English to Estonian: Back from the edge of existence: A critical anthropology of trauma General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Anthropology | |
Source text - English "Pushed to the very precipice of physical and/or psychological annihilation, the bonds that tether a person to the everyday world become stretched, distorted, and even torn; sometimes irreparably so. Such a state of ontological alienation is profoundly distressing. To regain their footing, people often turn to culturally available practices, symbols, and structures to help reorient them to the world." | Translation - Estonian "Surutud füüsilise ja/või vaimse hävingu kuristiku äärele, kaugenevad sidemed ja seosed argieluga, need moonduvad, venivad ja katkevad; vahel pöördumatult. Säärane ontoloogiline võõrastatus on sügavalt häiriv. Et leida lahendusi ning kindlamat jalgealust, pöörduvad inimesed tihti kultuuriliselt olemasolevate praktikate, sümbolite ja struktuuride poole, et hakata taas maailmas orienteeruma." |