Working languages:
French to English
Spanish to English

Octavio Armendariz - Words Matter Translations LLC
FR-EN specializing in finance and law

Tucson, Arizona, United States
Local time: 00:37 MST (GMT-7)

Native in: English 
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2 positive reviews
Account type Freelancer and outsourcer, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Finance (general)Accounting
Law: Contract(s)Real Estate


Conditions apply
All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 136, Questions answered: 75, Questions asked: 2
Blue Board entries made by this user  0 entries
Payment methods accepted Check, Wire transfer
Company size <3 employees
Year established 2016
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Translation education Other - ESIT
Experience Years of experience: 34. Registered at Jun 2012. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Spanish to English (American Translators Association)
Memberships N/A
Software CafeTran Espresso, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume English (PDF), French (PDF)
Events and training
Professional practices Words Matter Translations LLC endorses's Professional Guidelines.
I am a seasoned French-to-English legal and financial translator seeking to work closely with reliable translation agencies that value high quality work and understand that translation takes time. My aim is to offer agencies the best value for their money. For documents of a general nature, my output per day is 3,000 words (up to 5,000 using a CAT tool like Trados Studio) and 2,500 words for complex documents. I am open to working in and acquiring other CAT tools like MemoQ and/or WordFast depending on the volume of work offered.

Since I studied, lived and worked in Paris from 1989 to 1996 as a freelance translator, I acquired an in-depth knowledge of French civil, commercial, tax, employment and administrative law.

I also translate from Spanish into English. I grew up bilingual (English and Spanish) on the Arizona/Sonora border and studied at a Mexican high school, hence my fluency in Spanish. However, I went to high school and college in the U.S. and therefore consider English my native language because it is my dominant language and I have been speaking, reading and writing it since I was five years old. I also received formal training in Spanish-to-English translation at the ESIT (a Paris, France-based translation and interpretation school).

For Tectrad one of my major agency clients, I have worked in the following areas:
Annual and management reports for banks
Appellate pleadings for many types of cases including intellectual property cases.
Commercial leases
Layoff plans
Property contracts
Replies to the French tax authorities relating to transfer pricing
Several types of audits

Traducteur juridique et financier expérimenté de langue maternelle anglaise, je cherche à nouer des liens privilégiés avec des entreprises françaises dynamiques ayant des besoins de traduction. Mon objectif est de vous offrir le meilleur rapport qualité/prix. Je traduis du français vers l’anglais américain, mais aussi de l’espagnol vers l’anglais américain. Ma productivité pour des documents généraux est de 3000 mots par jour (voire 5000 mots en cas de travail avec un outil de traduction assistée par ordinateur tel que Trados Studio) et de 2500 mots par jour pour des documents techniques.
Comme j’ai étudié, habité et travaillé à Paris de 1989 à 1996 en tant que traducteur indépendant, j’ai acquis une connaissance approfondie du droit civil et commercial, de la fiscalité, du droit du travail et du droit administratif de ce beau pays qui est le vôtre.
Pour Tectrad, l’un de mes principaux clients, j’ai travaillé dans les domaines suivants :
- Contrats immobiliers
- Baux commerciaux
- Conclusions pour toute une panoplie d’affaires y compris des affaires ayant trait à la propriété intellectuelle
- Plans sociaux
- Réponses à l’administration fiscale ayant trait au prix de transfert
- Rapports annuels et rapports de gestion en particulier pour des SSII et des banques
- Plusieurs types d’audit
Keywords: Financial accounting, Cost Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Law, Accounting documents, Annual reports, Articles of incorporation and bylaws, Corporate reorganizations, Decrease and increase in share capital. See more.Financial accounting, Cost Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Law, Accounting documents, Annual reports, Articles of incorporation and bylaws, Corporate reorganizations, Decrease and increase in share capital, Employment contracts, EU law, Franchising and licensing agreements, Insurance policies, Intellectual property, International contracts, IPOs, Arbitration under ICC rules, Corporate Law; International Contracts; Incoterms; Letters of Credit; International Finance; International Loan Documents; Joint Ventures; Arbitration and International Resolution of Disputes; Real Estate; U.S. Trade Laws; Countertrade and Barter; Import/Export Law; International Transfer of Personnel; International Taxation; Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Franchising; Current Issues in the EEC; Legal Research and Writing, Layoff plans, Mergers and acquisitions, Pleadings and summonses, Share transfer agreements, Transfer pricing, Skills for Professional Development, Management: Theory, Practice and Application, Organizational Behavior, College Mathematics I and II, Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making, Financial Accounting I, Principles of Microeconomics, Financial Accounting II, Government and Non-Profit Accounting, Accounting Information System I, Principles of Macroeconomics, Corporate Finance, Cost Accounting, Business Law, International Business Law, Business Communication for Accountants, Introduction to Computer Applications and Business, Accounting Ethics and Professional Relations, Accords de licence et de franchise, Assignations en justice, Augmentations/réductions de capital social, Conclusions cour d’appel, Contrats d’assurance, Contrats de travail, Contrats internationaux, Conventions de cession de titres, Conventions pour emprunts obligataires, Documents comptables, Droit communautaire, Extraits K-bis, Fusions et acquisitionsn, Introductions en bourse, Plans sociaux, Prix de transfert, Procédures collectives, Propriété intellectuelle, Rapports annuels, Statuts, Communication des affaires pour comptables Comptabilité analytique, Comptabilité générale I, Comptabilité générale I : niveau intermédiaire I, Comptabilité générale II, Comptabilité pours les administrations et les associations à but non lucratif, Déontologie pour comptables et rapports professionnels, Droit des échanges internationaux, Droit du commerce (droit américain), Finance d’entreprise : marchés des capitaux, actions et obligations, Gestion de l’entreprise : principes et pratique, Introduction aux logiciels et aux systèmes d’entreprises, Macroéconomie, Microéconomie, Outils pour le développement professionnel, Science des organisations, Stratégies d’aide à la décision, Système informatique comptable I, . See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 19, 2022

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