Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 7 '20 eng>fas we're up to here in bargains تا دلت بخواهد ما اجناس ارزان داریم easy closed ok
- Jun 18 '20 eng>fas low frustration tolerance سطح پایین تحمل ناکامی easy closed ok
- Jun 18 '20 eng>fas system نظم easy closed ok
- Jun 16 '20 eng>fas coping mechanism نحوه برخورد easy closed ok
- Jun 14 '20 eng>fas appreciate برای درک کامل easy closed ok
- Jun 5 '20 eng>fas quick to forgive سریع در بخشش هستید easy closed ok
- Jun 4 '20 eng>fas borders به مرز خودنمایی روشنفکرانه می رسد easy closed ok
- Jun 2 '20 eng>fas initiative اقدام easy closed ok
- Jun 1 '20 eng>fas dealing with در روبرویی با easy closed no
- May 26 '20 eng>fas quitters بی اراده easy closed ok
- May 24 '20 eng>fas first responders امدادگران اولیه easy closed ok
- May 22 '20 eng>fas under the surface در زیر سطح جوش بزنند/بجوشند easy closed ok
- May 19 '20 eng>fas prompt تشویق کردن easy closed ok
- May 18 '20 eng>fas in place مستقر بودن/ماندگار بودن easy closed no
4 May 17 '20 eng>eng A storm in a cup of tea A disproportionate reaction of anger, concern, or displeasure over some minor or trivial matter easy closed ok
- May 17 '20 eng>fas consequential پر عاقبت easy closed ok
- May 16 '20 eng>fas takes غالب می شوذ easy closed ok
- Apr 5 '20 ara>eng [see image] It is not Farsi, probably Hindi-Pakistani. easy closed ok
- Mar 29 '20 eng>eng consist is made of easy closed ok
- Mar 28 '20 eng>eng establish to do easy closed ok
- Mar 21 '20 eng>eng working indeed/practically easy closed ok
- Mar 14 '20 eng>eng dude sweet kid easy closed ok
- Mar 1 '20 eng>eng underwritten financed/supported easy closed no
- Feb 29 '20 eng>eng in an amount equal to that which we would have paid our network provider in an amount equal to that which we would have paid our network provider easy closed no
- Feb 29 '20 eng>eng collect without being chargrd easy closed no
- Feb 21 '20 eng>eng raided supermarkets for all protective equiment rushed easy closed no
- Jan 15 '20 eng>eng well past quite past easy closed no
- Jan 7 '20 eng>eng Checking Cheching is better easy closed no
- Jan 7 '20 eng>eng Most often Most of the time easy closed no
- Jan 6 '20 eng>fas WIC خانم ها، نوزادان، کودکان (خنک) easy just_closed no
- Dec 28 '19 eng>fas reciprocatin تقابل دو سویه easy open no
- Nov 4 '19 eng>fas Thread این ابزار به شما اجازه میدهد نخ را از سوراخ سوزن بگذرانید easy closed no
- Nov 2 '19 eng>eng own kind propre genre easy closed ok
- Jul 24 '19 fra>eng j'ai consenti deux avances I agreed to make deposits/payments of easy closed ok
- Jul 24 '19 fra>eng à hauteur de about, up to easy closed ok
- Jul 4 '19 fra>eng homogène Uniform easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered