial report: 6000 words (Leading telecommunications operator)
Risk management documentation: 2400 words (Major bank)
Q&A for annual general meeting: 16000 words (Global mining giant)
Interim financial statements: 4200 words (Global mining giant)
Report on new VAT rules: 2400 words (Major tyre manufacturer)
Annual report: 34000 words (Technology consulting)
Press release: 1000 words (Major retailer)
Press release: 900 words (Major bank)
Management report: 5000 words (PR firm)
Financial report: 6000 words (Leading global consultancy firm)
Annual report: 18000 words (Property company)
Financial update: 2800 words (Leading telecommunications operator)
Financial report: 7500 words (Leading water services company)
Standard contracts: 1600 words (Private company)
Financial update: 2500 words (Financial services company)
Annual report: 18000 words (Property company)
Financial report: 16000 words (Leading water services company)
Audit reports: 2500 words (Leading water services company)
Submission on EU competition case: 4300 words (European Union)
Annual report: 21000 words (Financial services company)
Financial report: 5500 words (Engineering services firm)
Accounting policies: 2400 words (Global mining giant)
Annual report: 5800 words (Major retailer)
Annual report: 16000 words (Postal services operator)
Press release: 900 words (Major bank)
Financial report: 4000 words (Major bank)
Annual report: 45000 words (Venture capital firm)
Board Procedures: 4300 words (Major international bank)
Submission on EU competition case: 5000 words (European Union)
Observations on decision in EU competition case: 6400 words (European Union)
Creditor agreement: 5500 words (Castor project participant)
Annual report: 20000 words (Leading telecommunications operator)
HR restructuring: 1500 words (Property developer)
Market updates: 1500 words (Financial services company)
Press release: 750 words (Alternative energy developer)
Fund presentation: 2600 words (Investment company)
Internal memo: 700 words (Major bank)
Press release: full-year revenue: 750 words (Major retailer)
Annual report: 130000 words (Global mining giant)
Press release: annual results: 600 words (Technology consulting)
Press release: annual results: 1800 words (Postal services operator)
Auto callable note: 1000 words (Major European bank)
Investor updates: 400 words (Property company)
Press release: 900 words (IPTV technology company)
Press release: 500 words (Major retailer)
Letters of engagement: 3200 words (Chemical company)
Investor presentation: 7500 words (Global mining giant)
Annual results: 1500 words (Major retailer)
Delegation of Authority: 1700 words (Private client)
Press release: 3700 words (Packaging manufacturer)
Protection agreement: 1000 words (0)
Investor presentation: 2800 words (Investment company)
Profile: 600 words (Storage operator)
Restructuring plan: 1200 words (Property developer)
Financing of the economy: 2500 words (Major bank)
Market outlook: 600 words (Financial services company)
Newsletter: 2500 words (Financial services company)
Annual results: 4600 words (Property developer)
Annual report: 43000 words (After-sales services company)
Financial reporting instructions: 2000 words (IT services company)
Tax reporting user guide: 1800 words (Global mining giant)
Service agreements: 2300 words (University)
Bank account terms and conditions: 3000 words (Private bank)
Iberclear market guarantee scheme: 7200 words (Spanish Central Securities Depository)
Product description: 700 words (Chemical company)
Annual revenue: 700 words (IPTV technology company)
Accounting policy update: 500 words (Chemical company)
Q3 revenue: 900 words (Software vendor)
Outcome of AGM: 500 words (IPTV technology company)
Algerian contract announcement: 300 words (Alternative energy developer)
Accounting policy update: 1000 words (Chemical company)
Annual revenue: 500 words (Food company)
Presentation on IASB exposure drafts: 2000 words (Chemical company)
Annual revenue: 700 words (IT services company)
Investor updates: 200 words (Property company)
Investor presentation: 3200 words (Market leader in home technical medical services)
Accounting policies: 3000 words (Global mining giant)
General contractual terms and conditions: 2500 words (Spanish government)
Code of ethics: 1100 words (Global mining giant)
Press release: dividend payout: 700 words (IPTV technology company)
Press release: results: 600 words (Postal services operator)
Code of confidentiality: 600 words (Major bank)
Social and environmental responsibility policy : 600 words (Major bank)
Press release: earnings: 400 words (Major retailer)
Press release: management appointment: 300 words (Major retailer)
Seasons greetings: 300 words (Engineering services firm)
Description of water treatment business: 300 words (Engineering services firm)
IT documentation: 27000 words (Major bank)
IT specifications: 20000 words (Major bank)
Press release: Q3 results: 4200 words (Property developer)
Presentation of warrants business: 3400 words (Major bank)
Accounting policy: contribution margin: 2200 words (Chemical company)
Presentation of new market model: 1800 words (Stock exchange operator)
Press release: Q3 results: 1400 words (Property company)
Update on nuclear projects: 900 words (Engineering services firm)
Job description: 300 words (Stock exchange operator)
Press releases: 5100 words (Major retailer)
Press release: Q2 results: 4400 words (Property developer)
Structured product Q&A: 2200 words (Major bank)
Accounting policy: IAS 21: 1500 words (Global mining giant)
Accounting policies: 1300 words (Chemical company)
Press release: Q3 revenue: 1300 words (Major retailer)
Press release: 800 words (Residential developer)
Press release: H1 results: 700 words (Marketing agency)
Investor updates: 600 words (Property company)
Report on trade show: 600 words (Major bank)
Presentation: new corporate governance structure: 500 words (Food company)
Press release: Q3 revenue: 500 words (Food company)
Description of propriety trading : 500 words (Major bank)
Presentation: 500 words (French sporting federation)
Tariff guide update: 500 words (Major bank)
Press release: 400 words (Software developer)
Reporting guidelines: 400 words (Chemical company)
Project post mortem: 305 words (Major bank)
Press release: 200 words (Major retailer)
Job description: 200 words (Stock exchange operator)
Management report: 10000 words (Postal services operator)
CVs of nuclear engineers: 7600 words (Engineering services firm)
Presentation of sustainable construction framework: 2100 words (Engineering consultancy)
Presentation of Korean operations: 300 words (Major bank)
Billing procedures: 5800 words (Chemical company)
Presentation of sustainable construction framework: 4500 words (Engineering consultancy)
Press release: H1 results: 2500 words (Pharmaceutical company)
Press release: H1 results: 1800 words (Postal services operator)
Press release: H1 results: 1600 words (Chemical company)
Accounting policy: R&D expenditure: 1400 words (Global mining giant)
Swine flu contingency plan: 1200 words (Packaging manufacturer)
Press release: 400 words (Regional tourist office)
Annual report: 10000 words (Leading telecommunications operator)
Annual report: 8000 words (Marketing agency)
Press releases: 2300 words (Alternative energy developer)
Letter: 1600 words (Chemical company)
Press release: H1 revenue: 800 words (Email marketer)
Market updates: 800 words (Financial services company)
Update for creditor banks: 700 words (Property company)
Presentation on the Sukuk segment: 600 words (Stock exchange operator)
Press release: H1 revenue: 600 words (Alternative energy developer)
Commitment letter: 500 words (Stock exchange operator)
Listing procedure: 500 words (Stock exchange operator)
Press release: management appointment: 400 words (IPTV technology company)
Annual report: 31000 words (IT services company)
Annual report: 12000 words (Renewable energy firm)
Accounting policy: translation adjustments: 4000 words (Chemical company)
Market updates: 4000 words (Financial services company)
Investor presentation: 1100 words (Property developer)
Interactive document offering: 1000 words (Information services company)
Accounting policy update: 500 words (Chemical company)
Consolidated financial statements: 42000 words (Postal services operator)
Annual report: 36000 words (Veterinary pharmaceutical company)
Consolidated & separate financial statements: 24000 words (Property company)
Annual report: 6400 words (Major retailer)
Technical audit: 3500 words (Information services company)
Audit report: 1200 words (Postal services operator)
Financial performance: 400 words (Industrial operator)
Press release: Q1 revenue: 400 words (Software developer)
Annual report: 60000 words (Global mining giant)
Separate financial statements: 22000 words (Postal services operator)
Financial report: 10000 words (Major retailer)
Update to annual report: 2500 words (Leading telecommunications operator)
Annual report: 50000 words (Leading telecommunications operator)
Financial report: 7000 words (Major retailer)
Annual report: 6000 words (Environmental services company)
Keywords: Corporate reporting, financial press releases, financial statements, annual reports, corporate responsibility reports, Internal documentation: accounting policies (IAS / IFRS), internal control procedures, legal documentation, general contracts, terms and conditions. See more.Corporate reporting, financial press releases, financial statements, annual reports, corporate responsibility reports, Internal documentation: accounting policies (IAS / IFRS), internal control procedures, legal documentation, general contracts, terms and conditions, articles of association, bylaws. See less.