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English to Romanian: Informal Education General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English Informal Education is a general term for education that can occur outside of a structured curriculum.
Informal Education encompasses student interests within a curriculum in a regular classroom, but is not limited to that setting.
It works through conversation, and the exploration and enlargement of experience.
Sometimes there is a clear objective link to some broader plan, but not always.
The goal is to provide learners with the tools he or she needs to eventually reach more complex material.
[1] It can refer to various forms of alternative education, such as: Unschooling or homeschooling, Autodidacticism (Self-teaching), Youth work, and Informal learning.
Informal Education consists of accidental and purposeful ways of collaborating on new information.
[2] It can be discussion based and focuses on bridging the gaps between traditional classroom settings and life outside of the classroom.
People interpret information differently, and therefore a structured curriculum may not allow all learners to understand the information.
Informal education is less controlled than the average classroom setting, which is why informal education can be so powerful.
Informal education can help individuals learn to react to and control different situations and settings.
In addition, it combines social entities that are important for learning.
Informal Education may be viewed as the learning that comes as a part of being involved in youth and community organizations.
This type of education is a spontaneous process, which helps people to learn information in a new way.
It helps to cultivate communities, associations and relationships that make for a positive learning environment.
Informal Education:
- Looks to create or deepen situations where people can learn, explore and enlarge experiences, and make changes.
- Provides an environment where everyone can learn together and can scaffold off of one another.
- Understanding that the activity can be based on any form of learning, the teaching does not have to be deliberate, more so implied.
We give students the tools to do complex materials over time, rather than teaching the complex material and then giving the tools.
- Focuses on the social aspects of learning, and how important collaborative learning is.
- The tools students are given are tangible for the processes in which they will be applied.
- Bridges the gap between school and life.
- Allows students a choice in learning, and how to approach the material.
- Make learning accessible in every day life and in the future.
- Informal Education is driven by conversation and interacting with others.
Translation - Romanian Educația informală este un termen general folosit pentru educația ce se desfășoară în afara unui plan de învățământ structurat.
Educația informală implică interesele elevului în cadrul unui program de studiu dintr-o sală de clasă obișnuită, dar nu se limitează la acest cadru.
Aceasta se concentrează atât pe conversație, cât și pe explorarea și extinderea experiențelor.
Uneori se poate observa o conexiune obiectivă cu un plan mai amplu, dar nu întotdeauna.
Obiectivul principal este de a oferi elevilor metodele necesare pentru a accesa, în cele din urmă, materiale mai complexe.
[1] Poate face referire la diverse forme de educație alternativă, cum ar fi: Needucarea sau educația la domiciliu, Autodidacticismul (Autodidaxia), Meseria tineretului și Studiile informale.
Educația informală constă în modalități întâmplătoare și deliberate de a coopera pentru obținerea de noi informații.
[2] Se poate desfășura pe baza unor dezbateri și se axează pe reducerea decalajelor dintre sala de clasă tradițonală și viața în afara clasei.
Oamenii interpretează informațiile în mod diferit, astfel încât este posibil ca nu toți studenții să înțeleagă informația furnizată de un curriculum structurat.
Educația informală este mai puțin controlată decât mediul obișnuit al unei săli de clasă, motiv pentru care educația informală poate fi atât de eficientă.
Educația informală poate ajuta elevii să învețe să reacționeze și să poată controla anumite situații și scenarii.
În plus, astfel de predare combină entități sociale importante pentru învăţătură.
Educația informală poate fi privită ca o experienţă de viaţă care se obţine prin implicarea studenţilor în organizaţii de tineret și comunitate.
Acest tip de învăţământ este un proces spontan, care îi ajută pe oameni să înveţe într-un mod nou.
Ajută la cultivarea sentimentului de comunitate, de conexiuni și relaţii, care creează un mediu de învăţământ pozitiv.
Educația non-formală:
- Caută să creeze sau să intensifice situații din care oamenii să poată învăța, explora și spori experienţe, dar și să facă schimbări.
- Asigură un mediu în care toţi pot învăța împreună și unul de la altul.
- Înțelege că munca poate fi la baza oricărei forme de învăţământ, astfel încât predarea nu trebuie să fie intenţionată, ci implicită.
Preferăm să le acordăm elevilor metodele necesare pentru a crea materiale complexe de-a lungul timpului, decât să le predăm materialele complexe și apoi să le furnizăm metodele.
- Se concentrează pe aspectele sociale de învăţământ și pe importanța muncii în echipă.
- Metodele primite de studenți sunt metode concrete pentru procesele în care vor fi aplicate.
- Reconciliază diferențele dintre mediul școlar și viață.
- Le permite elevilor să aleagă modul de predare, precum și modul de abordare a materialelor.
- Face ca învăţatul să fie accesibil atât în viața de zi cu zi, cât și în viitor.
- Educația non-formală se desfășoară prin conversație și prin interacțiunea cu ceilalți.
English to Spanish: Protection of player’s funds in Spain General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Protection of player’s funds in Spain
Player account balances, including any jackpot balances, held under the Spanish licence will be supported by the balance held in Karsen’s bank account (account no. ) with \[name of the bank] in Euros. The funds in the above-mentioned bank account are secured in case of insolvency. The bank will not combine this account with any other accounts or exercise any right of set-off or counterclaim against money in the account in respect of any sum owed to the bank by Karsen plc. Any interest payable on the accounts will be credited to the accounts only. To ensure that there are always sufficient funds allowing withdrawal from customers, we currently have a report that calculates the sum of customer balances and jackpot balances called the “Daily Player Bank Account Report”. This report is compared to the funds on the Set-Off Account.
If the bank account amount is too low, an email is sent to the financial department to alert them that there are insufficient funds, thereby an urgent bank transfer is done to top up the bank account. Apart from this report, it is standard procedure within the Finance department that the bank account reserved as a set-off account is checked daily to ensure there is sufficient funds to cover for all customer balances. Only the following authorised individuals are permitted to access and operate this bank account: Jack Smith (director of Karsen plc and Group Tax & Treasury Manager); John Cardin (Group Head of Finance Operations). €22,000 is the maximum amount that can be transferred by any one of these individuals. Any sum exceeding €22,000 requires the approval of both individual.
Translation - Spanish Protección de los fondos del jugador en España
El balance de la cuenta del jugador, incluyendo cualquier bonificación de los premios, que se mantenga bajo la licencia española, se verá financiado por el saldo de la cuenta bancaria de Karsen (nº de cuenta_) con \[nombre del banco] en euros. Los fondos de la cuenta bancaria arriba mencionada están protegidos en caso de insolvencia. El banco no combinará esta cuenta con otras, ni ejercerá ningún derecho de compensación o reconvención ante el dinero de la cuenta con respecto a cualquier suma que Karsen S.A. deba al banco. Cualquier interés abonado por la cuenta corriente (de Karsen) se acreditará sólo en tal cuenta. Con el fin de asegurarnos que siempre haya fondos suficientes que permitan a los clientes que retiren dinero, actualmente disponemos de un informe que calcula la suma de los saldos y de los premios mayores, llamado «Informe diario de la cuenta bancaria del jugador». Este informe se compara con los fondos de la cuenta de compensación.
Si el importe de la cuenta bancaria es demasiado bajo, se envía un correo electrónico al departamento financiero para avisarles de que no hay fondos suficientes, por lo que se realiza una transferencia bancaria urgente para recargar la cuenta. Aparte de este informe, el procedimiento estándar dentro del departamento de Finanzas es que la cuenta bancaria reservada como cuenta de compensación se compruebe diariamente para asegurar que hay fondos suficientes para cubrir todos los saldos del cliente. Sólo las siguientes personas están autorizadas a acceder y operar esta cuenta bancaria: Jack Smith (Director de Karsen S.A. y Director de Impuestos y Tesorería del Grupo); John Cardin (Director de Operaciones Financieras del Grupo). 22.000 € es la cantidad máxima que se puede transferir por cualquiera de estas personas. Cualquier cantidad que supere los 22.000 € requiere la aprobación de ambas personas.
Spanish to English: Las pymes de América Latina exigen su sitio General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish Las pymes de América Latina exigen su sitio
Las pymes de América Latina generan la mitad de los puestos de trabajo y son el 90% del tejido empresarial, pero las pequeñas y medianas empresas son ignoradas por las políticas públicas de la región.
Dry Clean Express, la tintorería de Ofelia Regalado en pleno corazón de la Ciudad de México, es el vivo ejemplo de los retos que afronta una pequeña empresa. Sus clientes salen satisfechos del local, tanto o más como de su competencia, una franquicia con una oferta similar —y precios más altos— a pocas manzanas de distancia. Y su localización es imbatible, en una zona residencial pero a un paso de los grandes bloques de oficinas del paseo de la Reforma, una de las principales arterias de la capital mexicana. Pero las dificultades para acceder a la financiación y a tecnología punta restringen enormemente sus opciones de crecimiento.
“Oportunidades no faltan, pero no siempre se pueden aprovechar”, subraya Regalado, arquitecta de profesión y con seis empleados a su cargo en las dos tintorerías que regenta. La segunda abrió sus puertas hace solo unos meses, pero ahora tendrá que echar el freno en su expansión. Las dificultades de los bancos a la hora de conceder crédito, que ahora trata de esquivar acudiendo a un programa del Ministerio de Economía, impiden invertir en nuevos equipos de trabajo: siguen haciendo a mano todos los procesos administrativos, lo que limita la exploración de nuevos nichos de negocio en línea, y sus máquinas de lavado y planchado, con casi 20 años de antigüedad, son un 30% menos productivas que las más modernas.
Sus problemas son comunes a prácticamente todas las mipymes (micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas) de la región. A la financiación, escasa y cara, se suman otros dos cuellos de botella: las dificultades de acceso a tecnologías de nuevo cuño y la falta de recursos humanos especializados.
Pese a aportar el 51% del empleo y el 28% del PIB, las mipymes son las grandes olvidadas del ecosistema empresarial latino¬americano. “Los gobiernos de la región no han apostado por ellas y tampoco han escuchado a sus representantes”, subrayó Mario Cimoli, jefe de División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial de la Cepal, en un reciente seminario organizado por el brazo de la ONU para el desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe, y la Unión Europea en la Ciudad de México.
Translation - English SMEs lending and competition: a comparison of markets in Latin America
SMEs generate half of the total jobs and account for 90% of all enterprises in Latin America, but these businesses are being ignored by market policies of the region.
Dry Clean Express, Ofelia Regalado's dry cleaner located in the heart of Mexico City, is a vivid proof of the challenges a small business is facing. Their customers are satisfied with the store, maybe even more than with its competition, a franchise with a similar offer - and higher prices – situated a few blocks away. Its location is also unbeatable, in a residential area but a step away from the large office buildings of Paseo de la Reforma, one of the main arteries of the Mexican capital. But they are also facing challenges that greatly restrict their growth, such as the difficulty of accessing financing and high-end technology.
Regalado, who is an architect by profession, states that there are many opportunities for the SMEs, but they cannot always be seized. She has six employees for the two dry cleaners she runs. The second one opened its doors only a few months ago and now there is no choice but to cut back further expansion. The banks' difficulties in granting loans (which Regalado is now trying to avoid by resorting to a programme of the Ministry of Economy) prevent these companies from investing in new working equipment: they continue writing all the administrative duties by hand, which limits the exploration of new online market niches, not to mention that their washing and ironing machines, which are almost 20 years old, are 30% less productive than most of the modern ones.
The problems they are facing are common to practically all the MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) of the region. In addition to the scarce and expensive financing, they have difficulties in accessing new technologies and also lack specialized human resources.
Despite providing 51% of employment and 28% of GDP, MSMEs are the neglected assets of the Latin American business ecosystem. "The governments of the region have not opted for them, nor have they listened to their representatives," said Mario Cimoli, head of ECLAC's Division of Production and Business Development, in a recent seminar organised by the UN development plan for Latin America and the Caribbean and by the European Union in Mexico City.
Spanish to English: Reacciones emocionales a la quimioterapia General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish Reacciones emocionales a la quimioterapia
Todas las mujeres presentaron reacciones emocionales percibidas de manera negativa, como la tristeza en el inicio del tratamiento con quimioterapia. Estas emociones se encuentran asociadas al cambio de la corporalidad, y los efectos secundarios molestos de la quimioterapia:
“La quimioterapia los primeros días es cruel, produce demasiada ansiedad, produce náuseas, los olores son desesperantes, no se soporta el olor a comida, el apetito se le quita a uno. Le baja a uno el ánimo, que uno quisiera llorar a toda hora. Recuerdo el primer día que tenía que hacer la quimioterapia. ¡Yo llegué con una hora de retraso, porque no quería salir de mi casa…!” (Mercedes, 34 años)
Después de esta fase de ansiedad y tristeza durante el diagnóstico de cáncer y la quimioterapia, todas las mujeres empezaron a percibir emociones que fueron sentidas como positivas, generadoras de alegría o tranquilidad. Esto se asocia a la perspectiva de curación que le proporciona la quimioterapia a la mujer:
“Yo estaba preparada psicológicamente, aunque no sabía en qué consistía una quimioterapia, no tuve ni idea, ni nadie cercano en ese tratamiento; simplemente, decidí enfrentar las cosas con actitud positiva. Yo decidí tomar el camino de sanarme, de estar bien; entonces las quimioterapias no fueron tan dolorosas, tan fuertes, ni fueron un motivo para que me deprimiera. Yo las alternaba con ejercicios, salir a caminar, conversando, aprovechar mucho el tiempo para enfocarme en la parte espiritual, el trabajo” (Mar, 43 años).
Translation - English Emotional reactions to chemotherapy
All women experienced negative emotional reactions at the onset of chemotherapy, some of the symptoms of these mood changes including sadness. These reactions are usually associated to the ways chemotherapy affects the body system and the unpleasant side effects of the treatment:
“First days following chemotherapy are harsh, you go through excessive anxiety and nausea, smells can make you sick, you cannot stand the smell of food, and you lose appetite. You feel down, about to cry all the time. I remember the first day I started chemotherapy. I was an hour late because I did not want to leave my house…!” (Mercedes, 34 years old)
After the anxiety and sadness stage they went through during cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy, all women began to perceive more positive emotions, like relief or happiness. This stage is associated with the healing period women go through during chemotherapy:
“I was emotionally prepared even though I did not know what chemotherapy consisted of; I have had no insight into it, nor a loved one to take care of me during treatment. I simply decided to face things with a positive attitude. I decided that I wanted to be healed and to get well; back then these treatments were not so painful, nor strong, they did not represent a reason for me to become depressed. I used to alternate chemotherapy with work outs, going for walks, socialising. I made the most of my time by maintaining my spiritual focus.” (Mar, 43 years old)
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Westminster
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Nov 2019.
English (University of Westminster, verified) Spanish (Universidad de Salamanca, verified) English to Spanish (Universidad de Salamanca, verified) Spanish to English (Universidad de Salamanca, verified) Romanian to English (University of Westminster, verified)
English to Romanian (University of Westminster, verified) English (International English Language Testing System)
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My name is Alina and I am a native Romanian and trilingual professional, specialised in Technical and Academic Translation (EN/ES>RO).
With international education in Romanian, Spanish and English, I have an excellent command of these three languages, having amassed – along the years – technical, business and language expertise.
I have a BA in English Philology (University of Salamanca, Spain) and an MA in Translation and Interpreting EN> ES (University of Westminster, London, UK).
The academic disciplines I pursued and my work experience, had enabled me to develop logic and reflective analysis in both Spanish and English, besides Romanian. With an extensive professional training, experience and continuous professional development (CPD) focused on translation and interpreting markets, I gained a more in-depth understanding of the main ethical and professional issues underpinning specialised translation and interpreting.
I provide my linguistic services to translation agencies and end clients worldwide.
I have endorsed the professional guidelines and I follow the code of professional conduct.
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