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Freelancer and outsourcer, Verified member This person previously served as a moderator. This translator helped to localize into Indonesian
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1 projects entered 1 positive feedback from outsourcers
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Translation Volume: 0 chars Languages: English to Indonesian
Translation of over 200 pages of webpages
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Hengky Chiok: Thank you for your feedback. It's very much appreciated.
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Indonesian: 1st Annual Translation Contest - Entry #7121
Source text - English Heathrow Airport is one of the few places in England you can be sure of seeing a gun. These guns are carried by policemen in short-sleeved shirts and black flak-jackets, alert for terrorists about to blow up Tie-Rack. They are unlikely to confront me directly, but if they do I shall tell them the truth. I shall state my business. I’m planning to stop at Heathrow Airport until I see someone I know. (...)
Astonishingly, I wait for thirty-nine minutes and don’t see one person I know. Not one, and no-one knows me. I’m as anonymous as the drivers with their universal name-cards (some surnames I know), except the drivers are better dressed. Since the kids, whatever I wear looks like pyjamas. Coats, shirts, T-shirts, jeans, suits; like slept-in pyjamas. (...)
I hear myself thinking about all the people I know who have let me down by not leaving early on a Tuesday morning for glamorous European destinations. My former colleagues from the insurance office must still be stuck at their desks, like I always said they would be, when I was stuck there too, wasting my time and unable to settle while Ally moved steadily onward, getting her PhD and her first research fellowship at Reading University, her first promotion.
Our more recent grown-up friends, who have serious jobs and who therefore I half expect to be seeing any moment now, tell me that home-making is a perfectly decent occupation for a man, courageous even, yes, manly to stay at home with the kids. These friends of ours are primarily Ally’s friends. I don’t seem to know anyone anymore, and away from the children and the overhead planes, hearing myself think, I hear the thoughts of a whinger. This is not what I had been hoping to hear.
I start crying, not grimacing or sobbing, just big silent tears rolling down my cheeks. I don’t want anyone I know to see me crying, because I’m not the kind of person who cracks up at Heathrow airport some nothing Tuesday morning. I manage our house impeccably, like a business. It’s a serious job. I have spreadsheets to monitor the hoover-bag situation and colour-coded print-outs about the ethical consequences of nappies. I am not myself this morning. I don’t know who I am.
Translation - Indonesian Bandara Heathrow adalah satu dari tidak banyak tempat di Inggris di mana Anda dapat melihat senjata api. Senjata-senjata api ini dibawa oleh para polisi yang berpakaian lengan pendek dan memakai jaket anti-peluru berwarna hitam, bersiap siaga menghadapi teroris yang mau meledakkan toko Tie-Rack. Memang kecil kemungkinan mereka akan mengkonfrontasi saya secara langsung, namun kalau mereka melakukannya, saya akan memberitahukan yang sebenarnya. Saya akan memberitahukan apa yang saya lakukan. Saya merencanakan untuk berhenti di Bandara Heathrow sampai bertemu dengan seseorang yang saya kenal. (…)
Yang luar biasa, saya menunggu selama tiga puluh sembilan menit dan tidak melihat seorang yang saya kenal. Tidak seorangpun yang saya kenal dan mengenali saya. Saya sama tidak dikenalnya dengan para supir dengan papan nama mereka yang seragam (beberapa nama keluarga saya kenali), kecuali bahwa para supir tsb. berpakaian lebih bagus. Sejak kanak-kanak, apa saja yang saya kenakan kelihatan seperti piyama. Jaket, kemeja, kaos, jins, jas; kelihatan seperti piyama yang sudah dipakai tidur. (…)
Saya mendengar diri saya memikirkan kenalan-kenalan yang telah mengecewakan saya karena tidak berangkat lebih awal pada hari Selasa pagi ke tempat-tempat yang wah di Eropah. Mantan rekan-rekan kerja saya dari kantor asuransi pastilah masih lengket di meja-meja mereka, seperti yang saya sudah katakan, waktu saya juga masih begitu, menghabiskan waktu saya tanpa tujuan, sementara Ally terus bergerak maju dengan mantap, meraih gelar PhDnya dan beasiswa penelitian yang pertama di Universitas Reading, naik pangkatnya yang pertama.
Teman-teman kami lainnya yang baru beranjak dewasa, yang memiliki pekerjaan yang serius dan oleh karenanya saya setengah berharap untuk bisa temui sekarang ini, memberitahu saya bahwa tinggal di rumah adalah pekerjaan yang sama sekali tidak ada jeleknya bagi seorang pria, bahkan termasuk sesuatu yang penuh keberanian, bahkan jantan untuk bisa tinggal di rumah dengan anak-anak. Teman-teman kami ini pada umumnya adalah teman-teman Ally. Saya sepertinya tidak mengenal siapapun lagi, dan terpisah dari anak-anak serta pesawat yang lewat di atas kepala, saya mendengar pikiran saya sendiri, saya mendengar pikiran seorang tukang ngomel. Ini bukanlah sesuatu yang saya ingin dengarkan.
Saya mulai menangis, bukan tersedu sedan atau terisak-isak, hanya airmata yang mengalir dengan senyap di pipi saya. Saya tidak mau seorangpun mengetahui bahwa saya menangis, karena saya bukan tipe orang yang hancur berantakan pada hari Selasa pagi yang tidak ada artinya di Bandara Heathrow. Saya mengatur rumah kami dengan sempurna, seperti sebuah perusahaan. Itu adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang serius. Saya mempunyai lembar lajur untuk memantau situasi kantong mesin pengisap debu dan kertas-kertas yang ditandai dengan berbagai warna mengenai konsekwensi etis dari popok. Saya lain sekali pagi ini. Saya tidak tahu siapakah saya.
English to Indonesian: 7th Translation Contest - Entry #5465
Source text - English Winters used to be cold in England. We, my parents especially, spent them watching the wrestling. The wrestling they watched on their black-and-white television sets on Saturday afternoons represented a brief intrusion of life and colour in their otherwise monochrome lives. Their work overalls were faded, the sofa cover—unchanged for years—was faded, their memories of the people they had been before coming to England were fading too. My parents, their whole generation, treadmilled away the best years of their lives toiling in factories for shoddy paypackets. A life of drudgery, of deformed spines, of chronic arthritis, of severed hands. They bit their lips and put up with the pain. They had no option but to. In their minds they tried to switch off—to ignore the slights of co-workers, not to bridle against the glib cackling of foremen, and, in the case of Indian women, not to fret when they were slapped about by their husbands. Put up with the pain, they told themselves, deal with the pain—the shooting pains up the arms, the corroded hip joints, the back seizures from leaning over sewing machines for too many years, the callused knuckles from handwashing clothes, the rheumy knees from scrubbing the kitchen floor with their husbands' used underpants.
When my parents sat down to watch the wrestling on Saturday afternoons, milky cardamon tea in hand, they wanted to be entertained, they wanted a laugh. But they also wanted the good guy, just for once, to triumph over the bad guy. They wanted the swaggering, braying bully to get his come-uppance. They prayed for the nice guy, lying there on the canvas, trapped in a double-finger interlock or clutching his kidneys in agony, not to submit. If only he could hold out just a bit longer, bear the pain, last the course. If only he did these things, chances were, wrestling being what it was, that he would triumph. It was only a qualified victory, however. You'd see the winner, exhausted, barely able to wave to the crowd. The triumph was mainly one of survival.
Translation - Indonesian Musim dingin di Inggris biasanya dingin. Kami, khususnya orangtua saya, melewatkan musim dingin dengan menonton gulat. Olahraga gulat yang mereka saksikan di televisi hitam putih mereka pada hari-hari Sabtu sore merupakan selingan singkat yang mewarnai kehidupan mereka yang tanpa warna. Baju kerja mereka sudah pudar, kain penutup sofa – yang selama bertahun-tahun tidak pernah diganti – sudah pudar, kenangan mereka akan siapa mereka sebelum pindah ke Inggris juga memudar. Orangtua saya, seluruh generasi mereka, menghabiskan tahun-tahun hidup mereka yang terbaik berjalan di tempat dengan membanting tulang di pabrik demi mendapatkan sekedar bayaran yang amat rendah. Hidup yang membosankan, dengan tulang belakang yang berubah bentuk, dengan artritis yang kronis, dengan tangan yang buntung. Mereka menggigit bibir dan menahan sakit. Tidak ada pilihan lain. Dalam pikiran mereka, mereka berusaha mematikan – mengenyampingkan penghinaan rekan-rekan kerja, tidak marah atas cacian para mandor, dan dalam hal perempuan India, tidak bereaksi ketika suami mereka menampari mereka. Tahan sakit, kata mereka kepada diri sendiri, hadapi rasa sakit itu – sakit yang menusuk di tangan, sendi pangkal paha yang menipis, punggung yang kaku karena membungkuk di mesin jahit selama bertahun-tahun, tangan yang menebal karena mencuci baju dengan tangan, lutut yang kena rematik karena menyikat lantai dapur dengan pakaian dalam bekas suami mereka.
Ketika orangtua saya duduk menonton acara gulat pada hari Sabtu sore, teh jahe yang diberi susu di tangan mereka, mereka ingin dihibur, mereka ingin terbahak. Namun mereka juga mau agar orang baik, sesekali, bisa menang atas orang jahat. Mereka ingin si penggertak yang sok dan suka berteriak keras itu mendapat balasan setimpal. Mereka berdoa untuk si orang baik, yang tergeletak di kanvas, terjepit dalam kuncian jari-jari tangan, atau mencengkeram ginjal mereka karena kesakitan, untuk tidak menyerah. Kalau saja dia bisa bertahan sedikit lebih lama lagi, menahan sakit sebentar lagi dan menyelesaikan pertandingan. Kalau saja dia demikian, ada kesempatan bahwa dia bisa menang karena gulat memang demikian. Namun demikian, itu adalah kemenangan yang tipis sekali. Sang pemenang, kehabisan nafas, hampir tidak mampu melambai pada orang banyak. Kemenangan pada dasarnya adalah bertahan hidup.
* Conference/Diplomatic Interpreter and Certified PRO Translator (EN > ID and ID > EN)
* US State Department Contract Interpreter and Translator
* Native speaker of Indonesia
* Based in California, United States of America
TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS: Legal: Contracts, international treaties (bilateral and multi-lateral), notices, employee handbooks/manuals, declarations.
Business: Policies, advertisements/marketing materials, brochures/booklets, bank statements, bills, business letters, workshop and training materials/slide presentations, surveys and press releases.
Medical/Healthcare: Medical and pharmaceutical articles/instructions/patents, user guides, surveys and notices.
Military: Indonesian Oral Proficiency Testing materials, preparing and reviewing interpreter training and assessment curriculum/materials and text typology, creating cultural presentation (PowerPoint), Indonesian language consultant, various articles for a military magazine, Anti-Terrorism materials (e.g. vital installation security, designated defensive marksman, weapon systems, etc).
Technical: Locks and locking systems, CCTV, electric power systems, communication devices, physical/site and cyber security, website and product localization, localization of various software and OS, conducting on-site and off-site reviews (QA/QC) and translations for IT companies.
Economics: Training of the Trainers modules and evaluations, papers on Economics (for specialists/experts)
Business: Conference interpreting for various trainings and corporate/business meetings and functions (recognition, tours, interviews, live and recorded satellite broadcasts), and others.
Medical/Healthcare: Medical examinations and tests (hospitals, clinics, ERs, rehabilitation centers), family conferences, pre/post-ops, PTs/OTs, health educations, and mental health.
Miscellaneous: HBO Boxing (live broadcast), conducting interpreter skill and language (Indonesian) proficiency tests, interpreting meetings/briefings between various US governmental agencies (FBI, DOJ, DOD, DHS, ICE, FAA, Dept. of Education, etc) with their Indonesian counterparts on various topics, IEP (Individualized Education Program)/Special Ed meetings, hearings and assessments, briefings on NextGen ATS (Air Transportation System), human trafficking, economic development and international commerce, ATF Explosives K-9 Training, interpreting meetings between members of US and State Congress and staff with Indonesian members of parliament and staffers, interpreting for POTUS and other heads of goverment in summits and meetings.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: Presidential interpreter, interpreting for POTUS, interpreter for president, Jokowi Biden interpreter, White House interpreter, English Indonesian certified translator interpreter, certified translator, English into Indonesian, Indonesian into English, simultaneous interpreting. See more.Presidential interpreter, interpreting for POTUS, interpreter for president, Jokowi Biden interpreter, White House interpreter, English Indonesian certified translator interpreter, certified translator, English into Indonesian, Indonesian into English, simultaneous interpreting, conference interpreter, consecutive interpreter, legal interpreter, medical interpreter and translator, religion, Christianity, Christians, Bible, Scripture, theology, Biblical Studies, divinity, Gospel, faith, interpretation, Indonesian, immigration, medical, health care, insurance, legal, law, deposition, deponent, hearings, trial, court, mediation, business, financial, commerce, speech, non profit, agama, Kristen, Alkitab, Kitab Suci, teologi, studi Biblika, divinitas, Injil, iman, penerjemah, Indonesia, pendeta, imigrasi, kedokteran, kesehatan, pengobatan, hukum, deposisi, persidangan, usaha, bisnis, perdagangan, komersial, sambutan, nirlaba.. See less.
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