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English to Turkmen - Rates: 0.03 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour Russian to Turkmen - Rates: 0.03 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour Turkmen to English - Rates: 0.03 - 0.08 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour English to Russian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.07 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour English to Uzbek - Rates: 0.03 - 0.08 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour
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Sample translations submitted: 4
English to Turkmen: General safety regulations of maсhine part General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Source text - English General safety regulations
Refer to instruction manual
Not following the instructions may cause severe personal injury or damage the equipment beyond repair.
Operators and all other personnel working on the system must read and understand the “Installation Instructions”, “Commissioning Instructions”, and the “Maintenance Instructions” of the respective equipment / components before carrying out any work on the system or before you put the system into service!
It is the responsibility of customer or of by the customer appointed responsible for the erection, to ensure that any person involved with the erection / installation of this equipment follows all safety instructions and local legislations.
Should there be any additional safety requirements valid for the project (e.g. local site safety rules) always apply the most stringent safety measure to ensure maximum operator safety!
Translation - Turkmen Umumy howpsuzlyk düzgünleri
Gollanma serediň
Düzgünleri berjaý etmezlik agyr şikeslenmä ýa-da enjamy bejerip bolmajak ýagdaýa getirip biler.
Ulgamda islendik işi alyp barmazdan ýa-da ony işletmezden ozal, operatorlar we ulgamda işleýän beýleki ähli işgärler degişli enjamyň “Gurnaýyş görkezmelerini”, “Işe başladyş görkezmelerini”, “Abatlaýyş görkezmelerini” okamaly we olara düşünmelidir!
Gurnamaga we oturtmaga müşderi ýa-da müşderi tarapyndan saýlanan adam jogap berýär we bu işleri amala aşyrýan adamyň howpsuzlyga degişli ähli görkezmeleri we ýerli kadalary berjaý edýändigine göz ýetirilmelidir.
Eger bu taslama üçin niýetlenen (meselem, iş ýeriniň öz howpsuzlyk düzgünleri) goşmaça howpsuzlyk talaplary bar bolan halatynda, howpsuzlygy iň ýokary derejede saklamak üçin elmydama berk howpsuzlyk çärelerini talap edýän kadalary berjaý ediň!
English to Turkmen: Automatic lockout and protection hardware General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering: Industrial
Source text - English Automatic lockout and protection hardware
For their safe operation, boilers should be equipped with safety lockout systems depending on their type, capacity and features.
At least the following lockout elements are recommended to exist in a boiler:
A main flame prevention system that will continuously monitor initial ignition flame and stop the ignition circuit if the flame goes out.
A photo-electric monitor that checks main burner flame and shuts off fuel and puts the flame out if the flame goes out or combustion is excessively smoky.
An adjustable pressure safety switch (pressurestat) that stops the burner when steam pressure is too high.
A level control device that stops the burner when water level is excessively low.
In kerosene burning boilers, adjustable pressure switch that stops fuel if fuel pump outlet pressure drops.
In fuel oil burning boilers, an adjustable thermostat that cuts fuel if fuel temperature drops.
A pressure switch that shuts the burner in case boiler combustion air pressure drops.
In gas burning boilers, an adjustable pressure switch that cuts fuel if gas pressure drops.
Gage glasses, discharge valves, control valves, pressure and temperature gages, safety valves, measuring and control devices, locking and protecting hardware, air heaters, boiler feed pumps, blower should be inspected and maintenance, control and adjustment operations should be done.
Electric panel, burner panel and fan, boiler feed pump propellers should be cleaned with dry pressurized air.
They should be protected from dust and water.
Translation - Turkmen Awtomatik blokirleýiş we gorag enjamy
Howpsuz ulanyş üçin özleriniň görnüşine, sygymyna we aýratynlyklaryna baglylykda bug kotýollary blokirleýiş ulgamlary bilen enjamlaşdyrylmalydyr.
Her bug kotýolynda azyndan şu aşakdaky blokirleýiş elementleriniň bolmagy maslahat berilýär:
Ýangynyň esasy öňüni alyş ulgamy - ol ýangynyň otlanşyna dowamly gözegçilik eder we ýangyn sönende bolsa otlanma zynjyryny öçürer.
Fotoelektrik monitory - elmydama esasy ýakyjynyň oduny barlap, haçanda sönen ýagdaýynda ýa-da tüsseläp ýanyp başlanda ol ýangyjy kesýär we ody oçürýär.
Basyşyň sazlanylýan geçirgiji (basyş ölçeýji) - haçanda buguň basyşy ýokarlananda alawlaýjyny saklaýar.
Suw derejesiniň regulýatory (sazlaýjysy) - suw derejesi has peselende alawlaýjyny saklamakda ulanylýan dolandyryş guraly.
Kerosin ýakýan bug kotýollaryndaky sazlanylýan basyş geçirgiji - ýangyjyň çykyş nasosyndaky basyşy peselende ýangyç ibermekligi kesýär (saklaýar).
Mazut ýakýan bug kotýollaryndaky sazlanylýan termostat - ýangyjyň temperaturasy peselende ýangyç ibermekligi kesýär.
Basyş geçirgiji - kotýolyň ýanyş howasynyň basyşy peselende alawlaýjyny öçürýär.
Gaz ýakýan bug kotýollaryndaky sazlanylýan basyş geçirgiji - gaz basyşy peselende ýangyç ibermekligi kesýär.
Bug kotýolynyň görkeziji aýnalary, akdyryş klapanlary, sazlaýjy klapanlary, howpsuzlyk klapanlary, basyş we temperatura görkezijileri, ölçeg we sazlaýyş gurallary, blokirleýji we gorag enjamlary, howa gyzdyryjylary, suw iberiş nasoslary we üfleýjileri barlanylyp, tehniki hyzmat ediş, gözden geçiriş we sazlaýyş işleri ýerine ýetirilmelidir.
Bug kotýolynyň elektrik paneli, alawlaýjynyň paneli we wentilýatory, suw iberiş nasoslarynyň propelleri (perileri) gury basyşly howa bilen arassalanmalydyr.
Olar tozandan we suwdan goralmalydyr.
English to Turkmen: User Interface/Software localization (with line and character limit) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English Change the control panel angle\nby raising or lowering it by hand.\nPress for details.
Check on the card type\nand the direction.\nSome require an adapter.\nPress for details.
Remove the memory card\nwhen the light is not flashing.\nPress for details.
Insert the memory card making\nsure you keep it straight,\nthen check if the light is on.\nPress for details.
Do not force the USB flash drive\ninto the USB port.
Turn it over\nand insert it when it does not\nfit into the port.
Remove it\nafter use.
Press for details.
Check the network\nconnection.
Cyan ink
Magenta ink
Black ink
Yellow ink
Displayed when\nmaintenance box\nis full.
Displayed when\nmaintenance box\nis nearly full.
Indicates Wi-Fi status.\n\nSignal strength:\nExcellent/Good/Fair
Translation - Turkmen Dolandyryş paneli burçuny\nelde ýokary galdyryp ýa-da\npeseldip üýtgediň.\nDoly maglumat üçin basyň.
Kart görnüşini we\nugry üýtgediň.\nKäbirleri adapter talap edýär.\nDoly maglumat üçin saýlaň.
Çyra ýanyp sönmeýärkä,\nýat kartyny aýryň.\nDoly maglumat üçin basyň.
Ýat kartyny göni saklap\ngiriziň, soňra çyranyň\nýanýandygyny barlaň.\nDoly maglumat üçin basyň.
USB fleş-diskini USB\nporta zorluk bilen girizmäň.
Ol porta sygmasa,\nbeýlesine öwrüp\ngiriziň.
Ony ulanyşdan\nsoň aýryň.
Doly maglumat üçin basyň.
Tor birikmesini\nbarlaň.
Sian syýasy
Majenta syýasy
Gara syýa
Sary syýa
Tehniki hyzmat\ngutusy dolanda\ngörkezilýär.
Tehniki hyzmat\ngutusy doluberende\görkezilýär.
Wi-Fi ýagdaýyny görkezýär.\n\nSignal güýji:\nIň gowy/Gowy/Kadaly
English to Turkmen: Literary article General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Internet, e-Commerce
Sleep with the fishes... literally.
A luxury resort in the Maldives, already home to the world's first undersea restaurant, will soon blow that out of the water with an underwater villa.
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island just announced the veritable underwater swank tank will open later this year, in the fourth quarter of 2018, thanks to a $15 million investment.
Dubbed the Muraka, which means "coral" in the Maldivian language Dhivehi, the villa will be able to host up the nine people at a time.
Guests can sleep with the fishes (literally) and spectate the gorgeous colors of the Indian Ocean.
There are two stories, one above water.
The underwater tier houses a bedroom and bathroom while the above ground area has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a powder room, a living room, a kitchen, a bar, a dining area, a gym, butler's quarters and private security quarters.
There will also be a "relaxation deck" with its own private pool and sweeping views of sea.
There is still no official word on prices, but estimates put it at around $50,000 a night.
InsideHook reports that above-water villas are set for around $6,000 a night at the end of 2018, in case you don't manage to be one of the early bookers.
Balyklar bilen ýatmak... edil özi.
Ozalam dünýäniň ilkinji deňizasty restoranyny döreden Maldiwlerdäki lýuks syýahatçylyk zonasy ýakyn wagtlarda suwasty kotežleri gurar.
Konrad Maldiw Rangali adasy 2018-nji ýylyň soňky çärýeginde $15 million dollarlyk maýa goýum saýasynda hakyky suwasty swank tankyny (aýnadan myhmanhanany) açjakdygy barada habar berdi.
Maldiw dilleriniň biri bolan Dhiwehide «koral» diýmekligi aňladýan «muraka» ady dakylan jaý, bilelikde dokuz adamy saklap bilmäge ukyply.
Myhmanlar balyklar bilen bile ýatyp, Hindi ummanynyň ajaýyp öwüşginli reňklerine ser salyp bilerler.
Ol iki gat bolup, onuň birinji gaty suwdan ýokardadyr.
Onuň suwasty böleginde ýatylýan otag we ýuwunylýan otag bolup, ýokarky gatynda bolsa iki sany ýatylýan otag, iki sany ýuwunylýan otag, myhman hajathanasy, telewizor otagy, aşhana, bar, nahar iýilýän ýer, türgenleşik zaly, hyzmatkäriň burçy we şahsy howpsuzlyk burçlary ýerleşýändir.
«Dynç alynýan ýerde» bolsa şahsy basseýn bolup, siz deňziň ajaýyp görkünden lezzet alarsyňyz.
Bahalary barada heniz resmi habar ýok, emma çak edilişine görä bir gijesine $50,000 dollar bolmagy mümkin.
InsideHook-yň habar bermegine görä, eger ir bronlap goýmasaňyz, kotežler 2018-nji ýylyň ahyrynda gijesine $6,000 bolar.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - International University for the Humanities and Development
Years of experience: 9. Registered at Mar 2017.
Hi! This is Shatlyk. I am a native Turkmen translator specialized in Technical, Marketing, Legal, Software translations, as well as editing, and proofreading. I have been successfully delivering translation projects assigned from various agencies and companies of USA, China, Russia, Germany, Kazakhstan, etc. I also provide review and verification of translation work, including materials created by third-party translation services. Apart from freelancing, I have worked with the Presidential Academy of Turkmenistan, United States Embassy in Turkmenistan, State TV of Turkmenistan, Gaming company named "Tribalands", and other governmental and non-governmental agencies.
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