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Source text - Serbian
Erozija je, kao proces degradacije površinskih slojeva zemljine kore pod dejstvom mehaničke energije površinskih vodenih tokova, sa stanovišta ocene održivosti biosfere, globalno ocenjena kao štetan proces. To je apsolutno tačno kada se radi o eroziji poljoprivrednog i šumskog zemljišta. Ako se erozija posmatra selektivno, onda se globalna ocena o njenoj štetnosti ozbiljno dovodi u pitanje. Naime, erozija koja se odvija na terenima gde, inače, nema biljnog sveta zbog geološkog sastava zemljišta, ne čini nikakvu štetu. Naprotiv, ako je minerološki sastav takvih terena okarakterisan prisustvom plemenitih i retkih metala, onda je erozija takvih terena vrlo korisna. Ona doprinosi stvaranju novih aluvijalnih ležišta ovih metala u ravničarskim delovima vodotokova. U njima se slivaju brdski bujični tokovi koji izazivaju eroziju pomenutih terena. Konačno, da nema erozije, ne bi bilo ni obnovljivih ležišta građevinskog šljunka i peska.
Translation - English Generally speaking, erosion, as a process which entails degradation of surface layers of earth under the influence of mechanical energies of surface waters, and from the point of view of biosphere sustainability, is a harmful process. This is absolutely true when agricultural and forest areas are concerned. However, if erosion is viewed selectively, this general definition about its harm raises serious questions. In other words, the erosion which takes place in the terrains where there is no vegetation because of the geological composition of the soil, does no harm. On the contrary, if the mineralogical composition of such terrains is characterized by presence of precious and rare metals, erosion can be very useful. It contributes to the creation of new alluvial deposits of these metals in the waters in the plain land. It is here that torrents from hills come down and cause erosion. And finally, if there were no erosion, there would be no renewable deposits of gravel and sand.
English to Serbian: ENTERAL NUTRITION General field: Medical
Source text - English ENTERAL NUTRITION
When parenteral nutrition is used exclusively for the provision of nutrients, morphologic, and functional changes occur in the gut with a significant decrease in intestinal mass, a decrease in mucosal enzyme activity, and an increase in gut permeability. The changes are due primarily to the lack of luminal nutrients rather than the TPN. The timing of the initial feedings for the preterm infant has been debated for nearly a century and remains controversial.51 As suit¬able TPN solutions designed for neonates became available, many physicians chose to use parenteral nutrition alone in the sick, ventilated, preterm infant because of concerns about necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Total parenteral nutrition was thought to be a logical continuation of the transplacental nutrition the infants would have received in utero. However, this view discounts any role that swallowed amniotic fluid may play in nutrition and in the development of the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, by the end of the third trimester, the amniotic fluid provides the fetus with the same enteral volume intake and approximately 25% of the enteral protein intake as that of a term, breast-fed infant. Parenteral nutrition does little to support the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Enteral feedings have direct trophic effects and indirect effects secondary to the release of intestinal hormones. Lucas et al. demonstrated significant rises in plasma concentrations of enteroglucagon,52 gastrin, and gastric-inhibiting poly¬peptide in preterm infants after milk feeds of as little as 12 mL/kg/day. Similar surges in these trophic hormones were not seen in IV-nourished infants.
Clearly, one of the important benefits of using TPN is that it allows feedings to be advanced slowly, which probably increases the safety of enteral feedings. However, how neonatologists feed VLBW neonates has traditionally been based on local practices and not subjected to rigorous scientific investigation.53 Regardless of feeding strategy, the advancement of feedings has been based on the absence of significant pregavage residuals or greenish aspirates. According to Ziegler and others, gastric residuals are very frequent in the early neonatal period and are virtually always benign when not accompanied by other signs of gastrointestinal abnormalities, that is not associated with NEC.53'54 One study demonstrated that in ELBW infants, excessive gastric residual volume either determined by percent of the previous feed or an absolute volume (>2 mL or >3 mL) did not necessarily affect feeding success as determined by the volume of total feeding on day 14.55 Similarly, the color of the gastric residual volume (green, milky, clear) did not predict feeding intolerance.56 Nonetheless, the volume of feeding on day 14 did correlate with a higher proportion of episodes of zero gastric residual volumes and with predominantly milky gastric residuals. Thus, isolated findings related to gastric emptying alone should not be the sole criterion in initiating or advancing feeds. Stooling pattern, abdominal distention, and the nature of the stools should also be considered.53
The etiology of NEC remains unclear. Because NEC rarely occurs in infants who are not being fed, feedings have come to be seen as the cause of NEC. The pathophysiology of NEC is incompletely understood. However, intestinal immaturity, abnormal microbial colonization and a highly immunoreactive intestinal mucosa appear to be leading elements of a multifactorial cause. The association between feedings and NEC is likely to be explained by the fact that feedings act as vehicles for the introduction of bacterial or viral pathogens or toxins. They are more likely to survive the gastric barrier because of low acidity, against which the immature gut is poorly able to defend itself. Efforts aimed at minimizing the risk of NEC have focused on the time of introduction of feedings, on feeding volumes, and on the rate of feeding volume increments. One by one, the strategies that had been developed with the aim of reducing the risk of NEC were shown to be ineffective.
One of the main strategies involved the withholding of feeding for prolonged periods of time. Although it was never shown that the prolonged withholding of feedings actually prevented NEC, some form of the strategy was widely adopted in the 1970s and 1980s. The withholding of feedings eventually came under scrutiny and was compared in a number of controlled trials with early introduction of feedings.57 A systematic review of the results of these trials concluded that early introduction of feedings shortens the time to full feeds, as well as the length of hospitalization, and does not lead to an increase in the incidence of NEC. A controlled study involving 100 VLBW infants confirmed these findings and found, in addition,58 a significant reduction of serious infections when feedings were introduced early. Another strategy aimed at preventing NEC has been to keep the rate increments low. The strategy was based on the findings of Anderson and Kliegman,58 who in their retrospective analysis of 19 cases of NEC, found that in infants who went on to develop NEC, feedings were advanced more rapidly than in control infants without NEC. Based on these findings, they recommended that feedings not be advanced by more than 20 mL/kg each day.58 This recommendation has found wide acceptance, although its validity has not been confirmed in randomized controlled trials. In a prospective randomized trial, Rayyis et al. compared increments of 15 mL/kg/day with increments of 35 mL/ kg/day.59 They found that with fast advancement, return to birth weight occurred earlier; full intakes were achieved sooner; weight gain set in earlier; and there was no difference in the incidence of NEC. Whether it protects against NEC or not, limiting feeding increments in VLBW infants to 20 mL/ kg/day has become acceptable practice. It still permits achievement of full feedings in a reasonable period (about 8 days). When initiating early enteral feedings in infants with umbilical artery catheters (UACs) in place, safety is often a concern. The presence of a UAC has been associated with an increased risk for NEC, and it is a common nursery policy to delay feedings until catheters are removed. However, few data from controlled studies support this policy. Davey et al. examined feeding tolerance in 47 infants weighing less than 2000 g at birth who had respiratory distress and UACs.60 Infants were assigned randomly to begin feedings as soon as they met the predefined criterion of stabil¬ity or to delay feeding until their UACs were removed for 24 hours. Infants who were fed with catheters in place, started feeding significantly sooner and required half the number of days of parenteral nutrition. The incidence of NEC was comparable for infants fed with catheters in place and those whose catheters were removed before initiation of feedings. In addition, large epidemiologic surveys have not shown a cause-and-effect relation between low-lying umbilical artery catheters and NEC.53-54
The decision when to start these early enteral or trophic feeds may be influenced by what milk is available to feed the infant. Lucas and Cole,61 in a multicenter feeding trial involving nearly 1000 preterm infants with birth weights less than 1850 g, demonstrated that the incidence of confirmed NEC was six times greater in formula-fed infants than in those receiving exclusive human milk. In addition, NEC was rare for infants greater than 30 weeks' gestation who were fed exclusively human milk, but this was not the case for formula-fed babies. A delay of feeding in the formula-fed group was associated with a reduced risk of NEC, whereas the use of early human milk feedings versus delaying had no correlation with the occurrence of NEC. Therefore, initiating feeds for individual patients should take into account individual risk factors and the milk available for the infant.
Feedings should be started within the first days of life. A frequently encountered problem is that breast milk takes at least 2 days to come in and often does not come in for 3, 4, or 5 days. During that time, only small amounts of colostrum are available, which is very beneficial to the infant and must be fed. Gastric residuals should not interfere with feeding. Initial feeding volumes should be kept low (1 to 2 mL/feed) and provided at 3-hour intervals. Incremental advances should be about 20 mL/kg/day when a decision is made to advance feedings.
For ELBW infants on life support with invasive monitoring, one may introduce trophic feedings with 1 mL/feed every 8 hours for a period of a few days and then proceed as above. Each nursery should establish criteria for feeding readiness. These may include normal blood pressure and pH, Pao2 greater than 55, at least 12 hours from last surfactant or indomethacin dose, normal gastrointestinal exam, heme-negative stools, and fewer than two desaturation episodes (Sao2 less than 80%) per hour. Collectively, these signs are a surrogate for establishing "physiologic" stability prior to feeding initiation.
Translation - Serbian ENTERALNA ISHRANA
Kada se parenteralna ishrana koristi iskljucivo za obezbedjivanje hranljivih sastojaka u organizmu, dolazi do morfoloskih i funkcionalnih promena u gastrointestinalnom traktu pri cemu se znacajno smanjuje abdominalna masa i aktivnost enzima u crevnoj sluzokozi a povecava se propustljivost gastrointestinalnog trakta. Do ovih promena prvenstveno dolazi zbog nedostatka luminalnih nutrijenata a ne usled TPI-ja (totalna parenteralna ishrana). Vec decenijama se diskutuje o tome kada treba zapoceti sa ishranom prerano rodjenih beba i ova tema je i dalje kontroverzna. Kako su pogodni TNI rastvori za bebe postajali dostupniji, mnogi lekari su se odlucivali samo za parenteralnu ishranu kada je u pitanju bolesna prevremeno rodnjena beba na aparatima za disanje zbog opasnosti od nekroticnog enterokolitisa (NEC). Smatralo se da je TPI logican nastavak ishrane preko placente koju bi prerano rodjene bebe dobile preko majke. Medjutim, ovakvo stanoviste ne uzima u obzir ulogu koju progutane amniotske tecnosti igraju u ishrani i u razvoju gastrointestinalnog trakta. U stvari, do kraja 3. tromesecja, amniotska tecnost obezbedjuje fetusu istu enteralnu kolicinu unosa i u proseku 25% enteralnog proteinskog unosa kao i kod bebe koja je rodjena na vreme i koja sisa. Parenteralna ishrana ima malo uticaja na funkciju gastrointestinalnog trakta. Enteralna ishrana ima direktni efekat na rast, a indirektni efekat koji iz toga sledi je lucenje intestinalnih hormona. Kao sto su Lucas i dr. pokazali, postoji rast u koncentraciji enteroglukagona, gastrina i gastricnog inhibitornog polipeptida u plazmi kod prerano rodjenih beba nakon sto su hranjene mlekom i iznosi tek 12 ml/kg dnevno. Slicne promene u ovim hormonima rasta nisu zabelezene kod beba koje su hranjene intravenozno.
Ocigledno je da je jedna od vaznih prednosti TPI-a to sto omogucava da se hranjenje polako povecava, sto verovatno doprinosi povecanju sigurnosti enteralne ishrane. Medjutim, nacin na koji su neonatolozi hranili prerano rodjene bebe (ENG: VLBW = very low birth weight = veoma mala tezina na rodjenju = bukvalni prevod) uglavnom se bazira na lokalnim obicajima a ne na naucnim cinjenicama. Bez obzira koja strategija ishrane se koristi, progress (napredak) u hranjenju je ostvaren zahvaljujuci tome sto vise nema ostataka ili zelenkastih materija koje su ostajale u organizmu nakon sto se novorodjence hranilo preko sonde. Prema Zigleru i drugima, zeludacni sok je veoma cesta pojava u ranom neonatalnom periodu i prakticno je uvek benigna ako nema nekih drugih znakova gastrointestinalnih abnormalnosti koja nisu povezana sa NEC-om. Jedna studija je pokazala da kod prerano rodjenih beba visak zeludacnog soka, koji se utvrduje ili procentom prethodnog obroka ili apsolutnom kolicinom (>2 mL ili >3 mL), nuzno ne utice na uspeh ishrane sto je utvrdjeno kolicinom ukupne unete hrane 14. dana. Slicno tome, boja zeludacnog soka (zelena, mlecna, bistra) ne daje nikakvu prognozu vezanu za toleranciju odnosno netoleranciju na ovaj tip ishrane. Ipak, kolicina hrane na 14. dan je direktno vezana za veci broj slucajeva (epizoda) kada je zabelezena nulta kolicina zeludacnog soka pri cemu je zeludacni sok bio u najvecoj meri mlecne boje. To znaci da istrazivanja vezana samo za praznjenje stomaka sama po sebi ne mogu biti jedini kriterijum za uvodjenje ishrane ili njeno povecavanje. Ono sto pored ovoga takodje treba razmotriti je sledece: broj stolica bebe, abdominalna distenzija i boja stolice.
Etiologija NEC-a je i dalje nedovoljno jasna. Posto se retko javlja kod beba koje se ne prehranjuju, smatra se da je uzrok upravo ovakva ishrana. Patofiziologija NEC-a nije dovoljno razjasnjena. Medjutim, cini se da su uzroci razliciti pri cemu vodecu ulogu imaju nezrelost creva, abnormalna mikrobioloska kolonizacija i visoko imunoreaktivna intestinalna mukoza. Veza izmedju ishrane i NEC-a se obicno objasnjava cinjenicom da je ishrana jedna vrsta posrednika za uvodjenje bakterijskih ili viralnih patogena ili toksina. Oni imaju vece sanse da prezive stomacnu barijeru zbog male kiselosti protiv koje nezreo gastrointestinalni trakt jedva moze da se bori. Napori koji se cine u cilju minimizacije rizika od NEC-a usredsredjeni su na vreme kada se ishrana uvodi, kolicinu hrane koja se daje i kojom brzinom se kolicina hrane koja se daje povecava. Jedna za drugom, sve strategije koje su razvijene sa ciljem da se smanji rizik od NEC-a pokazale su se neefektivnim.
Jedna od glavnih strategija ukljucivala je uzdrzavanje od ishrane u toku duzih vremenskih perioda. Iako nikada nije bilo dokaza da je uzdrzavanje od ishrane u dugim periodima zaista sprecilo pojavu NEC-a, neki oblik ove strategije je nasiroko usvojen 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina. Uzdrzavanje od ishrane je napokon ispitano i uporodjeno u velikom broju kontrolisanih ispitivanja u slucajevima kada se rano pristupilo uvodjenju ishrane. Zakljucak sistematskih pregleda rezultata ovih ispitivanja je sledeci: ranim uvodjenjem ishrane skracuje se vreme do nivoa ishrane kada beba moze bezbedno da pojede onoliko hrane koliko joj je potrebno (smanjen je vremenski razmak izmedju pocetka uvodjenja ishrane i trenutka kada moze beba bez ikakvih posledica da uzima onoliko hrane koliko joj je potrebno) a takodje je kraci period hospitalizacije i nema indicija da ce se NEC pojaviti. Kontrolisana studija koja je ukljucivala 100 prerano rodjenih beba potvrdila je ove navode i pored toga dosla do saznanja o znacajnom reduciranju ozbiljnih infekcija kada se ishrana uvodi rano. Jedna druga strategija ciji je cilj bila prevencija NEC-a, fokusirala se na to kako odrzati nizak nivo pojave NEC- a. Ova strategija se oslanja na istrazivanja Andersona i Kliegmana koji su sproveli sopstveno istrazivanje i analizirali 19 slucajeva NEC-a. Oni su zakljucili da je kod novorodjencadi kod kojih se NEC razvio ishrana bila brze povecavana nego kod beba u kontrolnoj grupi koja nisu bolovala od NEC-a. Na osnovu ovih nalaza, oni su preporucili da se ishrana ne povecava vise od 20 ml/kg dnevno. Ova preporuka je bila nasiroko prihvacena mada njena validnost nije potvrdjena u kontrolnim ispitivanjima na principu slucajnog uzorka. Rayyis i drugi su u ispitivanju na principu slucajnog uzorka poredili povecanja od 15ml/kg dnevno sa povecanjima od 35ml/kg dnevno. Dosli su do zakljucka da se povecanjem hrane beba ranije vraca na tezinu koju je imala po rodjenju, takodje, beba ranije pocinje da uzima celu ‘porciju’ hrane i ranije dobija na tezini, a pritom nije zabelezena nikakva direktna veza sa pojavom NEC-a. Ustaljena praksa je postala sledeca: ograniceno je povecanje ishrane kod prerano rodjenih beba na 20ml/kg dnevno iako se ne zna da li ova mera stiti od NEC-a ili ne. Ova mera i dalje omogucava dostizanje pune kolicine hrane (koliko je bebi zaista potrebno) u razumnom periodu (oko 8 dana). Najveca briga kada je rec o uvodjenju enteralne ishrane kod beba kod kojih je kateter postavljen u pupak jeste sigurnost i bezbednost. Prisustvo katetera u pupku je povezano sa vecim rizikom od NEC-a i uobicajena je medicinska praksa da se odlozi ishrana dok se kateter ne ukloni. Medjutim, jako mali broj ispitivanja podrzava ovaj nacin rada. Davey i drugi su proucavali toleranciju na ishranu kod 47 beba koje sui male manje od 2kg na rodjenju, i koje su imale respiratorne probleme i katetere. Neke bebe su hranjene kada im se stanje stabilizovalo a imale su jos uvek kateter, a kod nekih beba se prvo cekalo da se kateter ukloni u toku 24 sata. One bebe kod kojih se sa ishranom zapocelo jos dok su imale kateter pocele se ranije sa uzimanjem hrane i bilo im je potrebno upola manje dana za perenteralnu ishranu. Pojava NEC-a je bila slicna u obe grupe (i kod beba koje su imale kateter a pristupilo se ishrani i kod onih kod kojih je ishrana dosla posle uklanjanja katetera). Pored toga, velika epidemioloska istrazivanja nisu pokazala da postoji bilo kakva uzrocno-posledicna veza izmedju uvodjenja katetera u pupak i NEC-a.
Odluka o tome kada poceti sa ovom ranom enteralnom ishranom ili minimalnom enteralnom ishranom moze zavisiti od toga koje mleko je dostupno bebi. Lucas i Cole, u jednom istrazivanju koje je obuhvatilo skoro 1000 prerano rodjenih beba cija je tezina na rodjenju bila 1850g, pokazali su da je pojava potvrdjenog NEC-a bila 6 puta veca kod beba koje su pile formulu nego kod beba koje su pile iskljucivo humano mleko (majcino ili neke druge majke – ali ne kravlje i ne fromulu). Takodje, NEC se redje javlja kod beba koje su presle 30. nedelju gestacijskog perioda a koje su pile iskljucivo humano mleko – a to nije bio slucaj sa bebama koje su se hranile formulom. Smatra se da se smanjuje rizik od NEC-a ako se kasnije uvodi enteralna ishrana kod beba koje se hrane formulom. Kada je rec o bebama koje se hrane humanim mlekom, rana ili kasna enteralna ishrana nije ni na koji nacin povezana sa NEC-om. To znaci da kod uvodjenja ishrane kod pojedinacnih pacijenata treba uzeti u obzir i individualne faktore rizika kao i mleko koje je dostupno bebi.
Sa ishranom treba poceti u prvih par dana po rodjenju. Problem koji se cesto javlja je sto majcinom mleku treba najmanje 2 dana da se pojavi a obicno se to desi za 3, 4 ili 5 dana. Tokom tog perioda postoje samo male kolicine kolostruma koji je jako hranljiv i treba ga dati bebi. Zeludacni sok ne treba da dodje u dodir sa ishranom. Pocetne kolicine hrane treba da budu male (1 do 2 ml po obroku) i treba ih davati na 3 sata. Povecanja u unosu treba da iznose oko 20ml/kg dnevno ako postoji odluka da se povecava kolicina.
Kada su u pitanju prerano rodjene bebe na aparatima, moze se uvesti minimalna enteralna ishrana sa 1ml/kg po obroku na 8h za period od nekoliko dana a onda se nastavlja sa gore opisanim postupkom. Svako porodiliste treba da definise kriterijume za ishranu. Oni mogu ukljucivati: normalan krvni pritisak i pH, Pao2 veci od 55, najmanje 12 sati od poslednjeg doze surfaktanta ili indometacina, normalan gastrointestinalni pregled, pregled stolice koja je negativna na Ca, i manje od dve epizode smanjenja zasicenosti (Sao2 manje od 80%) na sat. Sve u svemu, na osnovu ovih pokazatelja moze se ustanoviti ‘fizioloska’ stabilnost potrebna za enteralnu ishranu.
Source text - Serbian
Linearno programiranje je vrlo korisna metoda za optimizaciju ciljeva projekata i proizvodnje ruda metala, gde se ciljevi ostvaruju u uslovima ograničenih prirodnih resursa.
U radu se daje opšti oblik matematičkog modela linearnog programiranja projekata i proizvodnje i numerički primer njegove primene u praksi.
KLJUČNE REČI: Upravljanje projektima, Izbor projekata, Upravljanje proizvodnjom, Linearno programiranje
Rudarska proizvodnja je vrlo složena i rizična. Visoki stepen rizika proističe iz nezvesnosti koju nose prirodni uslovi i tržište metala.
Za tako visokorizične projekte, od velikog je značaja da se stepen rizika ostvarenja cilja svede na najmanju moguću meru. U tome, linearno programiranje pruža velike i dragocene mogućnosti.
U najopštijem slučaju, rudarska proizvodnja počiva na eksploataciji, po kvalitetu i rezervama, različitih ležišta ili delova ležišta.
Neka proizvodnja, uslovnog godišnjeg kapaciteta Q = 1, obuhvata istovremenu eksploataciju n ležišta ili delova ležišta, sa različitim sadržajem korisnog metala: k1, k2, ...., kn ; različitim sadržajem korisnih primesa: p1, p2, ...., pn i različitim sadržajem štetnih primesa: š1, š2, ..., šn i zajedničku preradu takve smeše rude.
Ciljna funkcija je prihod po jednoj toni proizvedene smeše rude P, koji se želi maksimizirati, a dat je jednačinom:
(max) P = X1P1 + X2P2 +....... + XnPn (1)
gde je: X1, X2, ..., Xn - učešće proizvodnje rude iz različitih ležišta ili delova ležišta, (del.jed.)
P1, P2, ...,Pn - prihod po jednoj toni rude iz pojedinih ležišta
ili delova ležišta, (din/t)
Cilj treba ostvariti u uslovima odgovarajućih ograničenja, koja se odnose na godišnji kapacitet proizvodnje, minimalni sadržaj korisnih komponenti i maksimalni sadržaj štetnih primesa:
1. Godišnja proizvodnja rude Q je jednaka:
Q = X1 + X2 + ........... + Xn = 1 (2)
2. Sadržaj korisnog metala i korisnih primesa u jedinici mase proizvedene rude ne smeju biti manji od donjeg zahtevanog sadržaja (kmin i pmin):
Broj nejednačina u sistemu ograničenja zavisi od broja parametara rude koje treba ograničiti, zavisno od vrste rude i zahteva tržišta.
Rešavanje modela metodom linearnog programiranja svodi se na odredjivanje učešća proizvodnje rude iz pojedinih ležišta ili delova ležišta: X1, X2, ....., Xn , u uslovima zadatih ograničenja, koja obezbedjuju maksimiziranje prihoda po jednoj toni proizvedene rude. Rešavanje modela vrši se simpleks metotom1,2.
U definisanju i izboru rudarskih projekata i upravljanja proizvodnjom, ciljna funkcija optimizacije mogu biti i troškovi proizvodnje rude T, koji se žele minimizirati. Neka su troškovi proizvodnje jedne tone rude iz pojedinih ležišta: T1, T2, ...., Tn. U ovom slučaju, ciljna funkcija su troškovi po jednoj toni proizvedene smeše rude, koji se žele minimizirati. Saglasno usvojenim simbolima, ciljna funkcija glasi:
(min) T = X1T1 + X2T2 + ....... + XnTn (6)
Sistem ograničenja, u najopštijem obliku, ostaje isti kao kod modela (5) maksimizacije prihoda. Dakle, matematički model linearnog programiranja troškova rudarskih projekata i proizvodnje, u najopštijem obliku, glasi:
Primenu matematičkih modela linearnog programiranja, datih sistemom jednačina i nejednačina (5) i (7), u izboru i upravljanju projektima i rudarskom proizvodnjom prikazaćemo na jednom jednostavnom primeru, sa napomenom da je on primenljiv na sve moguće i najsloženije slučajeve.
Rudarska kompanija vrši istovremenu eksploataciju i preradu smeše rude bakra iz dva obližnja rudna tela A i B. Ruda u rudnom telu A sadrži: 0,5 % bakra, 0,4 g/t zlata i 2,5 % sumpora. Ruda u rudnom telu B sadrži: 2,0 % bakra, 0,1 g/t zlata i 20 % sumpora.
Prihod po jednoj toni rude iz rudnog tela A iznosi 1200 din/t, a iz rudnog tela B 4500 din/t.
Kompanija želi da proizvodnju rude u rudnim telima definiše tako da u smeši rude koja odlazi u flotaciju bude: najmanje 1,0 % bakra, najmanje 0,2 g/t zlata i najviše 10 % sumpora, kao štetne komponente.
Zadatak se svodi na određivanje učešća rude iz rudnih tela A i B u smeši koja kompaniji obezbeđuju maksimalan prihod po jednoj toni proizvedene rude i istovremeno zadovoljavaju zadata ograničenja u pogledu sadržaja bakra, zlata i sumpora u smeši.
Na bazi zadatog projektnog i proizvodnog cilja, najpre ćemo definisati funkciju cilja koja, saglasno opštoj jednačini (1), u ovom primeru glasi:
(max) P = 1200 X1 + 4500 X2
Ograničenje koje definiše proizvodnju glasi:
X1 + X2 = 1,0
Ograničenje koje definiše minimalni sadržaj bakra u smeši glasi:
0,5 X1 + 2 X2 ≥ 1,0
Ograničenje koje definiše sadržaj zlata u smeši glasi:
0,4 X1 + 0,1 X2 ≥ 0,2
Ograničenje koje definiše sadržaj sumpora u smeši glasi:
2,5 X1 + 20 X2 ≤ 10
Na osnovu definisane ciljne funkcije i definisanih ograničenja, matematički model linearnog programiranja proizvodnje glasi:
Budući da dati matematički model linearnog programiranja sadrži samo dve promenljive (X1 i X2), isti se može rešiti grafičkim postupkom ili simpleks metodom1. Matematički modeli linearnog programiranja sa više od dve promenljive mogu se rešiti jedino simpleks metodom.
U ovom radu daje se grafički postupak rešavanja modela linearnog programiranja , koji će korisnicima biti lako razumljiv, dok se sa simpleks metodom rešavanja mogu upoznati iz veoma dostupne i raznovrsne literature iz ove oblasti1.
Za grafičko rešavanje neophodno je sve nejednačine u sistemu ograničenja izraziti u obliku odgovarajućih jednačina:
Radi lakšeg ucrtavanja pravih, prethodne jednačine izrazićemo u njihovom segmentnom obliku tako što ćemo jednačine podeliti sa vrednostima njihovih slobodnih članova na desnoj strani:
X1 + X2 = 1,0
0,5 X1 + 2 X2 = 1,0
2 X1 + 0,5 X2 = 1,0
0,25 X1 + 2 X2 = 1,0
Sve četiri prave koje odgovaraju zadatim ograničenjima prikazane su na sl. 1. Budući da u sistemu ograničenja figurira jednačina X1 + X2 = 1,0, to samo tačke koje se nalaze na duži AB zadovoljavaju sva zadata ograničenja.
Sl. 1 Grafičko rešenje maksimizacije prihoda
Optimalno rešenje zadatka nalazi se u jednoj od ekstremnih tačaka skupa mogućih rešenja, za koju funkcija cilja ostvaruje maksimalnu vrednost.
U tom cilju, pravu koja reprezentuje funkciju cilja predstavićemo tako da prolazi kroz koordinatni početak. Naime, iz uslova P = 0 sledi:
P = 1200 X1 + 4500 X2 = 0
odakle je:
X2 = - 0,25 X1
To omogućava lako ucrtavanje prave funkcije cilja kroz koordinatni početak. Translacijom ove prave do najudaljenije tačke A od koordinatnog početka dobijamo optimalno rešenje , koje glasi:
X1 = 0,571
X2 = 0,429
Za ove vrednosti promenljivih X1 i X2 , funkcija cilja - prihod po jednoj toni prizvedene smeše rude postaje maksimalan i iznosi:
(max) P = 1200 x 0,571 + 4500 x 0,429 = 2615,7 din/t
Proverom u sistem ograničenja, zaključujemo da je on zadovoljen:
0,571 + 0,429 = 1,0 ( = 1,0)
Sadržaj bakra
0,5 x 0,571 + 2 x 0,429 = 1,14 ( ≥ 1,0)
Sadržaj zlata
0,4 x 0,571 + 0,1 x 0,429 = 0,27 ( ≥ 0,2)
Sadržaj sumpora
2,5 x 0,571 + 20 x 0,429 = 10,0 ( ≤ 10,0)
Sada ćemo u predhodnom numeričkom primeru promeniti samo ciljnu funkciju, uz zadržavanje istog sistema ograničenja. Naime, ako su troškovi proizvodnje jedne tone rude u rudniku A 600 din/t, a u rudniku B 2000 din/t, kompanija želi da definiše projektno-proizvodni program tako da troškovi proizvodnje jedne tone smeše rude budu minimalni. Za ovakav cilj, matematički model linearnog programiranja glasi:
I u ovom slučaju prikazaćemo samo grafički postupak optimizacije modela linearnog programiranja. Na isti način, kao i kod predhodnog modela maksimizacije prihoda, ucrtaju se prave koje predstavljaju sistem ograničenja i pravu koja predstavlja funkciju cilja (sl. 2).
Sl. 2 Grafičko rešenje minimizacije troškova
Radi nalaženja optimalnog rešenja, pravu koja predstavlja funkciju cilja (isprekidana linija koja prolazi kroz koordinatni početak) translatorno pomeramo do najbliže tačke koordinatnom početku, a koja pripada skupu mogućih rešenja. U ovom slučaju je to tačka B na sl.2, sa koordinatama:
X1 = 0,667
X2 = 0,333
koje predstavljaju optimalno rešenje.
Za ove vrednosti promenljivih X1 i X2 , funkcija cilja - troškovi po jednoj toni prizvedene smeše rude postaju maksimalni i iznose:
(max) T = 600 x 0,667 + 2000 x 0,333 = 1066,2 din/t
Proverom u sistem ograničenja, zaključujemo da je on zadovoljen:
0,667 + 0,333 = 1,0 ( = 0)
Sadržaj bakra
0,5 x 0,0,667 + 2 x 0,333 = 1,0 ( ≥ 1,0)
Sadržaj zlata
0,4 x 0,667 + 0,1 x 0,333 = 0,30 ( ≥0,2)
Sadržaj sumpora
2,5 x 0,667 + 20 x 0,333 = 8,33 ( ≤ 10,0)
3. Z A K L J U Č A K
Linearno programiranje je vrlo korisna metoda za optimizaciju ciljeva projekata i upravljanja rudarskom proizvodnjom, gde se ciljevi ostvaruju u uslovima ograničenih prirodnih resursa.
Svi problemi vezani za maksimizaciju ekonomskih efekata i minimizaciju troškova rudarske proizvodnje, počevši od izbora projekata do njihove proizvodne realizacije, vrlo uspešno se rešavaju linearnim programiranjem.
Time se kod izbora projekata i upravljanja rudarskom proizvodnjom, kao vrlo složenom i visokorizičnom, stepen rizika ostvarenja ciljeva, koji proističe iz neizvesnosti koju nose prirodni uslovi i tržište, svodi na najmanju moguću meru.
Linear programming is a very useful method for optimising projects’ goals and production of metal ores where goals are accomplished in conditions of limited natural resources.
This study offers a general form of mathematical model of linear programming of projets and production, and a numerical example of its application in practice.
KEY WORDS: Project management, choice of projects, production management, linear programming.
Production in mining is a very complicated and risky process. This high risk comes as an outcome of the uncertainty which is inevitably linked to the given natural conditions and the metal market.
For such highly risky projects it is of the greatest importance to lower the possibility of risk as much as possible. Linear programming is of invaluable use here.
In the most general sense, mining production rests on the exploitation of different deposits or parts of the deposits, according to quality and reserves.
If we take that production od the annual capacity Q = 1, encopassses the exploitation of n deposits or parts of the deposits, with various content of useful metals: k1, k2, ...., kn ; various content of useful premises: p1, p2, ...., pn; and various content of harmful premises: š1, š2, ..., šn ..., and joint processing of such a mixture of ore.
The target function is the revenue per ton of the produced mixture of ore P, which is to be maximized, as is given in the following equasion:
(max) P = X1P1 + X2P2 +....... + XnPn (1)
whereby X1, X2, ..., Xn stand for participation of ore production from various deposits or their parts,
(unit parts)
P1, P2, ...,Pn stand for revenue per ton of ore from particular deposits or their parts, (CSD/t)
The goal is to be achieved in conditions of certain limitations, such as the annual production capacity, the minimal content of useful components and the maximal content of harmful premises:
1. The annual production of ore Q is as follows:
Q = X1 + X2 + ........... + Xn = 1 (2)
2. The content of useful metal and useful premises in the mass unit of produced ore must not be under the lower required content (kmin and pmin):
3. The content of harmful premises in the mass unit of produced ore must not be greater than the maximal allowed content šmax:
X1š1 + X2š2 + ..... + Xnšn ≤ šmax (4)
Taking into account the stated goal and given limitations, the linear programming model of production is the following:
(max) P = X1P1 + X2P2 + ....... + XnPn
The number of unequations in the system of limitations depends on the number of ore-related parametres which ought to be limited in dependence on the type of ore as well as on the demands of the market.
The model solving using the linear programming method means determining the participation of ore production from certain deposits or their parts: X1, X2, ....., Xn , in conditions of given limitations which ensure maximal revenues per ton of produced ore. The simplex method is used in model solving1,2.
When defining and chosing mining projects and production management processes, the target function of optimization can also be the costs of ore production T which are to be minimized. If we take that production costs of one ton of ore from certain deposits are T1, T2, ...., Tn, then the target function is the costs per ton of produced mixture of ore which are to be minimized. In accordance with the already adopted symbols, the target finction is the following:
(min) T = X1T1 + X2T2 + ....... + XnTn (6)
The system of limitations in its most general form is the same as with the model (5) referring to revenue maximization. So, the mathematical model of linear programming of costs of mining projects and production in its most general form will be as follows:
In relation to the selection and management of projects and mining production, we will give a simple example how mathematical models of linear programming, given in the system of equatioons and unequations (5) and (7), can be applied, but it is to be emphasized that it is applicable to all possible and most complicated cases.
A mining company simultaneously exploits and processes a mixture of copper ore in two nearby mining bodies A and B. The ore in body A shows the content of 0.5% of copper, 0.4g/t of gold and 2.5% of sulfur. As for body B, this is 2.0 % of copper, 0.1 g/t of gold and 20 % of sulfur.
The revenue per ton is 1200 CSD/t for A, that is, 4500 CSd/t for B.
The company wishes to define the production in the mining bodies in such way that the mixture of ore intended for flotation is to be as follows: least,1.0 % of copper, least 0.2 g/t of gold and most 10 % of sulfur, as harmful components.
The task in fact is to determine the percentage of ore from mining bodies A and B in the mixture which allows the company to accomplish the maximum revenue per ton of produced ore and to meet, at the same time, the given limitations regarding the content of copper, gold and sulfur in the mixture.
On the basis of the given project and production goal, we will first define the function of the goal which, in accordance with the general equation (1), is the following:
(max) P = 1200 X1 + 4500 X2
The limitation defined by production is the following:
X1 + X2 = 1,0
The limitation defined by the minimal content of copper in the mixture is the following:
0,5 X1 + 2 X2 ≥ 1,0
The limitation defined by the content of gold in the mixture is the following:
0,4 X1 + 0,1 X2 ≥ 0,2
The limitation defined by the content of sulfur in the mixture is the following:
2,5 X1 + 20 X2 ≤ 10
On the basis of the defined target function and the defined limitations, the mathematical model of linear programming of production is as follows:
Since the given mathematical model of linear programming has only two variables (X1 i X2), it can be solved by applying the graphical procedure or by the simplex method 1. The simplex method is the only one which can be applied in those mathematical models of linear programming where there are more than two variables.
This study offers a graphical procedure of solving the model of linear progarmming which is easily understood by users, while the simplex method is widely explained and described in other studies and books1..
For graphical solving, it is necessary to present all unequations in the system of limitation in the form of equivalent equations:
In order to draw the lines more easily, we will first have to formulate the equations in their segmented form and we can do that by dividing them with the values of their free components on the right:
X1 + X2 = 1,0
0,5 X1 + 2 X2 = 1,0
2 X1 + 0,5 X2 = 1,0
0,25 X1 + 2 X2 = 1,0
Graph 1 shows all four lines which are in accordance with the given limitations. Since equation X1 + X2 = 1,0 is central in the system of limitations, only those points which are on the segment AB of the line meet the required limitations.
Graph 1 Graphical solution of revenue maximization
The optimal solution of the task can be found in one of the extreme points within a set of possible solutions for which the goal function offers maximal value.
With that aim, we will show the line which represents the goal function in the way that it goes through the coordinate beginning. In other words, the outcome of condition P = 0 is the following:
P = 1200 X1 + 4500 X2 = 0
from which we can derive that:
X2 = - 0,25 X1
This enables easy drawing of the right goal function through the coordinate beginning. When translating this line from the coordinate beginning to the remotest point A we come to the optimal solution which is the following:
X1 = 0,571
X2 = 0,429
For these values of variables X1 i X2 , the goal function – the revenue per ton of produced mixture of ore becomes maximal and is as follows:
(max) P = 1200 x 0,571 + 4500 x 0,429 = 2615,7 din/t
After checking in the system of limitation, we can conclude that it is satisfied:
0,571 + 0,429 = 1,0 ( = 1,0)
Copper content
0,5 x 0,571 + 2 x 0,429 = 1,14 ( ≥ 1,0)
Gold content
0,4 x 0,571 + 0,1 x 0,429 = 0,27 ( ≥ 0,2)
Sulfur content
2,5 x 0,571 + 20 x 0,429 = 10,0 ( ≤ 10,0)
Now we will change only the target function in the previous numerical example but we will preserve the same system of limitation. In other words, if the costs of producing one ton of ore in mine A is 600 CSD/t, and in mine B 2000 CSD/t, the company now wishes to define the project-production programme in the way that the costs of producing one ton of ore are as minimal as possible. In order to accomplish this aim, the mathematical model of linear programming will be as follows:
Here we will also show only the graphical procedure of optimization of linear programming model. In the same way as in the previous model of revenue maximization, only those lines which stand for the system of limitation are drawn as well as the line which stands for the goal function (graph 2).
Graph 2 Graphical solution of cost minimization
In order to reach an optimal solution, the line which stands for goal function (disconnected line going through the coordinate beginning) is moved along a straight line to the nearest point of the coordiante beginning and which belongs to the set of possible solutions. In this case it is point B in graph 2, which coordinates are
X1 = 0,667
X2 = 0,333
this being the most optimal of solutions.
For these values of variables X1 andX2 , the goal function – the costs per ton of produced mixture of ore are maximal and they are the following:
(max) T = 600 x 0,667 + 2000 x 0,333 = 1066,2 CSD/t
After checking in the system of limitations, we can conclude it is satisfied:
0,667 + 0,333 = 1,0 ( = 0)
Copper content
0,5 x 0,0,667 + 2 x 0,333 = 1,0 ( ≥ 1,0)
Gold content
0,4 x 0,667 + 0,1 x 0,333 = 0,30 ( ≥0,2)
Sulfur content
2,5 x 0,667 + 20 x 0,333 = 8,33 ( ≤ 10,0)
Linear programming is a very useful method for optimizing projects’ goals and managing mining production, where goals are achieved in conditions of limited natural resources.
All problems related to the maximization of economic effects and minimization of costs in mining production, from project selection to project realization, are successfully solved by help of linear programming.
We can conclude that the risk which exists in project selection and managing mining production is here reduced to the least possible measure. This is very important if we take into account that the risk which exists in this field is the consequence of the uncertainty inherited in natural conditions and in the market.
English to Serbian: CORPORATE PHILANTROPHY AS PART OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English
Apstrakt: Društveno odgovorno poslovanje, kao integralni deo poslovne strategije preduzeća sa jedne strane, ali i koncepta održivog razvoja sa druge strane, podrazumeva da se svi zadaci i ciljevi preduzeća definišu i implementiraju uz uvažavanje ekonomskih, pravnih i etičkig principa. Suština društveno odgovornog poslovanja, međutim, nije samo u poštovanju zakonskih propisa i normi, već mnogo šire. Uključuje proaktivan stav preduzeća i tzv. korporativnu filantropiju koja se nalazi na samom vrhu piramide društvene odgovornosti.
Ključne reči: društveno odgovorno poslovanje, korporativna filantropija, poslovna strategija, održivi razvoj
Zbog sve većih promena u svim sferama života, kada je svet suočen sa brojnim izazovima, a u cilju ostvarenja koncepta održivog razvoja, nastao je i koncept društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Uspostavljanje ravnoteže između ostvarivanja ekonomskih interesa, društvenog razvoja i aspekata zaštite životne sredine, moguće je samo ako se i pojedinci i preduzeća ponašaju na društveno odgovoran način. U radu su date osnovne postavke društveno odgovornog poslovanja i korprorativne filantropije, uz prikaz baze dobre prakse društveno odgovornog polovanja u Srbiji.
Društveno odgovorno poslovanje preduzeća predstavlja jedan od novijih menadžment koncepata. U teoriji se ideje o DOP-u prvi put sreću 1899. godine u radu „Jevanđelje bogatstva“, Andrew-a Carnegie. On je prvi govorio o potrebi preduzeća da pomaže i unapređuje društvo i okruženje u kome funkcioniše, ali osim njega u to vreme principi „dobročinstva i starateljstva“ za koje se on zalaže nisu bili prihvaćeni, mnogo je dominantnija bila liberalistička doktrina Adama Smita, po kojoj je jedina obaveza preduzeća da stvara profit, dok će sve ostalo rešiti „nevidljiva ruka“ slobodnog tržišta. [1]
Od 1950. godine se razvija moderan koncept DOP u kome su ključna pitanja vezana za moralna načela i etičko ponašanje, kao što su: sigurnost proizvoda, iskrenost u marketingu, prava zaposlenih, mogućnost napredovanja na poslu, zaštita životne sredine i sl. Razvoju ovog koncepta su veoma doprineli pokreti za ostvarenje ljudskih prava, i aktivnosti organizacija za zaštitu prava potrošača, organizacije za zaštitu prirodne sredine i sl. (koje nastaju od 1960-tih godina). Ove organizacije su unele nove zahteve preduzećima. Mnoge kompanije počele su da vode računa o sigurnosti svojih proizvoda, zaštiti okruženja i da se ponašaju moralno prema
interesnim grupama koje njihovo poslovanje dotiče. Međutim, 1970. godina, usled brojnih problema (rast inflacije i nezaposlenosti, rast cene nafte, povećanje troškova poslovanja preduzeća, delimično uslovljenih i prethodno donetim zakonima o zaštiti interesa potrošača i okruženja), koji ugrožavaju normalno funkcionisanje preduzeća, Milton Fridman se vraća klasičnom shvatanju, po kome je jedina obaveza preduzeća prema društvu da stvara profit za akcionare. [2]
Društveno odgovorno ponašanje (DOP) je poželjna dugoročna marketinška i poslovna orijentacija preduzeća. Njena suština je u delovanju koje je mnogo više od onoga što propisuje zakon, i uključuje ideju da je reaktivan stav prema društvenim problemima bolje zameniti proaktivnim, dobrovoljnim i preventivnim aktivnostima, kako se ograničeni resursi ne bi trošili na uklanjanje posledica nezakonitog i neetičkog ponašanja. Koncept korporativne odgovornosti organizacije nije teorijski jednoznačan. Prakse korporativne odgovornosti privrede u kontekstu procesa globalizacije, informatičke i komunikacijske revolucije, problema zaštite okoline i razvoja civilnog društva podstakle su istraživanja, rasprave i nastanak teorija kojima se ovaj razvoj stavlja u širi kontekst. Jednim delom se postojeće teorije oslanjaju na koncept razvoja socijalnih država, a drugim su povezane uz strategiju razvoja privrednog sektora u novom okruženju. [3]
Najčešća korišćena definicija je definicija Svetskog poslovnog saveta za održivi razvoj, koja
glasi: Društvena odgovornost preduzeća je neprestano obavezivanje poslovnog sveta da se ponaša etički i doprinosi ekonomskom razvoju, u isto vreme poboljšavajući kvalitet života, kako radne snage i njihovih porodica, tako i lokalne zajednice i društva uopšte. U knjizi Corporate Social Responsibility - An Implementation Guide for Canadian Business , data je sledeća definicija: Društvena odgovornost se shvata kao način na koji preduzeća integrišu svoja društvena i ekonomska interesovanja, kao i brigu o okruženju, u svoje vrednosti, kulturu, odlučivanje, strategiju i aktivnosti, javno i uračunljivo, a kao posledica svega toga, uspostavljaju bolje prakse, stvaraju bogatstvo i unapređuju društvo. [4]
Tabela 1. Evolucija DOP-a [5]
Institucionalizacije DOP-a godine
Osnovan Business in the Community (Biznis u zajednici) 1983/4
Osnovan Sastain Ability 1987
Osnovan The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF –Međunarodni formu poslovnih lidera princa od Velsa) 1990
Formirana je grupa za privredni razvoj Amensty Internationala 1991
Osnovan World Business Council for Sustaineble Development (WBCSD – Svetski poslovni savet za održivi razvoj)
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR – Poslovni savet za društvenu odgovornost) 1992
Osnovan CSR Europe 1995
ISO 14000; Svetski privredni forum (WEF) Odeljenje za korporativno građanstvo 1996
SA 8000, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI – Inicijativa za etično trgovanje)
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI – Globalna inicijativa za izveštavanje) 1997
Vlada Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva – postavlja Ministra za DOP
Kopenhaški centar (The Copenhagne Centre) 1998
Globalana Salivanova načela
UN Globalni dogovor 2000
Zelena knjiga EU
WEF Inicijativa za globalno korporativno građanstvo: promocija evropskog okvira DOP-a 2001
EU –Saopštenje o društvenoj odgovornosti preduzeća 2002
Ekvatorska načela 2003
ISO 26000 2010
Društvena odgovornost se može prikazati pomoću piramide društvene odgovornosti. Polazna osnova je ekonomska odgovornost, i samo ono preduzeće koje je rentabilno tj. koje ima značajnu stopu dobiti i tržišno učešće može ostvariti i značajnu ulogu u svojoj grani i društvu kao celini. Pravna odgovornost podrazumeva da preduzeće posluje u skladu sa zakonom, propisima i očekivanjima države. Etička odgovornost znači da preduzeće posluje u skladu sa očekivanjima društvenog morala i etičkih normi. Etičke norme se vremenom mogu donekle i menjati, ali se ne smeju narušavati ukoliko su prepreka ostvarenju nekih ciljeva poslovanja. Veliki broj preduzeća ima formalne kodekse etičkog ponašanja koji se odnose na one akcije koje mogu da prouzrokuju stvarnu ili potencijalnu štetu neke vrste (ekonomsku, mentalnu, pravnu). Praksa pokazuje da neetičko ponašanje ima negativne posledice na performanse preduzeća, i to ako ne u kratkom roku, onada u dugom roku. Filantropska (diskreciona) odgovornost znači da se preduzeće ponaša u skladu sa očekivanjima društva i različitih interesnih grupa, da bude donator i dobrotvor. Preduzuzeće treba da da doprinos razvoju kulture, obrazovanja, sprorta... Piramida društvene odgovornosti prikazana je na slici 1. [6], dok su na slici 2 prikazane ključne oblasti društveno odgovornog poslovanja.
Strategija razvoja i promocije društveno odgovornog poslovanja u Republici Srbiji za period od 2010. do 2015. godine predstavlja akt kojim se na celovit način utvrđuje stanje u oblasti društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Kao zemlja koja teži da se pridruži Evropskoj uniji, Republika Srbija je u obavezi da prihvati standarde i prakse Evropske unije, što uključuje i priznavanje i promovisanje DOP-a i njegovog doprinosa socijalnom skladu i održivoj konkurentnosti i razvoju. Sveobuhvatna vizija trebalo bi da ima za cilj promovisanje održivog poslovnog rasta i razvoja koji podstiču socijalnu inkluziju i sprečavaju narušavanje životne sredine. Uloga vlade u takvoj sveobuhvatnoj viziji treba da bude usredsređena na stvaranje takvog okruženja koje omogućuje i podstiče razvoj, inkluziju i održivost. Vizija za DOP podrazumeva sledeće:
• korišćenje postojećih dobrih praksi i modela iz Evropske unije, a naročito iz njenih novih zemalja članica i zemalja kandidata sa ciljem unapređenja DOP-a;
• stimulisanje transparentnosti, odnosno podsticanje prakse izveštavanja i javnog objavljivanja izveštaja o DOP-u;
• direktnu primenu društveno odgovornih praksi u situacijama gde je Vlada ta koja je u ulozi poslodavca;
• proaktivno korišćenje međunarodne usredsređenosti na DOP da bi se privukla i promovisala ulaganja u Republiku Srbiju;
• podsticanje organizacija iz poslovnog sektora, građanskog društva i javnog sektora da iskoriste svoj uticaj na privredu, društvo i životnu sredinu;
• podsticanje organizacija iz poslovnog sektora, građanskog društva i javnog sektora da preduzmu komplementarne radnje da bi se uhvatili u koštac sa ključnim izazovima na osnovu svojih osnovnih kompetencija – na lokalnom, regionalnom i nacionalnom nivou. [7]
Tabela 2. Ciljevi i očekivani rezultati strategije DOP-a
Cilj 1: promocija koncepta DOP-a - potrošači sve više uzimaju u obzir
aspekte DOP-a kada donose odluke o
svojim kupovinama;
- kompanije sve više gledaju na DOP
kao na mogućnost razvoja
konkurentnih prednosti;
-većina velikih kompanija priznaje
značaj i svrhu nefinansijskog
Cilj 2: razvoj praksi DOP-a -značajan broj kompanija poseduje znanje o tome kako da primeni DOP, naročito ideje o aktivnostima koje bi mogle da preduzmu i kako da ih strukturišu;
-civilni sektor sve više razvija partnerstva sa poslovnim sektorom koja sežu dalje od pribavljanja sredstava finansiranja i podižu svest poslovnog sektora o važnosti pitanja na kojima on radi.
Cilj 3: stvaranje podsticaja i zakonskih obaveza koji će osigurati razvoj okruženja koje pogoduje širenju DOP-a -data su opsežna pravila, propisi i podsticajni mehanizmi za DOP.
DOP je za Srbiju nov koncept koji počinje da se promoviše tokom poslednje decenije. Istraživanja koja su vršena u Srbiji tokom 2005. 2006. i 2008. godine pokazuju da se u periodu od 2001. godine do danas, svest stanovništva o potrebi za DOP, kao i poznavanje ovog koncepta postepeno povećavala. Međutim većina građana Srbije još uvek ne shvata u celini suštinu i značaj ovog koncepta tako da mu ne pridaje veliki značaj.[8] Nezadovoljavajući nivo svesti o potrebi za DOP ispoljavaju i menadžeri srpskih preduzeća (prema mišljenju velikog broja menadžera srpskih preduzeća o društvenim problemima treba da vodi računa država), tako da organizovanju poslovanja na društveno prihvatljiv način ne pridaju veliki značaj. Čak i menadžeri koji DOP smatraju bitnim za svoje preduzeće, uglavnom ga povezuju sa različitim oblicima jednokratne finansijske pomoći jer su prema mišljenju menadžera većine preduzeća sponzorstva i donacije najvidljiviji oblik DOP od koga preduzeće ima koristi. Pored toga, većina menadžera srpskih preduzeća nije dovoljno upoznata sa ovim konceptom (to potvrđuju rezultati istraživanja u kojima mnogi menadžeri elemente kao što su: prava žena, prava manjina, prava različitih društvenih grupa, diskriminacija i sl. ne smatraju segmentom DOP).
Stanje u praksi je još lošije. DOP se uglavnom shvata kao marketinški alat koji može predstavljati dobar oblik propagande i eventualno način za izgradnju dobre reputacije kome se ne pridaje strateški značaj. Prema podacima baze dobre prakse izuzetno mali broj kompanija u Srbiji (samo 5) ima menadžera za DOP, u nekima od njih je DOP prepušteno direktorima fondacija, dok u svim ostalim preduzećima ove poslove rade službe za odnose s javnošću. Pored toga ostvarene rezultate DOP preduzeća uglavnom ne unose u svoje izveštaje, već ih putem web sajtova ili putem medija prenose javnosti. [9] Posmatrano po elementima izveštaja EU kod preduzeća u Srbiji najveća pažnja se poklanja angažovanju preduzeća u društvenoj zajednici. Većina preduzeća vrši ispitivanje potreba lokalne zajednice na osnovu kojih se kreiraju aktivnosti i programi podrške koji su uglavnom jednokratni i periodični, a samo mali broj preduzeća to radi dugoročno i strateški. Stratešku saradnju preduzeća najčešće uspostavljaju sa Univerzitetima i istraživačkim centrima (pružajući kontinuiranu podršku nauci i obrazovanju) ili sprovodeći projekte u oblasti zdravstvene zaštite u saradnji sa lokalnom samoupravom. Daleko veći broj preduzeća samo sporadično i ne planski podržava određene projekte za unapređenje društvene zajednice (koje su veoma različite – od uređenja parkova do podrške infrastrukturnim projektima kao što je gradnja puteva).
Hronološki razvoj DOP-a u Srbiji može se prikazati na sledeći način:
• 2007 Holcim objavljuje Izveštaj o društveno odgovornom poslovanju, prvi takav izveštaj jedne kompanije u Srbiji,
- UNIDO, Smart Kolektiv i PKS organizuju konferenciju „Društveno odgovorno poslovanje u
- malom i srednjem biznisu i savetodavnim institucijama u Srbiji“,
- BCIF ustanovljava godišnju nagradu VIRTUS za korporativnu filantropiju,
- Osnovan Global Compact Srbija,
• 2008 - PKS uspostavlja CSR nagradu,
- na inicijativu Smart Kolektiva i vodećih kompanija u Srbiji osnovan Forum poslovnih lidera,
• 2009 - Ministarstvo Rada i socijalne politike inicira proces kreiranja državne DOP strategije
Glavni cilj izrade baze dobre prakse društveno odgovornog poslovanja bio je identifikovanje i sistematizacija društveno odgovornih praksi čime se želelo da ovakve prakse postanu vidljivije u javnosti i da se kompanije koje posluju u Srbiji podstaknu i ohrabre na veće angažovanje. Podaci dobijeni tokom izrade Baze dobre prakse svedoče o tome da među najvećim kompanijama u Srbiji postoje značajne razlike u njihovim praksama društveno odgovornog poslovanja i stepenu opredeljenosti za njihovo dalje razvijanje.[9]
Od ukupnog broja ispitanih kompanija, relativno mali broj kompanija, odnosno svega jedna petina (11) pokrenulo je u dosadašnjem periodu nekakav vid fonda ili fondacije kao jednog od vidova korporativne filantropije. Ova činjenica govori o još uvek niskom stepenu institucionalnog pristupa filantropskom ili društvenom angažovanju kod kompanija u Srbiji. Od oblasti delovanja koje su pokrivene radom ovih fondova/fondacija, najveći broj je posvećen socijalnoj zaštiti, nauci i obrazovanju i kulturi i umetnosti (po 5). Nešto manji broj je angažovan na ZŽS (3), zatim sportu, zdravstvu i unapređenju međunarodne saradnje (po 2), dok je svega jedna fondacija strateški opredeljena za pružanje humanitarne pomoći i unapređenje lokalne infrastrukture.
Od ukupnog broja ispitanih kompanija, najveći broj kompanija je u protekle tri godine bilo angažovano na polju stipendiranja mladih i pružanju podrške nauci i obrazovanju (46), ili je učestvovalo u inicijativama humanitarnog ili donatorskog karaktera (44). Od ukupnog broja ispitanih kompanija, u 8 kompanija nije utvrđeno postojanje sektora u okviru organizacione strukture kompanije koji je zadužen za pitanja društveno odgovornog poslovanja. Od preostalih 45 kompanija, u najvećem broju slučajeva je za ta pitanja zadužen sektor komunikacija (korporativne komunikacije, marketing i odnosi sa javnošću) (24), dok su u 9 slučajeva za ova pitanja zaduženi sektori opštih poslova i razvoja. U 6 kompanija ovim pitanjima bave se predstavnici top-menadžmenta (direktori, članovi upravnih odbora), dok u isto toliko kompanija postoji zasebna CSR-pozicija (menadžer za društveno odgovorno poslovanje, direktor Fonda/Fondacije, odnosi sa zajednicom).
Na osnovu dobijenih podataka, ispitane kompanije možemo na osnovu nivoa razvijenosti CSR-a grupisati u tri kategorije koje uslovno možemo označiti kao početni, srednji i viši nivo. U kategoriju početni nivo mogu se svrstati kompanije u kojima se sreću neke od CSR-aktivnosti, ali u kojima ne postoji trajna i sistematska opredeljenost za angažovanje. U okviru organizacijske strukture obično ne postoji osoba ili odeljenje zaduženo za bavljenje društveno odgovornim poslovanjem, niti bilo kakvi trajni projekti. Od ukupnog broja kompanija obuhvaćenih ovim istraživanjem, 28% (15) kompanija mogu se svrstati u ovu kategoriju. U srednji nivo mogu se svrstati kompanije u kojima je proces razvoja CSR-sistema započet i u kojima postoji jasna opredeljenost za angažovanje koja, međutim, nije do kraja definisana. U oblasti društvenog angažovanja, za ove kompanije je karakterističan prvenstveno donatorski pristup, tako da je delovanje generalno bazirano na donacijama namenjenim institucijama i organizacijama različitih profila, dok je razvijanje trajnijih i partnerskih odnosa sa njima sporadično. Od ukupnog broja kompanija obuhvaćenih ovim istraživanjem, u ovu kategoriju može se svrstati 34% (18) kompanija. I u ovom segmentu dominiraju prvenstveno strane kompanije koje čine dve trećine, dok su kompanije u državnom vlasništvu relativno manje zastupljene. Kompanije koje spadaju u kategoriju viši nivo karakteriše aktivan pristup i razvijene poslovne strategije usmerene na pitanja društveno odgovornog poslovanja, koje se ogledaju prvenstveno kroz postojanje organizacionih jedinica unutar kompanija sa jasno definisanim zaduženjima i opsegom delovanja. U ovim kompanijama je tačno utvrđeno ko su njihovi stejkholderi i koje su to oblasti angažovanja kojima se želi pokloniti pažnja, u skladu sa čim se iniciraju i razvijaju dugoročni projekti usmereni na njih. Od ukupnog broja kompanija obuhvaćenih ovim istraživanjem, 38% (20) se mogu svrstati u ovu kategoriju. [9]
Korporativna filantropija je deo koncepta društveno odgovornog poslovanja i jedan od načina na koji kompanija može uspešno i jasno da pokaže svoje vrednosti i uverenja zaposlenima i partnerima, kao i klijentima i javnosti. Dajući podršku u novcu, proizvodima ili uslugama, kompanija zapravo pokazuje da razume potrebe šire zajednice i društva u kojem radi. Korporativna filantropija je takođe i strategija, odnosno daje osnovne strateške pravce kojimse zadovoljavaju potrebe i zajednice i društva.
Abstact: Corporate social responsibility, as an integral part of a company's business strategy on one hand, and of the sustainable development concept, on the other, means that all the tasks and goals of a company are defined and implemented with respect to economic, legal and ethical principles. The essence of corporate social responsibility, however, is not only in compliance with regulations and standards, but much wider. It includes a proactive stance of the company and the so called corporate philanthropy, which is at the very top of the social responsibility pyramid.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, corporate philanthropy, business strategy, sustainable development.
The social responsibility concept has emerged as a consequence of great changes in all spheres of life when the world is facing a number of challenges and as a response to the accomplishment of the sustainable development concept. Striking a balance among achieving economic interests, social development and different aspects of the environmental protection is possible only if individuals and companies behave in a socially responsible manner. The paper offers the basic theses on socially responsible doing business and corporate philanthropy along with examples of good practice of socially responsible operations in Serbia.
Corporate social responsibility is one of the newer concepts in management. In theory it was first mentioned in 1899 in the Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie. He was the first to point to the need of a company to help and enrich society and its immediate surrounding. At that time, the principles of charity and stewardship on which his view was based, were not widely accepted. The liberal doctrine of Adam Smith was rather more dominant according to which the only role of the company was to make profits while everything else was to be done by 'the invisible hand of the market'. [1]
Since 1950 a modern concept of corporate social responsibility has begun to develop in which the key issues are related to the moral principles and ethical behaviour such as: product safety, honesty in marekting, the employees' rights, possibilities to advance at work, the protection of the environment, etc. What has greatly contributed to this concept development are numerous human rights movements and organisations for consumer and environmental protection and the like which emerged in the 1960s. These organisations introduced new demands and requests that companies had had no obligation to pay attention to before. As a result, many companies began to take into account the safety of their products, they started protecting the environment and behaved ethically with interest groups they came in contact with. However, in the 1970s due to many problems (inflation and unemployment rise, oil prices increase, rising business costs, partly conditioned by previously passed laws on the consumer and environment protection) which endanger the normal company functioning, Milton Friedman readopts the classical interpretation of business according to which the only duty the company has is to make a profit and cheer up its shareholders. [2]
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a desirable marketing and business orientation in the long run. Its essence is much more than the mere words stated by the relevant laws; it is an idea that an inactive attitude to social problems ought to be replaced by proactive, voluntary and preventive activities so that limited resources are not to be spent on removing the consequences of illegal and unethical behaviour. The corporate social responsibility concept is not theoretically unambiguous. In practice, new trends such as the process of globalisation, the information and communication revolution, environmental problems, rapid development of civil society, etc have all encouraged research, discussions and the emergence of different theories which place this particular corporate responsibility development in a wider context. The existing theories in part rely on the development concept of social states, and are in part based on the development strategy of the economic sector in a new surrounding. [3]
The most often used definition is the one given by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development: Corporate social responsibility means reminding the business world constantly about the necessity of ethical behaviour and contribution to the economic development simultaneously improving the quality of life of not only workers and their families but the local community and society as a whole. The book Corporate Social Responsibility - An Implementation Guide for Canadian Business offers yet another definition: Corporate social responsibility is seen as a way in which companies integrate their social and economic interests and concerns about the environment into their values, culture, decision-making, strategies and activities, which helps make better practical operations, makes them richer and improve the society. [4]
Table 1 Evolution of CSR [5]
Institutionalization of CSR years
Business in the Community founded 1983/4
Sastain Ability founded 1987
The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum founded
(IBLF) 1990
Group for the economic development of Amensty International founded 1991
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) 1992
CSR Europe founded 1995
ISO 14000; World Economic Forum (WEF), Department of Civil Service 1996
SA 8000, Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI –)
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 1997
The UK Government – appoints Minister for CSR
The Copenhagne Centre 1998
Global Sullivan Principles
UN Global Agreement 2000
EU Green Book
WEF Initiative for Global Corporate Civil Service: Promotion of the European Framework of CSR 2001
EU – Statement on corporate social responsibility 2002
The Equator Principles 2003
ISO 26000 2010
Social responsibility may be shown in the form of the pyramid of social responsibility. The starting point is economic responsibility, which means that only a profitable company (the one which has a significant income and market share) can play an important role in its industry and society as a whole. Legal responsibility means that the company operates in accordance with the law, regulations and expecations of the given state. Ethical responsibility means that the company operates in accordance with the expecations of the society regarding its ethics and current ethical principles. Ethical principles may sometimes change as times change but cannot be broken to reach business goals. A number of companies pays attention to etiquette regarding the actions that may cause potential or real harm (economic, mental, legal). Practice shows that unethical behaviour has negative consequences on the company's performance, perhaps not in the short run, but in the long run for sure. Philanthropic (discretionary) responsibility means that the company acts in accordance with the expectations of the society and different interest groups, and that it may be a donor or a charitable institution if required. The company should contribute to the development of culture, education, sport, etc. The pyramid of social responsibility is shown in Picture 1 [6], while Picture 2 shows the key areas of corporate social responsibility.
The strategy and promotion of corporate social responsibility in Serbia for the period from 2010 to 2015 defines the state of affairs in this area as a whole. As a country whose intention is to become a member of the European Union, the Republic of Serbia has a duty and obligation to accept the standards and practices of the EU which means that it has to adopt and promote CSR and its contribution to social harmony and sustainable competitiveness and development. The aim of the overall vision should be the promotion of sustainable business growth and development which encourage social inclusion and prevent environmental degradation. The government’s role here should be focusing on the creation of such an atmosphere which would enable and encourage development, inclusion and sustainability. The vision of CSR includes the following:
• Using the existing good practices and models from the EU, particularly those practiced by the new member states and candidate states with the aim of developing CSR;
• Stimulating transparency, i.e. encouraging giving reports and public informing on CSR;
• Applying directly socially responsible practices in the situations when the Government has a role of an employer;
• Using proactively the international focus on CSR in order to attract and promote investments in the Republic of Serbia;
• Encouraging business, civil service and public sector organisations to use their influence and affect the economy, the society and the environment;
• Encouraging business, civil service and public sector organisations to undertake complementary actions to deal with the key challenges depending on their competences – at the local, regional and national level. [7]
Table 2 The goals and expected results of the CSR strategy
Goal 1: promoting the CSR concept - consumers take into account CSR aspects more and more when making decisions rgarding their purchases;
- companies see CSR more and more as a possibility of developing competitive advantages;
- most large companies recognize the importance and point of non-financial reporting;
Goal 2: developing the CSR practices -a significant number of companies possess knowledge of how to apply CSR, particularly the ideas about the activities that could be undertaken and how they can be structured;
- the civil service sector enters partnerships with business sector more and more and they range from acquiring finances to increasing awareness of the busienss sector about the importance of the relevant issues.
Goal 3: creating tools of encouragement and legal obligations that would ensure the development suitable for CSR spreading -detailed rules, regulations and encouragement tools of CSR have been given
The concept of CSR is relatively new in Serbia and its promotion only began in the last decade. The research conducted in Serbia in 2005, 2006 and 2008 show that the knowledge of people regarding the need for CSR and of the concept itself has gradually increased from 2001. However, the majority of the population still does not understand the essence and importance of this concept and therefore pays little attention to it. [8] Even managers employed in Serbian companies are not much aware of the need for CSR (according to the opinion of a large number of managers, it is up to the state to take care of social problems) and do not pay much attention to organising their business in a socially acceptable way. Even the managers who say that CSR is important in their business operations mainly link this concept with various forms of one-off payments, since the majority of them see sponsorship and donations as the most apparent form of CSR a company may benefit from. Besides this, the majority of Serbian managers are not quite familiar with this concept (this is confirmed by the research in which many managers have not recognized that CSR includes a scope of different issues such as women's rights, minority rights, rights of different social groups, discrimination etc.).
It is even worse in practice. CSR is mainly seen as a marketing tool which can be a powerful form of propaganda and possibly help build good reputation and is therefore paid no strategic importance. According to Good Practice Database, an extremely small number o Serbian companies (only 5) have a CSR manager, in some of them foundation executives are in charge of SCR, and in the rest in these issues are the responsibility of the PR sector. Besides, the accomplished results of CSR usually do not find their place in the companies' resports; they are mainly published on websites or in the media. [9] According to the elements of the UE report, Serbian companies pay the most attention to engaging in the community. Most of the companies conduct research and then organise support programs and activities to help solve local problems, but these are all periodical and one-off; only a small number of companies do this strategiacally and in the long term. Strategic cooperation is most often accomplished with universities and research centres (offering permanenet support to science and education) or they carry out joint projects with the local self government trying to improve health care quality. However, a far greater number of companies have no strategy or plan when participating or supporting community development projects (which are different and range from park arranging to supporting infrastructural projects such as road construction).
The development of CSR in Serbia can be shown in the following chronological order:
• In 2007 Holcim gave a Report on CSR, the first of the kind in Serbia,
• UNIDO, Smart Kolektiv and PKS organized the conference 'Corporate social responsibility in small and middle-size enterprises and advisory institutions in Serbia,
• BCIF introduced the yearly award, VIRTUS, for corporate philanthropy
• The Global Compact Network in Serbia launched
• In 2008, PKS introduced Awards for corporate social responsibility
• After the suggestion of Smart Kolektiv and Serbian leading companies, Business Leaders Forum was founded
• In 2009, the Ministry of labour and social policies initiated the creation the national CSR strategy
The main goal of Good Practice Database was to identify and systematize socially responsible practices in order to make them more apparent to the public and thus encourage other companies operating in Serbia to engage more. The data obtained after Good Practice Database had been created are a proof that there are significant differences among the largest companies in Serbia regarding their corporate social responibility practices when doing business as well as their will and readiness to develop them further. [9]
A relatively small number of companies, of all that the research covered, or more precisely only one-fifth (11 companies) have initiated a kind of fund or foundation as one of the forms of corporate philanthropy. This fact speaks volumes about a low level of institutional approach to philanthropic or socially engaging attitude of Serbian companies. The largest number, depending on the funds / foundations' sphere of activity, is dedicated to social protection, science and education, and culture and art (5 each). A somewhat smaller number is engaged in the environmental protection (3), then comes sport, health care and international cooperation development (2 each), while only one foundation has strategically chosen to deal with humanitarion aid and develop the local infrastructure.
Of all the companies in the survey, the largest number has been engaged in giving tuitions and support to science and education in the last three years (46), or has taken part in hunanitarian or donor initiatives (44). Of the overall number, eight companies have no department within the company's organisational structure that deals with CSR. In the remaining 45 companies this issue is dealt with the communications department (corporate communications, marketing and PR) (24), and in 9 cases other departments dealing with business in general or develoment are in charge of CSR. The top-management is in charge of CSR in 6 companies (CEOs, board members) and in the same number of companies there is a separate CSR position (CSR manager, Fund / Foundation Executive, PR representative).
On the basis of the obtained results, all the companies may be classified into three groups according to the degree of their CSR development : beginner, intermediate and higher. The beginner level make the companies in which some of the CSR activities have been encountered, but they have no permanent or organised systematic engagement. Talking about their organisational structure, there is usually no specific person in charge of CSR business dealings and there are no long-termed projects. 28% (15 companies) of the companies covered by this survey can be classified into this category. The intermediate level make the companies in which the proces of CSR system development has started and there is a clear determination to engage but has not been fully defined yet. What is characteristic of these companies in the sphere of social engagement is, first of all, their donor approach, which means that their activities are directed at donating institutions and organisations of different profiles, while diveloping long lasting partnerships with them is rather sporadic. 34% (18) of the companies covered by this survey can be classified into this category. The foreign companies are here also dominant making two-thirds, while the companies which are state-owned are relatively rare. The companies which fit into the third category – higher level – are characterised by an active approach and developed business strategies directed at the issues of CSR, which can be seen primarily in the existence of organisational units within the companies themself that are in charge of CSR and have clearly defined tasks and activities. In these companies it is completely clear who their stakeholders are and what spheres are paid special attention to so all the undertaken activities are carefully planned and designed to initiate and develop long-term projects. 38% (20) of the companies this survey covered can be classified into this category. [9]
Corporate philanthropy is part of the corporate social responsibility concept and is one of the ways in which a company may successfully and clearly show its values and beliefs to its employees, partners, clients and the general public. Giving support in the form of money, products or services the company actually shows that it understands the needs of a wider community and society in which it operates. Corporate philanthropy is also a strategy as it gives the basic strategic directions by help of which it meets the needs of both the community and society as a whole.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Philosophy, English Department, University of Nis, Serbia
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Feb 2017.
1996-2002 Faculty of Philosophy, English Department (BA), University of Nis, Serbia
1995-1998 Business School, Megatrend University of Applied Sciences of Belgrade
(Associate degree in Business Administration/Marketing)
1991-1995 Grammar School, Zajecar, Serbia
Employment history
2002 – Faculty of Management Zajecar, Dzon Naisbitt University, Belgrade
English teacher; teaching Business and Legal English;
Also have been translating various texts and documents (business,
economics, management, law, mathematics, sustainable development,
e-learning, IT, etc.)
2013/14 Berlitz School of foreign languages
English teacher, Zajecar (Zajecar Brewery)
2001-04 English language School Oxford-Center Nis, Serbia
English teacher (students of different age and knowledge)
May 2017 Have been translating / editing / proofreading various texts for TransPerfect (as a
Feb 2017 Translated part of the project documentation - Railway construction; Institute of
Transportation CIP, Belgrade , Serbia
2003 Translated project documentation - Municipal Development - financed by FIDECO
and the local self-government (East Serbia)
Computer Skills
MS Office; Wordfast;
Hobbies: gardening; walking; reading;
Personal profile
I am hard working, creative and punctual. I am very professional and always meet deadlines.