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Source text - English The New Lender confirms that it has received a copy of the Agreement together with such other information as it has required in connection with this transaction and that it has not relied and will not hereafter rely on the Existing Lender to check or inquire on its behalf into the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any such information and further agrees that it has not relied and will not rely on the Existing Lender to assess or keep under review on its behalf the financial condition, creditworthiness, condition, affairs, status or nature of the Borrower.
Translation - Slovak Nový veriteľ potvrdzuje, že dostal kópiu Zmluvy spolu s ostatnými informáciami, o ktoré požiadal v súvislosti s touto transakciou, a že sa nespolieha a ani sa nespoľahne na Existujúceho veriteľa, aby v jeho mene overil alebo skontroloval zákonnosť, platnosť, účinnosť, primeranosť, presnosť či úplnosť takých informácií, a ďalej vyhlasuje, že sa nespolieha a ani sa nespoľahne na Existujúceho veriteľa, aby v jeho mene skúmal alebo kontroloval finančnú situáciu, schopnosť plniť záväzky z úverov, pomery, záležitosti, právne postavenie či povahu Dlžníka.
Slovak to English: National Food Catalogue
Source text - Slovak Národný potravinový katalóg (ďalej len“NPK”) je súborom nástrojov na jednoduchý nákup kvalitných a bezpečných potravín od kvalifikovaných dodávateľov a so zárukou dodržania nastavených štandardov, za ekonomicky najvýhodnejších podmienok.
NPK katalógovým spôsobom kumuluje všetky ponuky kvalitných produktov od kvalifikovaných dodávateľov a funguje ako katalóg, z ktorého je možné nakupovať ako v e-shope. Je členený komoditne, časovo a územne, určený primárne pre subjekty nakupujúce potraviny za verejné zdroje a tvorený na základe priebežného prieskumu trhu
Translation - English Národný podnikový katalóg (NPK) (The National Food Catalogue) is a range of tools that allows the simple and convenient purchase of quality and safe food from qualified suppliers under cost-effective conditions and provides a guarantee of meeting the established standards.
NPK collects all offers of quality products from qualified suppliers in a catalogue that enables the purchase of products just like an e-shop. The catalogue is divided according to commodities, time and territory, and is designated primarily to entities purchasing food for public resources and is formed based on preliminary market research
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I am a
professional translator from Slovak into English (and English into Slovak, and
Czech into English), currently working as an in-house translator for a US-based
international law firm.
Additionally, I
occasionally work as a freelance translator for both natural and legal
I am also a sworn translator for the English and Slovak languages
appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, registered in the
List of Experts, Interpreters and Translators under reg. no. 971382.
I have vast
experience in various fields, particularly in the field of law as I have been
working for the international law firm for more than 18 years. The most appealing
translation projects I have worked on were those related to international
arbitrations involving the Slovak Republic.